It Shouldn't Hurt to Be A Child


I am not talking about scrapes and skinned knees. I am not talking about best friends moving away or breaking up with your first boyfriend. I am not talking about growing pains either. This is about abuse.

No, no one really wants to talk about it. Nobody really wants to know what happens to thousands of children each and every day. We don't want to know if our next door neighbor smacks her baby. We look the other way when the father in the store drags his son around like a rag doll. We hear stories on the news about child molesters and we think, "Not in my neighborhood".

But they are in your neighborhood. Many of them are leaders of their communities, hold high ranking and high paying jobs, have lovely homes and "perfect" families.

There are no perfect families. Child abuse is real. Children are hurt every minute, and many of them die. You can make a difference.

While you may not have extra money (who ever does?), and you may not have a lot of extra time, there is something you can do. Take a few minutes. Go to the print pages and begin your own It Shouldn't Hurt campaign. Wear a mint green ribbon. Sign the wall. Show that you care, that you want child abuse to stop, that you will stand up and fight for the rights of children everywhere to be safe, warm, happy, and cared for.

Your voice counts.


ribbon  It Shouldn't Hurt To Be A Child Campaign
This is what this page is all about. Directions for starting your own campaign, plus printable pages.

ribbon  Why I Made This Page
Telling you the story of how this all started.

ribbon  Holli's Mint Green Ribbon Campaign
Here is the story behind the Mint Green Ribbon, plus many other child abuse resources. Excellent site, and part of the inspiration for this site.

ribbon  The Day of The Child
The other inspiration for this page. Go sign the wall, check out the links, hear the music. This site is all about preventing child abuse. Triple A!

ribbon  My Personal Journey
This is my story of abuse, my own personal healing journey. Changing often as we grow and heal, so check back often.

ribbon  ASARian Incorporated
This is a non-profit organization serving survivors. Many resources, links, and free anonymous email accounts.

ribbon  Free To Be We
This is a webpage for an IRC chat that Tygerwolf Crew, Stephanie's Community, and I created for support of survivors and multiples. Still under construction but worth checking out!

ribbon  Tygerwolf Crew
This is a whole collection of pages relating to child abuse, depression, multiplicity, relationships, music, littles, and the kitchen sink too. TygerWolf Crew is a personal friend as well, and is going to be a fantastic therapist.

ribbon  Stephanie's Safe Haven
This is also a large collection of pages with a vast array of resources not only for survivors and mulitples, but for physical disabilities as well. Stephanie's Community is also a personal friend, and we miss her SO much!

ribbon  WeRMany
This is a webpage also based on an IRC chat. There are many resources here, including mailing lists and many links, and there is usually at least one person in the chat all the time. Many resources for all survivors, including their families, friends, and supporters.

ribbon  More Than Conquerors
This is one of the most extensive sites I have come across dealing with many types of abuse, including satanic ritual abuse and mind control. There are several mailing lists, links, reports, and just a wealth of information.

ribbon  Kerry's MPD Pages
This is another very good friend of mine, who has helped enormously in learning how to put webpages together. She has many very positive webpages and a 12 step discussion group for multiples. Kerry has an approach to taking personal responsibility that really empowers the survivor to victory over the effects of abuse.

ribbonThe Survivors Quilt
This is a virtual quilt of pages made by survivors to help others know they are not alone. It has many pages all in one place so that no one has to ever feel alone again, and we as survivors can come together in support of each other to heal and to help. Thanks to Deb for putting it together.

ribbon  Multiplicity, Abuse & Healing
This is another site full of information about abuse and multiplicity. Many links and resources. The owner of this site also created the following site.

ribbon  Hazards on the Internet
This is an informative page about cyber predators, keeping you aware of the hazards of the internet.

ribbon  Child Abuse Help, Love, and Understanding
This site is a very informative although still under contruction. It addresses many of those involved, from the victim to the survivor; the parent, teacher, and caregivers, and also how to report abuse. Also included are phone numbers to national hotlines to report child abuse. This page was put together by an old friend of mine that I haven't heard from in a long time. Great work Deud/EJ!!




