Welcome to my Guestbook! Please take the time to write down your thoughts and ideas.

Ronald - 12/24/00 03:23:48
My Email:somewhat_damaged_77@yahoo.com
Favorite Song:: Hurt -Nine Inch Nails
Favorite Book:: Trainspotting
What do you think about this page?: Fuckin A

Now You know This is what it feels like

jesus christ - 04/11/00 18:05:43
Favorite Song:: my own kcreationz pale face demon
Favorite Book:: diary of a drug fiend, aleister crowley
What do you think about this page?: well it lacks hard core pornography

hmmm so let me see, i just want to tell everyone about my one wish and that would be to kill everyone one at a time, starting with the faggots, niggaz,little girls, and worm fuckin boyz and most of the bitches that signed this guest book ~fraternally~666< r>
benny harrison - 03/20/00 04:08:06
My Email:java2@bellsouth.net
Favorite Song:: dont have one
Favorite Book:: im not much of a reader
What do you think about this page?: its awsome =)

hey baby! i guess i should write a lil something in here huh .yeah i really like your page here its cool. and i'll support you if you want me to =) love benny...

Raine - 02/18/00 05:28:00
My Email:afflicted_angel@bitch.zzn.com
Favorite Song:: right now, it's Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit
Favorite Book:: No One Here Gets Out Alive
What do you think about this page?: I think it's pretty damn good! *L*

I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who've been putting great and positive things in my guestbook, especially Nick! As for Nils inparticular who made that nasty little comment about tolerance, maybe you should think about how hypocritical that tatement was. And further more I am very tolerant. You do not know me, nor do you know the people I have to live around. If I wasn't as tolerant as I am, I would have killed many people a long time ago. I accept everyone, I think anyone can dress anyw y the want at anytime and it should not and does not effect the way they act. It's those who think the way you dress and the music you listen to should divide you from one another that are intolerant. So the next time you decide to preach the lesson of olerance, think about how you phrase it and if you yourself are actually as intolerant as those you speak about. ~Raine~

ray - 01/25/00 03:28:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/indie/lush
My Email:talkingshitaboutaprettysunset@strawberrymilk.zzn.com
Favorite Song:: she's a bomb shell-operation ivy
Favorite Book:: school is hell-the matt guy who does the simpsons
What do you think about this page?: yay! good!

yeah raine...almost all the establishments to drink coffee at have shitty people that work at them...but hey, there is always going to be shitty people. just remember that all of em are not. but the people at the one you go too, they diffently suck =P.< r>
Alex - 01/22/00 23:01:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/fallschirmjager9
My Email:fallschirmjager9@hotmail.com
Favorite Song:: Damn, theres like 30 of em but right now its probably Wait and Bleed by Slipknot
Favorite Book:: Um.. i guess it was Phantoms by Dean Koontz, or the little booklet in the Rammstein Sehnsucht cd. it had cool pictures
What do you think about this page?: why cant people just look past how we dress n stuff and see the people we are? oh uh well i like the page, it sucks that ya had to make it but u do what ya hafta : )

hey.. well uh.. im a guy, and i a "freak". Im also a searcher, and im studying Wicca. i listen to Rammstein Metallica Orgy Slipknot Tool Prodigy and whatever.. i dress semi normal, like jeans boots long sleeve shirt w/ a tshirt over it, but i would wear d fferent stuff if i could afford it. once i have a job im gonan start gettin more what i like, which is like fishnet stuff and u know like "freak" stuff. i guess. its hard to get a job here, where isnt it but freak stores, when u look like me. im 6'3", 15 ears old, and i have some peircings i nmy ears but thats al lreally. i dye my hair a good bit, its bright red right now. anyways im sure you really care :p but i just wanna tell ya that i know how it is bein a freak in a world of "normal" people.. im not ven really too freaky but since i min the heart of redneckville USA it sucks pretty bad.. anyways. nice site, people can be pretty dumb sometimes : (

Daisy - 01/22/00 18:39:27
What do you think about this page?: Groovy!

Wow, it's amazing how the story of Jimmy kinda resembles my life...well, excet for the suicide part. Great page, i'm looking forward to seeing you do even more on it.

Luebke - 01/22/00 12:10:14
My Email:alexander.bertl@gmx.de
Favorite Song:: Enter Sandman-Metallica
What do you think about this page?: no idea


Shaithis - 01/22/00 07:13:48
My Email:shaiten@home.com
Favorite Song:: The war within
What do you think about this page?: Very interesting


art - 01/22/00 05:48:44
My Email:art469@excite.com
Favorite Song:: anything by the doors
What do you think about this page?: great


Kalgari - 01/22/00 04:44:17
My URL:http://www.iforces.imlow.co.uk
My Email:kalgari@hotmail.com
Favorite Song:: Dj Brockie feat MC Det - "2 Time Freestyle"
Favorite Book:: The Master Key
What do you think about this page?: The page, good because someone for once has taken the bother to write something.

A collection of bitter comments from someone who is clearly quite nice when she wants to be. Mind you anyone who can write off every man in a whole state, either is hard to please, or lives in a different country to me.... (well the later is true at least), so maybe everyone male is actually a wanker in that state (I would not know).

Bryan Lilly - 01/22/00 02:02:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/thepark
My Email:blilly@inetone.net
Favorite Book:: The Wretched of the Earth, & Bag of Bones
What do you think about this page?: Very Cool

Facism is for the weak and impressionable! 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, let it be heard! never give in to false American doctrine! ok enough ranting, very nice page, never let anyone keep the truth from being heard...always be true to yourself. peace and love

Lizzette - 01/21/00 23:52:37
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/minuteofdecay
My Email:mistress_satanica@the600club.com
Favorite Song:: The Reflecting God ( at the moment)
Favorite Book:: Aline et Valcour-Marquis de Sade
What do you think about this page?: pretty nifty

I think you did a Great job...better than I could do that's for damn sure

Tammy - 01/21/00 23:25:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/LadyKarina/index.html
My Email:smilies69@hotmail.com
Favorite Song:: Peace Sells...But Who's Buying? - Megadeth
Favorite Book:: The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
What do you think about this page?: Man I think it's awesome.

Hey Raine, nice ass page. I think it's a really worthy cause you've got here. It's a shame that Garfield's was like that to you. I went in there and wrote "I am slowly going crazy" all over the fuckin tablecloth. Fuckin HypoChristians.

VampLove - 01/21/00 23:15:17
My URL:http://vamplove.tripod.com
My Email:vampie0615@aol.com
Favorite Song:: "Wasted" - Mazzy Star
Favorite Book:: "Am I Blue"
What do you think about this page?: kick ass

Hey, love the poetry. Can't wait to get out of WV either. Talk to you soon.

DragonChick - 01/21/00 23:11:16
My Email:MoonstoneGemini@hotmail.com
Favorite Song:: Engel
What do you think about this page?: It says what many are truly thinking but do not have the balls to say!

Keep the candle burning to lead us all home! Love the stuff you've got up so far. Anything I can do to help let me know!

HECTOR - 01/19/00 03:46:41
My Email:hidr_o@latinmail.com
What do you think about this page?: Cool

I wanna meet you my ICQ ID# 60653853

Hector - 01/19/00 03:43:51
My Email:hidr_o
What do you think about this page?: COOL

I wish to meet you my ICQ ID# 60653853

Nils - 01/14/00 17:19:41
My Email:president@superhelt.com
Favorite Song:: Allways look at the bright sides of life
Favorite Book:: John Irving: A prayer for Owen Meany
What do you think about this page?: Dont really know (yet)

Think you should sing a song about tolerance. Tolerance is to accept what is acceptable. Not to accept everything. Thats ignorance! Tolerance is a theoretical abstraction, since we get provoced by different things. How about nerds? How about political oponents? What if I wear fur? have you ever been intolerant yourself?

Nick - 12/28/99 04:06:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fireangel_wes/wes2.html
My Email:wonderwood@sprint.ca
Favorite Song:: currently Perfect Drug
Favorite Book:: Witching Hour
What do you think about this page?: I love what the page stands for, and the fact that it deals with acctual things that are in my view vital

I give you Raine high stands in my mind. I love the fact that even living in a place where i understand that 99% of the population consists of narrow-minded assholes you still keep an open mind Thank you for alowing my your time and thank you for the beautiful page and leting me view it. NiCk

Daisy - 12/09/99 21:44:34
My Email:posthuman16@hotmail.com
Favorite Song:: Somewhat Damaged - NIN
Favorite Book:: Eaters of the Dead, Michael Crichton
What do you think about this page?: a really cool page. i look forward to seeing more of it when it gets up and running, but so far it's pretty awesome.

i wish more people would do this - realize the truth and get their head from out their hypocritical, hateful asses.

Mrs. Freak aka Goddess of DEATH - 12/09/99 03:43:17
My URL:http://members.icq.com/27373334
My Email:I_luv_charile@manson.zzn.com
Favorite Song:: Crulty bought three Orchids by Cradle of filth
Favorite Book:: The Family (about "the family"
What do you think about this page?: Umm YOu duh !!

Well I just wanted to say awsome page .. keep up the good work .. damn I feel like a retarted prep chick for saying that ... hehe oh well .. N E ways kewl page .. :-) chat to you online .. Umm I don't have much to say sorry .. well have fun live high if y ur into that shit .. laterz hugz !!

ScooterKitty - 12/09/99 03:04:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il2/scooterkitty/
My Email:CatGirl@anet-chi.com
Favorite Song:: "Ana's Song" - Silverchair
Favorite Book:: "Interview With The Vampire" - Anne Rice
What do you think about this page?: Very cool

The page is lookin good, you've certainly brought attention to a rantworthy cause, keep it up...

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