This page updated 13 May 2004.

[About Us] [Where is New Zealand?] [Where is Norsewood?] [History] [Founding Minutes] [Chief Fire Officers] [The Gwynne Pump] [Our 1st Vehicle] [Our 2nd appliance.] [Our 3rd appliance] [Our 4th appliance] [Our 5th appliance] [Our 6th & current appliance] [HonoursBoard] [Fire Station] [Our Tanker] [Our full crew] [Past members] [Gold Stars] [Pats Page]

This [ link] to our neighbours, Dannevirke, 20 ks away, a very informative site.

This link to over 8,000 world-wide fire & emergency services departments [Fire-Ems Network]

Secretary: Graham Cheer.
Site Editor: Pat Lawton.

Time & date at Norsewood, N.Z., is:

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