The People's Republic of Texas Online Guerrilla Base
The official neo-Marxist insurgency against the Republic of Texas!

Encouraging revolution in nonexistant countries worldwide

Howdy Comrades!
A few years ago, some of our erstwhile fellow Texans discovered a century old legal loophole. Supposedly, Texas never became a state! Rightwingers statewide took the initiative to resurrect the Republic of Texas. Now us lefties get to destroy it!

Advocating insurrection since:
  1999-11-26 17:53

Endulge yourself in enemy propaganda!
The "State" of Texas
For all of y'all that are still in denial
The Republic of Texas
Capitalist dogs fronting as true Texans!
Republic of Texas A&M
Aggie Nationalism Home Page

Top Ten Reasons to Revolt Against the Republic of Texas
10.) It will help you relax after getting out of Houston traffic
9.) After Dallas ended, there's been nothing left to live for
8.) Unless we act, foreign journalists will constantly refer to as "The ROT"
7.) Guns are fun to play with
6.) Need a better story to tell grandkids than "I walked 9 miles in the snow" since it doesn't snow in Texas.
5.) Must get revenge for the Oilers leaving!
4.) A little war will be necessary, since the road crews are running out of reasons why they have to constantly repair I-45
3.) It's a good way to get a high school named after yourself
2.) A revolution is a solid opportunity to obliterate country music!
1.) Hell, it beats playing Solitaire
Join the Movement!

True Texans, unite! The Republic of Texas is tragically reifying the failed capitalist system! We must rebel!

Why don't you join our revolution? Sign up and declare war on tyranny! Now that Texas is free of the Yanquis oppressors, we cannot allow ourselves to become pawns to bourgeousie!

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Email General Jimbo

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