

Charcha_2000 is a source for background information on the events in South Asia, intended primarily for users who wish to make a positive difference. We provide links to the original sources wherever possible, and strive to take you to the original content of all information and opinions. The rest is up to you to decide and use effectively and responsibly.
(Charcha_2000 is a non-commercial service, to be used for educational research and reference purposes.)

Pakistan Terrorism Studies

Pakistani Role in Terrorism Against United States of America (.pdf) Pakistan, The Taliban & General Musharraf: Contemporary Primer

Terrorism Articles & Essays

Anatomy of Terror, Inc General Musharraf's Links to Terrorism
September 11 Money Trail Some Question Pakistani Role In US War On Global Terror
Did ally Pakistan play role in 9-11? Senate Intelligence panel hears from Glass (fingers Pakistani ISI)
Inside Jihad, aka "Terrorism" Pakistani involvement in 9/11 (.pdf)
Nightmare on Flight IC814: Dress Rehearsal for Sept 11? In a Desolate House, Vestiges of a Violent 1999 Hijacking
Rep. Dan Burton & the Khalistan Connection to Global Terror Investment into the Kanishka (Air India) Bombings

Defamation Campaign NEW!!

The Attack on India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) by and the "Campaign To Stop Funding Hate"

Other Web Resources

South Asia Analysis Group - Research papers on South Asian events.
South Asia Terrorism Portal - Studies on the origins and elimination of terrorism in South Asia.
Pakistan Facts - Examines basis to declaring Pakistan a rogue nation due to its terrorism and nuclear proliferation policies.
Patterns of Global Terrorism - Reports complied by the US Dept of State, highlighting terrorism aroud the world.
Anti-Terrorism Campaign - Focuses on terrorism issues relating to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
India Media Information Center - News and analysis of social, economic, and technological happennings in India.
Archives - Charcha archives of terrorism related articles.