UltraSonics-America's Secret Police


Keywords: Classified Government Technology, Non-Lethal Weapons, Sonic Weapons, Electromagnetic Weapons, Through-Wall Imaging Technology, Sonic Bullets, Sonic Lasers, Ultrasonic Lasers, Infrasonic Lasers, Government Harassment, Mind Control, Secret Police, Secret Government, High-Tech Harassment, Desegregation, and Social Engineering.



The United States government has a secret element that monitors, studies, influences, and shapes American society. This secret government operates above the law. Its existence is denied by the government and only a handful of specially selected prominent members of our society know of it. It conducts covert operations outside the United State and also domestic covert operations inside the United States.

The secret government uses the same classified surveillance technology against its own citizens as it does against foreign adversaries. Classified technology that can electronically see and hear through walls is being used to implement the secret government’s domestic agenda. Classified non-lethal weapons and harassment technology are being used to harass, attack, and murder American citizens.

A significant part of the secret government’s domestic agenda is a war against the mentally ill. The secret government wishes to strengthen laws against the mentally ill. In order to accomplish this, the public’s opinion of the mentally ill must be changed. The mentally ill are attacked and harassed with classified technology so they commit a violent act. The American public hears horrific stories, such as mothers killing their children because God told them to do it, and their opinion is altered into supporting the new laws.

The secret government also has been covertly infiltrating segregated white communities in order to desegregate the communities. The secret government is building the communities of tomorrow with social engineering. Classified surveillance technology is used to place community members who oppose desegregation under covert surveillance so strategies can be developed to desegregate the communities.

The secret government places organized crime members and gang members under surveillance with covert surveillance. Strategies are developed to rid communities of crime by targeting elements of a community that are engaged in illegal activities.

Please read the links below to learn more.



Click here to read “An Overview of America’s Secret Police"

Click here to read “UltraSonics-America’s Secret Police"

Click here to read “A True Story: Targeted by UltraSonics"

Click here to read "Interesting Emails"

Click here to read "Please Help"


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