Subj: saw your email
Where in XXXXXXXX are you? Don't waste time and effort moving. These
psychopaths will follow you and attack you wherever you go. I've moved 55 times,
25 in XXXXXXXX in and around XXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX counties. Your best efforts
should be directed toward the media and to legal groups that work with persons
with disabilities. The authorities deny the weapons exist and use them to
discredit people. The FBI and police and psychologists know about them and use
them. Due to the disbelief others treat you as if you are mentally ill. The law
clearly states that it does not matter if you are, only that some persons like
the government treats you differently because they THINK you are mentally ill.
So the idea is to get lawyers interested due to the discrimination and then to
address the electronic assaults. Lawyers are obtuse and take a lot of patience
to get through their dense minds.
Subj: RE: [MC] Sonic Weapons
Date: 9/10/99 5:08:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
My understanding is that the real estate industry is using this strategy and tools to accumulate land in neighborhoods for redevelopment. It is pretty plausible in these situations for neighbors to earn move out bonuses, etc. XXXXXXXX is a likely place for this to happen, depending on where you are. Gentrification is much more profitable when you can get a lot to sell quickly at as low a price as possible.If you go to Amazon and buy the latest books on non-lethal weapons, you will discover that the FBI and many other people do know about this technology. You may not have gone to the right group. You may have better luck if you go back with the research. Also....check in with Janes, it is the best website on arms. They have a non-lethal weapons conference in London in November where the various arms manufacturers and dealers may be able to answer your question.
Last but not least, the Department of Justice signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Defense around 1994 todetermine/develop and possibly prototype non-lethal weapons for domestic application. If you look at the extant to which they are using HUD (operation safe home) and a number of groups to drop paramilitary teams into local communities to do surveillance, sweeps and arrests in both government and private housing, it would not suprise me if they were prototyping this stuff in local communities. The current Covert Action Quarterly has a good article about New York police having access and using these types of weapons for ethnic cleansing kind of activies similar to HUD. You may want to find that author and see if he knows what groups, arms suppliers, etc.
The DOJ/DOD MOU is similar in concept I think to the one that DOJ had
Good luck
Subj: [MC] (no subject)
Date: 9/22/99 5:15:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time
I tried writing to you, but mail came back as undelivable....listen
it's ok this stuff is real and hud is behind it and
the real estate organizations they clear out areas and seel
cheap.....hud,,,,goes after sociopaths and forces
them to fo into hospital for what
else is new
Subj: RE: [MC] A Question?
Date: 9/22/99 8:56:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
I have personal second hand knowledge that HUD is one of the most corrupt
agency within the
Subj: [MC] A Question?
>From reading some of the information presented on this list and
>emails that were sent by members of this list, I was wondering if the
>that is harassing me is created and funded by a government money that is
>being illegally skimmed or obtained from a government agency,such as HUD.
Good question. This has been what I have been trying to figure out.
HUD is an enforcement operation that gives the federal government tremendous authority to be in and engineer activities within communities, including those used to retail drugs and some money laundering, as well as to hand out fees to political constituencies to own and control land and real estate in the particular place. The usual good government and libertarian forces do not object as the branding on HUD communities has persauded all that what is happening is entirely the fault of the citizenry. So this is a great place for what is about to happen to all of us to be tested....slow moving viruses, buying in all the guns, non-lethal weapons. Once the operations folks have worked out the kinds and established the precedents, they canmove it upscale quickly and we can do little.
In 1992-96, a series of decisions were made by the federal government to do ethnic cleansing in these communities, one of the goals of which was substantial real estate profits on gentrification. (Ex: See LA Times yesterday...modest apartments up in value in South Central by 100%). The way this is being done is part of the reason I believe that we are coming in to an effort to flip the business model back to legal drugs.
Theoretically, HUD subsidies and financing could fund properties and property management teams that could spend their time doing these things in support of gentrification or a variety of private activities. Think of it as a back door way of financing covert "black op" teams all across the country. If any of the rumours are true on the acceleration of ethnic cleansing in the US whether by round ups, incarceration, plagues, etc, this would be a perfect "force" multiplier. For example, HUD is putting out substantial drug elimination grants. What is that about? Popular novels seem to be saying something like this. "Gideon", recently named by People Magazine as page turner of the week, has the high level assasin parked on the payroll of Astor Management property management company in NY. I read it and said....hmmm...sounds like the Operation Safe Home and HUD enforcement game. Take a look at the Urban Fraud Iniatitive, designed to drop major teams in on black mayors in 2000.
Meantime, DOJ has a Memorandum of Understanding with DOD to develop/prototype non-lethal weapons for domestic application. Given the volume of the testing needed, where are they going to do it? HUD is a logical place. It has authority to ride around in surveillance vans, hand out cash to informants, and make arrests in local neighborhoods without any one noticing too much. Substantial efforts appear to made to cut local enforcement into multijurisdictional task forces which get a piece of the asset forfeitures and headlines that make this sweet for them.
Meantime, there appears to be plenty of money laundering through HUD properties and mortgage related operations. When the company leading on Promis software is making a big push in the mortgage software business and Bank Of New York has big fees in mortgages while allegedly vaccumming cleaning the core capital of Russia, we know the mortgage markets can not be unaffected. That means HUD because HUD has little disclosure and no capacity to see or prevent financial fraud. HUD personnel are focused on supporting ethnic cleansing operations to feed prisons and real estate gentrification. Consequently, another alternative is that HUD and related federal parties make sure that folks are free to take a % of the cash to finance these harrassment operations for a variety of purposes.
Last but not least, there are the reasons that we discuss. Trigger behavior, kill, etc. These are things that I am learning more about thanks to so many wonderful people on this list. (God bless you!)
Again, I would advise using Solari analytics to map out the money in your place. Who can make money doing this and why? How much can they make versus how much does it cost. That will show you risks and incentives for a variety of parties. If you know how all the money works in your community you can probably figure it out. We should have our website up in October if you are interested. If you check out the Operation Safe Home performance reports on the HUD IG piece of the HUD Home Page and track what places and what activies they are doing, you may see some patterns that inform your research and who HUD may be playing with.
All info on HUD appreciated. We intend to stop this silly business. We are sitting here doing the business plan for something called the Solari Militia. The idea is to use the law and markets to cut off and seize back their money in a way that makes us money. It seems to me that we can not do this, but all of us could. So the network model will have to work or else we are all going to be hearing noises pretty soon.
Please take care of yourself!
Catherine Austin Fitts
(Former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner-HUD/Bush
Subj: Re: America's Secret Police
Date: 11/7/99 9:51:04 PM Eastern Standard Time
Many years ago when I was targetted, they didn't have the current technology. I'd just get wierdos hanging out, strange cars parked in front of my apartment, usually white vans, cars following me, strangers saying things to me as they walked by, clicks, phantom rings and broken phone connections, etc. I combatted it by keeping a log of all unusual events, writing down the pertinent info as it ocurred. I also carried a camera with me and started taking pictures of these peckerheads. Then I got a gun for the house. Within 6 months I was off the target list & have been ever since. When you project an attitude of no fear they start to back off. When you begin to take counter measures they go away. They don't like victims that refuse to play the victim game. Look into becomeing a gun owner & be seen at several local ranges practising two shot groups. They are bullies. As soon as you are no longer easy pickings, they shrivel.
Hit back
Subj: Re: ALERT
Date: 12/18/99 8:57:27 AM Eastern Standard Time
They are using improvised building trades utensils. This crap works
through walls. It is not non-lethal!! In fact through their capability of
creating a
bubble in the fluid cavities of the human body, there is a great potentiial for a lethal effect.
Also they use vibrational (structural testing
equipment) devices to vibrate beams in a residence and then send a pulse
through the vibating medium. Believe me! If it
happens to you, you will swear you just got hit with a 'Proton
Beam'. But a slick unscrupulous landlord can do this by manipulating the
plumbing of his 'steam heating' system and take a pass on the
However, these people are not alone. Remember the wild anti-drug violence attributed to 'The Straight Edge' cult, or the 'Crackbusters of NYC' ? Groups whose violence was given a green light by the law enforcement community. These may be copycat offshoots of these groups.
Good Luck From The front Line
Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 1/2/00 10:49:36 AM Eastern Standard Time
Our goal is to get all un-American, non conformists off the streets, as
well as to make sure that the mentally ill such as yourself, receive the
treatment they so desperately need.
Date: ?
CHECK IT OUT. I copy/pasted it. I don't think it's HUD or DOD
as the writer thinks at all. This technology has been around a few years,
plus KGB techno is for sale. Did anyone see 60 minutes, the show with the
neighborhood watch keeping the punks out with video camera filming them doing
crime? I think it's this - and cops either can do nothing or won't do
Subj: Sonic Cannon
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 11:42:42 -0800 (PST)
This is to inform you that the weapon you describe, the sonic gun device was developed at the Bendix Research Laboratory, Detroit in 1966-67. A small group under the direction of the the US Army with funding routed through the NASA Moon Rovcer project did the developement work in 9 months along with the first tests. It was desiginated Sonic Linear Cannon ASC-57P. The newer designs can be readly carried on a person and will not show on any known metal detection device. They can be lethal from a range of 1000 meters.
One of the project team,
Subj: Re: Methodologies.
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 20:39:06 -0500 (EST)
Nice observation of "checklist method" of psychiatric diagnoses.
It has been my observation that there are a lot of people out there who are not familiar with the term "plausible deniability". You may not be; give that term a lot of thought.
Basically, if you seriously want to mess with someone you do it in such a way that anyone seriously describing what happened to them will immediately be suspected of being either a pathological liar or simply insane. That's a "plausibly deniable" attack strategy or tactic.
If I went after someone with a baseball bat, and they told someone I went after them with a baseball bat, that would be plausible. I could deny it, but my denial might be implausible.
If on the other hand I went after someone with a microwave oven that
could instantly be re-converted back to its normal state, and I attacked
someone with it, _even if they caught on to it_ and complained about it, I
could dismiss the charge by saying "attacked them with microwaves? How
plausible is that? they're paranoid!" -- and probably no more would come
of it... unless I was _absolutely known to have done this sort of thing
Subj: Re: [EWAR] Sonic
Hey Old Buddy,
How is it going? I am one of the gang from r dot com also known as You should check out a post by Joe Z on Alt.mindcontrol on the acoustic zip gun. It sounds like that could be one of the causes of your problems. Joe posted the first part I posted the second.
It is powered by extremely powerful compressed air columns in excess of 3000lb psi. It fills up a pressure chamber, at which point a relase valve or rather a quick release trigger releases the gas. AT this point it forces it's way into a smaller tube, preferably in a circular motion. Upon exiting the air is traveling in excess of Mach 1.
The trick here though is the size of the opening. If it is gauged right (study the tuba) it will not only create a sonic boom but a 'low-frequency sonic boom!! It can't be heard, only felt. In addition the low frequency shockwave will carry an extremely high impact force wave along--THROUGH THE WALLS---- The effects on beings are devastating. These things can be quite small.
This is a very 'dooable no-tech' way of creating probably the most intense sound wave possible and not spending a zillion dollars.
This post was for informational purposes only and in no way is ment as a solicitation or incitement to violence. Also you have to be careful when working the hold chamber for the 'shot' potential compressed air explosions. are devastatingly dangerous to 'YOU' the operator of the equipment.
ULtra I wish you well.
The Folks At R Dot Com
Subj: sound weapon
Date: 3/22/00 1:12:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
We need to remember history. People are so sheltered from the realities
of politics, greed, and control. The U.S. has plenty of history with repression,
although they do it covertly these days. Some shootings, have made the paper,
but the body count with respect to radiological weapons, well, not even a
whimper. They own the media, the judges and the "sway" of picking
jurors. Do not go to prison, or a mental institution, you will be as good as
dead at that point. The harsh reality, is to know what we are up against, and
it is big. Our investigations into them, must continue, as difficult as it is
on a daily basis, feeling outright lousy. Figure it this way, if your going,
their coming with you! Create a trail of evidence, phone conversations,
government plate numbers, pictures, forensic, etc. and do not use any
facilities from the government. The evidence will be "lost", another
word for thrown into the garbage, or falsified.
Subj: Sonic Non-Lethal Weapons
Date: 4/30/00 8:47:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time
your name was put on a list,you are considered expendable,I was put on a list by three men who can do it,,I was told I will be forced to go insane with these weapons and then killed with heart seizure...and soon....i believe it,totoally,I know all about these weapons...try to go to court and have your name taken off the list or take meds,if you take meds then you will not be see most people are put on the list because they are domestic adversaries,considered violent,,i refused the meds,I am not violent nor a domestic adversary,,,, so I am to be killed,,,i was put on the list because I protested and went against a rich man in this town who has access to these weapons....,,,i am an enviromental activist......
Hud controlled the list,,,it
is a rich mans way of killing and controlling poor men,by
poor men,,,,there is also a revolution going on in
the country,,,,,lots of reforms in govt.trying to stave off overt revolution.....that is why
lots of reforms......I have just finished several books on revolutions and we
fit the bill......!! any questions?
Subj: a victim
Date: 5/17/00 10:48:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time
These networks that use this technology is highly organized. Any lawyer
or doctor who does anything to put their use of these methods in jeopardy will
not be in business for long. A few years ago I was like you and believed there
could be justice against this type of thing. Well I must have been living
in a dream world because I soon found out how corrupt the system really
is. In the world we live in government doesn't see the people who use
this terrorism as a problem but rather the people who complain about it.
Subj: Information
Date: 10/8/00 3:34:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Your website is terrific! I'm glad you shared your technical knowledge
with us. These people that are attacking you are 100% GI Joes -
Subj: Re: War against the mentally ill
Much of your commentary closely matches the thoughts expressed in my
published and unpublished books. There is an issue with respect to HUD, but perhaps
not as you have been led to think. I am interested in hearing specifics
about who said what, when, and where. It turns out that HIGH OFFICIALS of HUD
have THEMSELVES been targeted by EMF attacks - possibly because of discovering
58 billion dollars has been diverted SOMEWHERE and because they threatened to
curtail the diversion. Thus it is conceivable that the information source you
have may prove helpful in tying these facts together and, thereby, help resolve
a number of related mysteries and stop wholesale attacks cold. Please advise
anything useful along these lines with respect to details or referral to
others. Give my eamil to them. Have them
visit my Web site so they know who I am.
Sub: Terrorism in the US of A
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 01:15:00 +0200
Hope you're hanging tough. Does the pig in your neighborhood resemble roach bug? (shine a light on him and see if he scurries away!) - I'd would love to meet him and talk about philosophy before his court martial. (he is most likely reading this message -so he probably gets the idea). There is only one question I have not answered yet, are these weapons operational when confronted with a water barrier? In exchange: These weapons are indeed portable (as you have noted) and can be used from the ground, car or even helicopters disguised with huge lights to resemble high flying satellites. But, for these weapons to be used from a helicopter the distance must be reduced in which you will certainly be able to identify it as a helicopter. Did you ever visit Citizens against Government Experimentation) ( before I closed it down? I have created replacement and will give you the address shortly.
Take Care!
Subj: Re: RE:Terrorism
in the
Slowly but surely the word is getting out on these government assholes.
Everyone that I told about it actually believed me and wanted signed statements
for future court use - not too many people trust our government these days! I
also went to the FBI and discovered that they were corrupt as well as the
various civil rights offices in which my occupation included writing reports
for. It is our duty to continue to get the word out no matter what as you
are aware. I believe that they have been doing their criminal deeds for a long
time now but earlier there was no internet (which now gives the people the
ability to inform people worldwide of their crimes against the people) - a
factor the government has not included in their traditional torture plans. So ,
we may have the initiative in this thing!
Subj: [MC] High tech weapons on TV
Date: 11/20/00 12:40:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
Alert for TV feature on new devices being, or that were, tested on
civilians in the US and Canada. They were developed for military purposes.
These weapons are discussed in Nick Begich's two
books, "Earth Rising," and "Angels Don't Play This HAARP."
Local police informants, and university psychology and psychiatric students are
being trained in the use of these devices on non consenting human subjects.
Subj: [MC] USSR Acoustic Weapons
Date: 11/23/00 7:51:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
FYI: Here is a little blurb I picked up off the Net.
Russians Continue Work On Sophisticated Acoustic
(Defense Electronics 03/94)
A visiting team of American defense experts witnessed first hand earlier
this year a brad array of lethal and non-lethal weapons under development by
Russian authorities. "They have a number of basic processes that will lead
to weapons in acoustics in everything from perimeter defense to aggressive
forces." said Hyannisport, MA based defense
consultant Janet Morris, who with husband Chris Morris, became in January the
first Americans every allowed inside the Center for Testing of Devices with
Non-Lethal Effects on Human in Moscow. "We saw a ten hertz acoustic
generator which would be used to deliver a pulse about the size of a baseball
that could knock you down or more, depending on how you power it," said
Morris, noting that the hand-held device can be precision targeted and
"kicked up to lethal level." Range of the hand-held acoustic
generator is "for close-in activities, hundred of yards, not miles,"
she said. "We looked at receiver-less communication device that uses
highly directional acoustic signals to deliver a 'deference tone' to
somebody," Morris continued. The device allows delivery of a signal
at the precise point where two acoustic signals cross. "Only you can hear
it because you can only hear it at the point of convergence," she
said. The Russian also demonstrated for the Morrises
a form of radar that identifies people behind walls or under rubble by
measuring heartbeat and respiration patterns. "It needs to dwell on you
for at least seven heart beats or respiration, then it can tell if you are
conscious or unconscious, and whether you are a person or, say a German
Shepherd," Morris said. The hand-held unit would be useful in natural
disaster search and rescue operations following earthquakes and floods, or for
identifying locations of highly concealed snipers or terrorists in a combat
zone or similarly lethal insurgency.
Subj: Psychological Warfare!
Date: 12/16/00 3:25:52 PM Eastern Standard Time
I found a group that uses psychological warfare to convince people that
they are in need of psychological help as define by their interpretations. They
are connected with a religious group that uses force to get rid of undesireables. Their definition of undesireable
is anyone who disagrees with their ideology or uses the same tactics that they
use. This includes people who aren't blind followers or may ask questions
before gassing other human beings with poisons. Believe me, the chemicals they
use are, by anyones definition, Poisons! If you think
they mean no harm, you are so sadly mistaken. Harass someone like they do is
harming physically as well as mentally. Hence, the term Going Postal is the
result of a person being harassed beyond their level of endurance. It makes
people Paranoid just like the perpetraitors
themselves. Some of the chemicals they use don't cause immediate death, but
they do cause heart problems, Liver damage, Lung damage, Nerve damage, and
Brain damage. You don't think they mean you harm?????? These psychos do mean
harm because that's what they do -harm people! To slowly drive someone to the
point of killing other innocent people is doing harm to others. Do you think
they care? HELL NO! If they drive you to the point where you go in a kill other
people who are innocent of any wrong doing to you or them, you don't think they
mean any harm? I think you may be identifying with your harassers. I can tellyou they are "the dumbass
jump to the wrong conclusion" assholes. They are not professional
Psychiatrists nor even pschologists. They are
Paranoid Scizos who are sadistic and enjoy harming
Subj: It's the Navy -they do what they want in the
Date: 2/7/01 9:36:01 AM Eastern Standard Time
If you are being harassed with chemicals and electronic devices such as the ones used to communicate with Dolphins, it's the good old US NAVY! Have you had white trucks following you and white vans parking around your house? Those are white US Navy vehicles. The Army use green vehicles and the Air Force use blue vehicles! The Navy is the only branch of the Military that has white vehicles and experiments on humans. It's true and the US Navy has the worst track record of all the branches of the military.
They are, without a doubt, engaged in neural experiments involving high tech neuro-phone sound devices that were originally developed for the deaf. The Navy has taken this device, and they are using it to harass civilians and experiment on the general civilian population. They start by picking you out because you fit a profile. I never hated anyone and trusted everybody yet I was not the kind of person to follow blindly. I fit the profile they wanted. Now they have to harass me in such a manner as to make me appear insane. They will break and enter your home while you're gone and install bugs. They also have their own Dentists that will do their dirty work for them. They recruit Doctors and other health care personnel to get you under their control.
They will put drugs in your food that mimic psychosis and laugh at you
when you react to these drugs. IT CONVINCES THOSE AROUND YOU THAT YOU
Some of their members belong to groups like the KKK and other hate
groups. They also have members that belong to Satanic Cults. They are the low
life trash of America turned loose on the general public. They are supported
with your tax dollars to go out and harass and experiment the general public.
This is liberty at work in America. This country is in a sad state and the
Military has too much power and they are abusing it to the extreme. Yes, it's
the givemint at work, and the President is aware that
this is going on. And, the justice department knows about it too and they
condone it as does congress. They don't realize that this could happen to
someone in their family too! Without a doubt, it will happen to someone in
their family one day and the shoe will be on the other foot.
Subject: Re: Mentally ill people targeted
I tend to think the aim is to "encourage" people onto medication. Perhaps I am being too forgiving in saying this. After all, this is unethical and immoral behaviour by most standards and something most would find unacceptable from the people purporting to be the pillars of society. But yes we are targeted with sophisticated (and not so sophistocated) classified technology. Nothing new here. Good to see other people know what is happening.
There has been a recent report here in Oztralia
where the drug companies have allegedly been paying doctor's to use their
products for research purposes without the patient's permission. Abuses of the
sort suggested have been going on throughout history. Read about the syphilis
experiments in amerika against the blacks. Personally
I don't find this recent news report too hard to believe. And "welcome to
the real world". (A quote from the movie 'The Matrix'.)
Subj: Re: [wnusp]
>Once the person is driven out of control and commits a violent act,
he or she
>can be declared violent and mentally ill by the system and legally
forced to
>take medication for the remainder of his or her life.
Personally, I would use a different model and different examples to come
to very similar conclusions. It seems to me that most of this is driven
by the pharmaceuticals and profits, with the full cooperation of prescribers and health professionals. I do think some
of us are triggered into unusual behavior by environmental and sociological
events in our lives and that the triggering may well be intentional. I think we
are living in a world that has little tolerance for difference, has fault
and blame as a value, asserts a hierarchy where people with psychiatric
disabilities are shunned and "othered."
Subj: Re: [MC]
I agree with some of your ideas. The Mental Health Community is definatly involved. The Mental Illness attack against
individuals has been so successful in the past that it has been expanded into a
larger Community based Vigilante movement. Look into "Community
Policing" and CPAC " Community Policing Advisory Committee" This
Law Enforcement / Civilian Organization already has the infra structure,
resources, and equipment to sustain large campaigns against individuals for
extended periods of time. They also have access to the equipment which is being
sold to groups in a franchise type arrangement. Community Policing can involve
Church groups, seniors groups, youth groups, educational institutions, etc etc. I believe I know a person who is involved in the
franchise sales of the equipment and training.
Subj: Re: [Illusions] RE:Forced medication
Hi! I know of a person who has a similiar
story about the DEA etc. This person has no access to a computer but tells a
identical story to the one below. To me it is highly unlikely this story even
remotely similiar could be fabricated with no inside
info to fortify or validate what they were stating. Very good post. I no longer
think this person is mentally i'll.
Subject: Re:
I totally agree with you but your words are not what I would use myself.
The people who are doing this sort of thing are not targeting the mentally ill.
They are targeting innocent people with the intention of making them exhibit
reactions that could be interpreted as someone being "mentally ill"
especially if/when a person divulge information about his/her experiences
of the sort of attacks that are waged against a persons mind, spirit, and body.
The idea is not to target the mentally ill but to make targeted
civilians\people appear mentally ill even though they are telling the truth
about their experiences and they do not suffer from paranoia. This can be done
to any healthy mind - the difference now is how the mind cope with these sort
of attacks. So they are creating "mentally ill patients" that could
be drug out of society out of normal healthy human beings! I personally believe
that these secret police are everywhere (this include outside the US) and
personify themselves to be some sort of social police - if you do not fit the
stereotype image (what is propagandised on
television), are able to think for yourself, and do not adhere to the crowd
mentalities then you have a big chance of being a target. They also hate
whistle-blowers and are a good front for the nazi
movement. Anyone can become their targets - these include politicians and
University professors. Part of the faction also enjoy carrying out illegal drug
and radiation experiments on their targets in order to create more profit for
their movement. Do you consider yourself as "mentally ill"?
Personally, I don't think you are. I've been to your web site and it has a lot
of information on non-lethal weapons as well as other tricks used by these
criminals. To get to the bottom of this: I would rephrase the subject as "
Subj: Re:
drug companies and the gov't that they pay
taxes too are the biggest drug dealers, it's not ok to smoke weed, or do what
ever mood altering substance of your choice get up in the morning and go to
work, but its ok to take paxil, ritalin
and every other over the counter drug and feel great and happy, or drink your
self to death, or kill a family of 4, and alcohol isn't made illegal, but light
up a joint and you go straight to jail
Subj: Re: Drug Companies Helping Fund Secret Police?
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 08:12:42 -0500
It's not at all farfetched. Look what the Eli Lilly Co. is doing lately
on TV. Marketing Sarafem (fluoxetine)
for what amounts to a totally normal and natural condition, woman's monthly
period. Thats right it's Prozac under a different
brand name since Prozac has such a bad reputation they just changed the name,
same drug(fluoxetine).
Subj: Re: [MC] Psychiatry Committing Fraud
First we have to deal with your definition of the 'mental health system' whatever that may be. Second, it could also be
people or persons who are prejudiced against a person whom they have
redefined as mentally ill in order to justify their prejudiced feelings
against said person. It (the action) requires some form of a
justification when it is done on an organizational level. E.G. the
redefinition of the person from 'weird' or 'different' or sinful, perhaps
morally insane(a faith based healing term) to mentally Ill. What you are
really referring to is the use of treatment as a form of punishment. In
the community of the Bronx where I reside Fishbay,
this has become a high art form. But Ultra sadly this, in the Fishbay example is almost always carried out by the religous end of the psychiatric crusaders.Also
in many cases both the field level workers as well trigger men of the devices
themselves are suffering from mental illnesses and the faith based
healing organization they now work for, gives them air cover from both
the mainstream mental health establishments (who may have been involved in
having them committed way back when) and the local eyes of law
enforcement. Is it fraud? Of course! It is also criminal assault with an
element of conspiracy mixed in as well.
Subj: Re: [high-tech-harassment] Re: Documentation?
You're dealing with the government, so law enforcement on all levels will look the other way. No victim's advocate group will take a case like this either, none. Not the ACLU, Amnesty International, nor any other. And good luck finding a lawyer that will take a case like this! All I can tell you is to hang on to what evidence and documentation you have, and continue to collect more. Use it in speaking out and informing people about what is happening (Don't bother with the mass media- they won't help either). The more people are made informed, the weaker the perps become! Until someone is able to get a case like this into court, just keep documenting , collecting evidence and talking.
Take care
Subj: [high-tech-harassment] Re: Documentation?
Sometimes private citizens do the dirty work of the local cops for them,
sort of a hidden police brutality. These people usually are members of a
neighborhood association, such as part of a block watch. They protect their
"neighborhood integrity" and property values in the same sense as the
Ku Klux Klan would do the same thing. Only their bigotry is based on police
stereotypes. Hiring a PI might get you more information on them, but you'd have
to sit on it until a good opportunity presents itself. The system helps them as
far as trying to keep them out of court.
Subj: [Re: High Tech Watergate
You are wrong. Active Physical Surveillance is used as a
tool by socialists to create the New World Order. Condit is a bisexual socialist, and Levy ran
a foul of some drug gang she was getting her drugs from. All of the Socialists are like that- they
coddle and fraternize with criminals. Conservatives are opposed to all of these
violations of individual rights you talk about.
The leftists-socialists think these technologies are the ultimate
"civil-rights" tools.
<The above reply is to the
following posting in a newsgroup>
High Tech Watergate
With today's advanced electronics
technology, extremely sophisticated surveillance technology has been developed
that can see and hear people through walls. This sophisticated surveillance
technology is operated out of sight from inside a house or apartment and can
actually see and hear through the walls of a neighboring house or apartment.
Images of people inside the neighboring house or apartment are displayed on a
video screen and their conversations are heard through a speaker on the
surveillance equipment. This surveillance technology gives an eavesdropper X-
With this surveillance technology, no
break-in to a person's home or apartment is necessary to place video or audio
eavesdropping bugs. From inside a house or apartment, where the surveillance
equipment is placed, images of people in the neighboring house or apartment and
their conversations can be recorded and used against them.
The break-in at Watergate which led
to President Nixon's resignation no longer has to happen. Political operatives
can simply move into a house or apartment next to a political opponent and use
this surveillance technology to see the political opponent's movements and hear
his or her conversations in his or her own home. The political opponent under
surveillance will never know he or she is under surveillance.
Extremist right-wing groups are using
this surveillance technology to slowly implement their extreme agenda. Public
officials who threaten this extreme agenda are placed under surveillance and
information is gathered about these targeted public officials that will be used
at a later time to embarrass the pubic officials or destroy their public
These right-wing groups are extremist
groups and are willing to take whatever measures are necessary to implement
their extreme agenda. Family members, mistresses, and friends of targeted
public officials are also placed under surveillance to assist in the gathering
of this damaging information.
Right-wing political leaders with
extreme views are aware of these high tech right-wing groups that are using
this surveillance technology. These political leaders secretly approve of the
surveillance against political opponents and covertly support the activities of
these groups.
There is one possibility that was
overlooked in the recent highly publicized case concerning the missing intern,
Chandra Levy. Right-wing political opponents of Gary Condit may have had Mr.
Condit and his mistress, Chandra Levy, placed under surveillance for a period
of time in an effort to discover ways to politically damage Mr. Condit and his
political party.
These right-wing groups resemble the
Nazi Party of past Nazi Germany. They would resort to kidnapping and even
murder to promote their extreme agenda. The possibility exists that Chandra
Levy was kidnapped and murdered in an effort to frame Mr. Condit. The objective
of such an action by these right-wing groups would be to destroy Mr. Condit's
political career and damage Democratic Party politically.
A right-wing group could have placed
Gary Condit and Chandra Levy under surveillance by moving into houses or
apartments next to Mr. Condit and Miss Levy and used the sophisticated
surveillance equipment to see their actions and hear their conversations in
their own homes.
A complete profile would have been
built of both Mr. Condit and Miss Levy. These complete profiles would be used
to determine how best to frame Mr. Condit. If one looks closely at the Gary
Condit scandal, the possibility exists that an extreme right-wing group could
have kidnapped and murdered Chandra Levy to frame Mr. Condit.
Other congresspersons from the
Democratic Party may have been placed under surveillance by these right-wing
groups but Mr. Condit's flamboyant personal life provided the perfect catalyst
to embarrass the Democratic Party and advance the right-wing group's agenda.
I know firsthand of the viciousness
of these extremist right-wing groups because I've been targeted by one of these
extremist groups for the last three years. These right-wing groups would
sacrifice the life of an innocent person for political gain.
The people who join these right-wing
groups are people who would join such hate groups as the KKK or Nazi Skin
Heads. These modern high tech extremist hate groups are now operating behind
the scenes where they are no longer visible to the general public and news
With media attention paid to recent
hate crimes, such as KKK cross burnings on African American's home lawns, hate
groups have found it difficult to implement their agenda by conventional means
used in the past.
With today's sophisticated
surveillance technology, these right-wing hate groups are using information
gathered with this surveillance technology to setup, frame, embarrass,
discredit, or even destroy people who stand in the way of implementing their
extreme agenda.
Right-wing political leaders are
supporting these right-wing groups as a last ditch effort to force their way of
life on America. Past efforts to force their way of life on America have
failed, so now they are using a far more aggressive and dangerous method to
achieve their goals. A war is being waged by the right-wing in this country for
the soul of America.
Subj: Re: High Tech Watergate [Yahoo! Clubs:
I saw this technology at a Police
Officers Convention years ago its nothing new. A police officer can drive by
your house and see EXACTLY what you are doing inside. This technology has been
present for 9 years. They can watch you eating watching TV even having sex. Big
Brother is watching and its not just Right Wing groups its the Government in
Subj: Re: High Tech Watergate [Yahoo! Clubs: Tiffani's Conspiracy Club]
Just because the courts say you can't
use such technology in court doesn't mean law enforcement can't use it. Our
privacy and freedom is slowly being wittled away.
Subj: [MC] They ain't
I have had to stopreading
most of the post these days because everyone sounds like a bunch of
whiners. I can't believe some of you
have not figured it out yet. The "perps" are not "perps". They are professional brain washers. Most brains don't need washing! If they are doing it to you, you are not
"thinking properly". You
Subj: Re: Please Help the Mentally ill
I did hear of a scal\ndal several years back wher doctors would commit ppl because they got money from the drug companies to do it.....they usually picked up the homless as no one really misses them and they are often over looked. But that was a *looooong* time back and since then laws have changed to make this a less likely occurance. I doubt you writing the prosecutor will do any good, thats like trying to get rid of prostitution and the drug ain't gonna happen.
Subj: [criticalpsychiatry]
Re: biological psychiatry=neo nazi eugenic
The Holocaust was the result of a
racist biological science which claimed to find genetic defects among specific groups
of people: 'Jews', 'Homosexuals', 'Schizophrenics' and others who were socially
discriminated. These alleged genetic defects turned human beings into
sub-humans who were exterminated in the name of cleansing the German nation.
The Nazis are gone. The 'Jews' and the 'Homosexuals' gained political power
against their persecutors. Those left are the 'schizophrenics'. And again a
scientific claim is made based on prejudice, hatred and persecution by means of
medical slander - namely: Psychiatric Genetics. The path of German/Nazi
Genetics led to Auschwitz - the path of the new Psychiatric Genetics leads to
persecution; to the torture of psychiatric forced treatment and to murder -
under the guise of prenatal Psychiatric assessment - thus: Neo-Nazi Eugenics
Subj: Re: Secret Police in Urban
Subj: [high-tech-harassment] Swoop and Squat
For all the poor MC and E-Harassment
victims that have a problem getting people to believe that others are
attempting to stage accidents that involve them. They would appear to have a
lot of company. Perp vehicles trying to play this
scam usually (but not always) involve several passengers driving old beat up
Subj: [high-tech-harassment] Big
Business/Harassment/Psychiatric Scams
Donald Soeken,
a former
Soeken is sometimes called the father of the
fight against abusive fitness-for-duty exams. While doing such exams for
federal employees at the Public Health Service's outpatient clinic in
Washington, D.C., in 1978, he discovered that many of the people sent to him
were either whistleblowers or people who had a personality clash with the boss.
The employer making the referrals expected him to give them the ammunition to
get rid of employees for mental health reasons.
After leaving the Public Health
Service in 1994, Soeken established Integrity International
to assist whistleblowers in the private sector. Since then, he has testified as
an expert witness in seventy psychiatric reprisal lawsuits. Soeken
warns anyone who will listen not to trust the company psychiatrist.
"If you assume the doctor is concerned
about your health and well-being, you've made a deadly assumption," he
says. "They are looking for any phrase or evidence they can use against
you to stereotype you as schizophrenic, paranoid, or delusional."
Subj: [high-tech-harassment] Operation BLEED
Operation BLEED and GREED, or
Here's your connection "and it's
a big one" between community vigilante groups, faith based healing and
Christian organizations, the dissemination of Surveillance, Mind control and
E-Harassment tech into the Community, the Military, Law Enforcement, the Legal
Community and just about every other Government Agency. Operation Weed and Seed
is a Department of Justice initiative that involves all manner of organizations
both Govenmental and Civilian. It is a part of the
Community Policing initiative which would also involve various Youth groups
etc. as well. Offshoots would be Citizens Patrol etc. Aspects of this initiative
could easily encompass shills, spin doctors and disinfo
artists working on the Internet. A similar initiative exists in Canada and I
would imagine a number of other Countries. Community Terrorists r' Us.A large part of the Community would have to be Criminalized
to carry out this little gem of an operation and I can guarrranty
you that the no-one would bother perping this type of
stuff unless they felt that they had protection from, very high up. This is
just about as "high up" as it gets. I have lost my home, business,
the ability to work and most of my health to "Weed and Seed". I'm
re-naming it to "Operation Bleed and Greed".
Subj: [high-tech-harassment] Secret Psych
Agents for God
The sequel to BLEED
In a wierd,
wonderful and twisted blend of non-lethal-weapons, thorazine
and Bibles we are proud to present The Unholy Triangle: Connecting the dots
between The Courts(Law Enforcement/Corrections), their network of
informants (mostly Right Wing Christian
Churches and groups) and the Psychiatric Community in perpetrating hate crimes
and crimes against humanity. Namely Electronic Harassment and more. Driving or
walking by a Church or seeing a Psych worker will never seem the same. I'm not
making this stuff up folks, it's engendered in Law and a full blown,
operational Community initiative. Beware of God's little secret agents. It's
not good enough to have Faith anymore, you need to be recuited
in God's Community based army so that we can get rid of anybody we don't like.
Subj: [Re: [370-FBIntimidation] The Government is Watching
I would be interested in what
happened that you realized something was going on-I can tell you law
enforcement will do NOTHING to investigate or help you in a situation like
this. I found that out the hard
way. No one will help you. That's why I wound up filing my law suit
myself. No attorney would touch it. I'm certain that if an attorney did take it
they would be threatened with disbarment or loss of business. It's a FINE
country we live in, isn't it! Oh by the
way, the same thing is taking place in Canada.
I belong to the Yahoo Groups Mind Control Forum and members on their from
Subj: Re: Social Cleansing Initiative of US
I have read your email. I tend to agree with what you say. I live in
London, UK. My suspicion deduced from my experience is that certain hate
religious groups have been and are operating in London, especially in areas
like Lambeth and Southwark
which are not only multiracial but have a lot of gay people living in them.
I have suspected that this harassment
might be operating from a political level. But there is no proof.
Subj: 666
Makes me think of Nazi
The FBI email:
NOTE: I received an email through my CompuServe account that had a
return email address of the FBI. I don’t know if this is an electronic
forgery or real. I placed a JPG screen capture copy of the email with its
header at the link listed directly below. The text of the email is listed after
the link.
Click here to view the JPG screen captured FBI
Subj: Warning - UltraSonics
Please cease disclosing information of UltraSonics,
or Class C Black Ops as we call them. This is your only warning, and the
government will take action if you do not follow orders.
- This message (including any attachments) contains confidential
information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by
law. - If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message
and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this
message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.
Subj: Re: Can the FBI do this?
Oh yes. The US Government is more apt to send you email than come knock
on your door. I'm sure that if you continue with this type of web page you'll
more than likely receive a stern letter in the mail.
Subj: FBI
Wait until they get a brand new agency with which to abuse civil
liberties in the guise of fighting terrorism. Nazi fascism with a convincing
position as the good guy. All of the past great civilisations/social
orders have fallen due to corruption/tyrrany in the
governing body, conflicting with man's natural urge to be independent and
resulting in revolution, which will eventually succeed if for the just
evolution of the social structure.
Be Well,
PS I would be very careful...the executive branch of the US is controlled
by a very dangerous force, and they're agenda is not for the benefit of the
citizens of the United States.
Subj: FBI email
Hello. I read your email and yes the FBI does this kind of stuff all the
time. It means that you have information that they do not want you to make
known to the public. If the email you received is the real thing you will know
soon enough. You will be getting strange phone calls at all hours of the night,
people watching you and things like that. It really isn't the best thing for
you to go to the law. Please, don't do it. Just keep looking over your shoulder
and be alert at all times.
Good luck to you. You have a great website.
Subj: through wall
cia has control
of a lot of this stuff. i spent two years in huntsville al down the street from redstone
arsenal where paperclip was born and other things...bush family
Subj: disinformation campaigns
I have been studying this 'secret police' in the
(I am not associated in any way, now or ever, to any of the crap
mentioned above, nor a promoter for any Web site or publisher ... or product or
marketing research organization ... or anything else! ... just an independent
researcher working entirely for my own reasons. If 'They' wanted me dead
(this goes for YOU too!), then we'd be dead already. I am not hiding from
anything or any one and have nothing to hide ... so anybody can reach me at ... my name is Clayton Winton, I'm in the phone
book where I live in XXXXXX, XX, USA, and I am not afraid
... because, resistence really is futile ... and no
matter how you attempt to 'cover your tracks', it won't help, whenever they
wish, they know exactly what you've written, said, andd/or
where you've gone/been. The Internet was developed by the DoD ... so, you have my express consent to post
this email in it's entirety, including my name and email address ... as I
encourage those in fear to contact me to discuss how to reduce the
stress-level and regain control of their lives, or, to share research in this
area. Thank you).
Yes, darling it's true. We do whatever we like because we're better than
you. We kill who we don't like, and little worms like you can't do anything
about it. You are pathetic and you should stop wasting your time. You can't do
anything because we are better than you. Can't you understand? Better
than you!!!!
law-enforcement technology
You are being misled, probably by corrupt police officers misusing
technology against you.
I am in a situation similar to yours in which corrupt law-enforcement
officers misusing law-enforcement technology against me. At first I did not know what the technology
was and just like you I thought it was some type of sound technology.
If you want to find out who is misusing law-enforcement technology
against you, first you need to find out the names of the special operations
squad or SWAT team of the Police Department that the corrupt law-enforcement
officer that is harassing you work at. I
can almost guaranteed those of the officers misusing law-enforcement technology
against you.
The technology is most probably classified millimeter wave bio radar used
for hostage terrorist situations. The
technology became available to law-enforcement in 1987 when President Reagan put
together The Justice Department program in which military technology would be
brought to law-enforcement to flight crime.
It is unfortunate that many corrupt law-enforcement officers in various
law-enforcement agencies, always the special operations squad and SWAT team of
the various law-enforcement agencies are misusing classified millimeterwave bioradar against
innocent citizens for their own illegal purposes. The FBI is not involved except that they have
not Control of the millimeterwave technology and how
is being used by the special operations squad and SWAT teams of the various
law-enforcement agencies.
There is no secret police except for the special operations squad and
SWAT teams that sometimes keep their name secret and many are misusing millimeterwave bioradar. The ones that keep their name secret from the
public are most probably once misusing millimeterwave
The millimeterwave technology that the
law-enforcement agencies have is embedded in a
A similar technology was used by the FBI in a
Go on the Internet and see if you can find the law-enforcement agency
that the corrupt law-enforcement officer that harassing you worked for. If you can, download as many pictures and
information as you can about the agency.
Then try to get the names off the special operations squad officers or
SWAT team members and you will have been names of the officers misusing
technology against you. I am much more
information but I am in the process of prenatal law-enforcement officers that
are misusing against me to Justice. Only
when you have enough information will the FBI assist you. The FBI is not in a hurry to make the
technology public and the special operations squad officers or SWAT team
members are aware of that and think that they can get away with violating
federal law by misusing the technology against innocent citizens. The technology will be in every doctor's
office in the future. It is designed to
manipulate electrical systems of humans from as far away as 2500 mi. plus. It is my guess that the person who previously
gave you information and misled you is possibly one of the corrupt officers
misusing millimeterwave technology against you.
Subj: UltraSonics
A sincere thanks for your website.
Imagine in 1998 trying to convince someone that someone could see everything
you did in your apartment and made it very obvious to you that they could do
just that. I quit trying. I couldn't believe it myself at times.
law-enforcement technology
You are being misled, probably by
corrupt police officers misusing technology against you.
I am in a situation similar to yours in which corrupt law-enforcement officers
misusing law-enforcement technology against me. At first I did not know
what the technology was and just like you I thought it was some type of sound
If you want to find out who is misusing law-enforcement technology against you,
first you need to find out the names of the special operations squad or SWAT
team of the Police Department that the corrupt law-enforcement officer that is
harassing you work at. I can almost guaranteed those of the officers misusing
law-enforcement technology against you.
The technology is most probably classified millimeter wave bio radar used for
hostage terrorist situations. The technology became available to
law-enforcement in 1987 when President Reagan put together The Justice Department
program in which military technology would be brought to law-enforcement to
flight crime. It is unfortunate that many corrupt law-enforcement
officers in various law-enforcement agencies, always the special operations
squad and SWAT team of the various law-enforcement agencies are misusing
classified millimeterwave bioradar
against innocent citizens for their own illegal purposes. The FBI is not
involved except that they have not Control of the millimeterwave
technology and how is being used by the special operations squad and SWAT teams
of the various law-enforcement agencies.
There is no secret police except for the special operations squad and SWAT
teams that sometimes keep their name secret and many are misusing millimeterwave bioradar. The
ones that keep their name secret from the public are most probably once
misusing millimeterwave technology.
The millimeterwave technology that the
law-enforcement agencies have is embedded in a
A similar technology was used by the FBI in a
Go on the Internet and see if you can find the law-enforcement agency that the
corrupt law-enforcement officer that harassing you worked for. If you can, download as many pictures and information as you can
about the agency. Then try to get the names off the special
operations squad officers or SWAT team members and you will have been names of
the officers misusing technology against you. I am much more information
but I am in the process of prenatal law-enforcement officers that are misusing
against me to Justice. Only when you have enough information will the FBI
assist you. The FBI is not in a hurry to make the technology public and
the special operations squad officers or SWAT team members are aware of that
and think that they can get away with violating federal law by misusing the
technology against innocent citizens. The technology will be in every
doctor's office in the future. It is designed to manipulate electrical
systems of humans from as far away as 2500 mi. plus. It is my guess that
the person who previously gave you information and misled you is possibly one
of the corrupt officers misusing millimeterwave
technology against you.
Do not use my name or e-mail name in any information you put on the web because
I am trying to take care my own situation right now .
You can contact my e-mail.
Subj: Ultrasonics
They're not waging a war against the mentally ill. There is no logical
reason to wage war against them. In a war you kill the enemy in any and every
way possible. In business, you kill the enemy profittably,
The royal bastards behind all this global profiteering simply use the mentally
ill as a never ending source of human guinea pigs, because society strips the
mentally ill of their credibility upon labelling them
mentally ill.
A mentally ill person is a non-person in pretty much every society on
earth. The boys behind the scenes can do whatever they like and even legally
study the results in real time and no matter what the victims might say, and no
matter who they might say it to, they will not be believed.
They are after all, mentally ill.
When a friend or loved one "goes insane" or is labelled mentally ill for whatever reason, we have learned
to see them as somebody else - a new and different person occupying the body of
our friend or loved one - who we neither like nor want to take care of, because
they've taken away our friend or loved one.
Those people our society has labelled mentally
ill are simply the most convenient and perfect subjects for all such corporate
shock testing and fascist human experimentation, as everyone on earth has
already written theese poor people off, out of hand.
Your posting made it appear this was not obvious. If I
was mistaken, my apologies. :)