<BGSOUND SRC="/tom_askeland/blessusa.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Tom Askeland
Tom Askeland at a rally!
My Favorite Links:
California Republican Assembly
California Republican Party
Republican Party of Santa Clara County
Silicon Valley YRFC
My Mailing Address:
  Tom Askeland
  15253 Northlake Road
  Magalia, CA 95954
Tom Askeland
President George W. Bush
My Campaign 2000 Logo
Hello my name is Tom Askeland.  It is my priviledge to represent the Republican Party. In March 2000 I won the Primary Election as the Republican Candidate for the 23rd California State Assembly District. It was an interesting political race. I support the values that our country was founded on and I support the rights of the individual over the rights of the government.

In the life of nations, great turning points and pivotal elections are not always obvious at the time. Circumstances change, politics is full of surprises and history is unpredictable. November 2004 stands out with unusual clarity as a great moment of decision. I supported our Republican team, and I urge you to continue to do so as well.

The G.O.P. has offered a positive vision of hope, opportunity and common sense reform.  We have forthrightly addressed the big issues: education, of Social Security, access to quality health care for all Americans, tax relief, the liberation of Iraq and a strong national defense.

The Republican team has not flinched from tough choices. We have campaigned in a spirit of good faith, inclusiveness, and optimism. Our candidates have earned our enthusiastic support.

We must, however, guard against apathy. Please be sure you, your family, and your friends and neighbors get out and vote in every election. As we've seen in Iraq recently the opportunity to vote can not be taken for granted.
For a variety of reasons too numerous to discuss here, voter turnout in the United States in recent decades has been low and is declining. Don't think for a moment it doesn't matter. It does matter and you have an obligation to vote. It is the expression of democracy that has been paid for in blood by generations of U.S. Troops at home and in foreign lands.

We have an extraordinary opportunity in America. The Cold War is over, but we need coherent and principled leadership for a rapidly changing world, and a military ready to deter war if possible and win decisively if necessary. We are committed to these principles. At home, the economy is getting stronger. A growing surplus provides the means to both cut taxes and finance important  reforms. On education, Social Security and health care, our Republican team is right and our opposition is wrong.

On the social issues that have divided our nation for so long, we are committed to forge a bi-partisan approach to solving America's problems. We are committed to a future that leaves no one behind. We believe individual liberty is rooted in personal responsibility.

The moral dimension of leadership respects the moral and religious foundations of our Republic. We trust the American people to manage their own lives. The values (or lack of) of any secular or non secular group should never be imposed over the majority of our citizens.

For all these reasons, it is important for each and every one of us to vote whenever we have the chance to. We have as clear a choice as America has faced in at least a generation. Your vote does count. Please join me in helping to elect the Republican team.