Movies |
Television Series |
1776 |
Alien Nation: Season 1 |
1984 |
Show: Season 1 |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Show: Season 2 |
2010: The Year We Make Contact |
Show: The Lost Episodes |
Adaptation |
Connections |
Airplane! |
Connections 2 |
Akira Kurosawa's Dreams |
Connections 3 |
Al Franken: God Spoke |
Critic, The |
Aladdin |
Curb Your
Enthusiasm: Season 1 |
Alice in
Wonderland |
Curb Your
Enthusiasm: Season 2 |
Alien Nation |
Curb Your
Enthusiasm: Season 3 |
Amadeus |
Curb Your
Enthusiasm: Season 4 |
Amandla!: A Revolution in Four Part Harmony |
Curb Your Enthusiasm:
Season 5 |
Amarcord |
Da Ali G Show -
The Complete First Season |
American Beauty |
Daily Show
(various episodes) |
An Inconvenient
Truth |
Daily Show with
Jon Stewart: Indecision 2004, The |
Anchorman |
Dr Katz: Professional Therapist: Season 1 |
And the Band
Played On |
Family Guy: Season 1 |
Angela's Ashes |
Family Guy: Season 2 |
Angels in America |
Family Guy: Season 3 |
Assassination of
Richard Nixon, The |
Family Guy: Season 4 |
Atomic Café, The |
Golden Girls,
The: Season 1 |
Autobiography of
Miss Jane Pittman, The |
Golden Girls,
The: Season 2 |
Awakenings |
Golden Girls,
The: Season 3 |
Back to the Future |
Golden Girls,
The: Season 4 |
Back to the Future
II |
Golden Girls,
The: Season 5 |
Back to the Future
Golden Girls,
The: Season 6 |
Bambi |
Golden Girls,
The: Season 7 |
Baraka |
I Love Lucy: Season 2 |
Barton Fink |
I Love Lucy: Season 5 |
Bean |
The: Season 1 |
Beautiful Mind, A |
Larry Sanders
Show, The: Season 1 |
Beautiful People |
Marvels: St. Louis Arch |
Beautiful Thing |
Office, The: Season 1 |
Beauty and the
Beast |
Office, The: Season 2 |
Being John
Malkovich |
Office, The: Series 1 |
Benny & Joon |
Office, The: Series 2 |
Best in Show |
Planet Earth: The Complete Collection |
Bill Clinton: 1996 Democratic Convention Speech |
Quantum Leap: Season 2, Disc 1 |
Bill Clinton: Speeches:
1993-2001 |
Queer as
Folk: Season 1 |
Bill Maher: New Rules |
Seinfeld: Season 1 |
Birdcage, The |
Seinfeld: Season 2 |
Björk: Volumen |
Seinfeld: Season 3 |
Black Hole, The |
Seinfeld: Season 4 |
Bonhoeffer |
Seinfeld: Season 5 |
Bopha! |
Seinfeld: Season 6 |
Borat |
Seinfeld: Season 7 |
Bowling for
Columbine |
Seinfeld: Season 8 |
Boys Don't Cry |
Seinfeld: Season 9 |
Braveheart |
South Park: Season 1 |
Brazil |
South Park: Season 2 |
Brokeback Mountain |
South Park: Season 3 |
Broken Hearts
Club, The |
South Park: Season 4 |
Buffalo 66 |
South Park: Season 5 |
Cabaret |
South Park: Season 6 |
Capote |
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 3, Disc 3 |
Carrie (2002) |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1 |
Catch a Fire |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2 |
Celluloid Closet,
The |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 3 |
Celts (Vol. I and
II), The |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 4 |
Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5 |
Charlie Rose: Milton Friedman |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 6 |
Chicago |
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 7 |
China Syndrome,
The |
Star Trek: Voyager:
Season 1 |
Chong Qing Sen Lin
(Chunking Express) |
Star Trek: Voyager:
Season 2 |
Chuck & Buck |
Star Trek: Voyager:
Season 3 |
Cidade de Deus
(City of God) |
Tom Green: Inside & Outside the Box |
Paradiso: Director's Cut |
Twilight Zone (various episodes) |
Citizen Kane |
Twilight Zone: Vol. 1, The |
City of Angels |
Twilight Zone: Vol. 3, The |
Civilization and
the Jews |
Twilight Zone: Vol. 4, The |
Clockwork Orange |
Close Encounters
of the Third Kind |
Clue |
Color Purple, The |
Comedy Central
Presents: Wanda Sykes |
Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (NOVA) |
Confessions of a
Dangerous Mind |
Contact |
Cool Hand Luke |
Count of Monte
Cristo, The |
Cowboys and Angels |
Crash |
Cry Freedom |
Cry, The Beloved
Country |
CSA: Confederate States of America |
Cube |
Cube 2: Hypercube |
Cube Zero |
Dahmer |
Dancer in the Dark |
Dances with Wolves |
Day After, The |
Dead Man |
Dead Poet's
Society |
Der Himmel über
Berlin (Wings of Desire) |
Diarios de
motocicleta (Motorcycle Diaries) |
Die Blechtrommel
(The Tin Drum) |
Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut |
Doors, The |
Dr. Strangelove |
Dreamcatcher |
Driving Miss Daisy |
Drop Dead Gorgeous |
Dumbo |
E.T. |
Scissorhands |
Elegant Universe,
The |
Elizabeth |
English Patient,
The |
Enquête sur le monde invisible (Investigations into the
Invisible World) |
Eternal Sunshine
of the Spotless Mind |
Europa Europa |
Evita |
Evolution Will Be Televised, The |
Exorcist, The |
Universe, The |
Fahrenheit 9/11 |
Falling Down |
Fundamentals |
Family Guy
Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story |
Fantasia 2000 |
Far From Heaven |
Farewell to Arms,
A |
Fargo |
Ferris Bueller's
Day Off |
Fiddler on the
Roof |
Field of Dreams |
Fight Club |
Final Solution |
Finding Nemo |
Finding Neverland |
Finding Neverland |
Flowers in the
Attic |
Fog of War, The |
Forrest Gump |
Frances |
Frida |
Game, The |
Gandhi |
Garden State |
Carlin: Back in Town |
Carlin: Complaints & Grievances |
Carlin: Jammin' in New York |
Ghostbusters |
Gladiator |
Glory |
The: Part I |
The: Part II |
The: Part III |
Gods &
Monsters |
Good Bye Lenin! |
Good Will Hunting |
Great Dictator,
The |
Gun, Germs and
Steel |
Hable Con Ella
(Talk to Her) |
Haiku Tunnel |
Handmaid's Tale,
The |
Hannibal |
Happiness |
Hedwig and the
Angry Inch |
Home at the End of
the World, A |
Hooch & Daddy-O |
Hotel Rwanda |
Hours, The |
House of Sand and
Fog |
How the Grinch
Stole Christmas |
Human Stain, The |
Hyperspace |
Ice Storm, The |
Argentina |
In America |
In My Country |
Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade |
Indiana Jones and
the Raiders of the Lost Arch |
Indiana Jones and
the Temple of Doom |
Insomnia |
Into the Arms of
Strangers: Stories of the
Kindertransport |
Islam: Empire of Faith |
It's a Wonderful
Life |
Jane Goodall's
Wild Chimpanzees: IMAX |
Jerk, The |
Jibeuro (The Way
Home) |
John Stossel: John Stossel Goes to Washington |
John Stossel: War on Drugs: War on Ourselves |
Karate Kid, The |
Kids in the
Hall: Brain Candy |
Kill Bill: Volume I |
Kill Bill: Volume II |
Killing Fields,
The |
Kingpin |
Kinsey |
Koyaanisqatsi |
Kukushka (The
Cuckoo) |
La cité des
enfants perdus (The City of Lost Children) |
La mala educación
(Bad Education) |
La Pianiste (The
Piano Teacher) |
La Vita è bella
(Life is Beautiful) |
Last King of
Scotland, The |
Last Supper, The |
Latter Days |
L'Auberge Espagnol
(The Spanish Apartment) |
Le Fabuleux destin
d'Amélie Poulain (Amelie) |
Les Invasions
Barbares (The Barbarian Invasions) |
Les Miserables in
Concert |
Les Vacances de
Monsieur Hulot (Mr. Hulot's Holiday) |
Life Aquatic with
Steve Zissou, The |
Life as a House |
Life Beyond Earth |
Lion King, The |
Little Mermaid,
The |
Little Women |
Lola rennt (Run
Lola Run) |
Long Walk Home,
The |
Longtime Companion |
Lord of the
Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The |
Lord of the
Rings: The Return of the King |
Lord of the
Rings: The Two Towers |
Lost in
Translation |
Lumumba |
MA Gay Marriage
Debate (C-SPAN) |
Machinist, The |
Made in USA: The East St. Louis Story (PBS) |
Madonna: The Video
Collection 1993-1999 |
Magnetic Storm
(NOVA) |
Man Who Knew too
Much, The |
Manhattan |
Mar adentro (The
Sea Inside) |
March of the
Penguins |
Matrix |
Maurice |
May |
Memento |
Microcosmos |
Midnight Express |
Million Dollar
Baby |
Minority Report |
Misery |
Mission, The |
Burning |
Monster |
Monty Python and
the Holy Grail |
Moulin Rouge |
Mr. Holland's Opus |
Mr. Smith Goes to
Washington |
Mulholland Dr. |
My Beautiful
Laundrette |
My Big Fat Greek
Wedding |
My Own Private
Idaho |
Mystic River |
Naked Gun |
Naked Gun 2 1/2 |
Naked Gun 33 1/3 |
Napolean Dynamite |
Naqoyqatsi |
Geographic: Extraterrestrial |
National Lampoon's
Christmas Vacation |
National Lampoon's
European Vacation |
National Lampoon's
Vacation |
Nausicaä |
Nell |
Neverending Story,
The |
Newton's Dark Secrets (NOVA) |
Nixon |
No Direction
Home: Bob Dylan |
No Man's Land |
North by Northwest |
Notorious C.H.O. |
Office Space |
One Nation Under
God |
Origins (NOVA) |
Paragraph 175 |
Patch of Blue, A |
Century: Asia Rising |
Phenomenon |
Philadelphia |
Pi |
Piano, The |
Pieces of April |
Pink Flamingos |
Pink Floyd: The Wall |
Pirates of Silicon
Valley |
Poltergeist |
Powaqqatsi |
Power of One, The |
Princess Monoke |
Pulp Fiction |
Queen, The |
Quills |
Radiohead: 7 Television Commercials |
Raisin in the Sun,
The |
Ran |
Rat Race |
Red Dragon |
Red Violin, The |
Requiem for a
Dream |
Robin Hood
(Disney) |
Rocky |
Roger & Me |
Romero |
Roots |
Royal Tenenbaums,
The |
Rules of
Attraction, The |
Russian Ark |
Same Sex America |
Saw |
Scarlet Letter,
The |
Schindler's List |
Secretary |
Sex and Lucia |
Redemption, The |
Shine |
Signs |
Silence of the
Lambs, The |
Sixth Sense |
Sleepy Hollow |
(Wild Strawberries) |
SNL: The Best of
Dana Carvey |
SNL: The Best of
Phil Hartman |
Something the Lord
Made |
Sophie's Choice |
Sound of Music,
The |
Soylent Green |
Spartacus |
St. Louis Centuries |
Stand by Me |
Star Trek I: The Motion Picture |
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan |
Star Trek
III: The Search for Spock |
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier |
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country |
Star Trek: First Contact |
Star Trek: Generations |
Star Trek: Insurrection |
Star Trek: Nemesis |
Star Wars Episode
I: The Phantom Menace |
Star Wars Episode
II: Attack of the Clones |
Star Wars Episode
III: Revenge of the Sith |
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope |
Star Wars Episode
V: The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars Episode
VI: Return of the Jedi |
Station Agent, The |
Stone Pillow |
Sunset Boulevard |
Super Size Me |
There's Something
About Mary |
This Boy's Life |
Throw Momma From
the Train |
Times of Harvey
Milk, The |
Titanic |
Todo Sobre Mi
Madre (All About My Mother) |
Total Recall |
Trainspotting |
Triumph des
Willens (Triumph of the Will) |
Tsotsi |
Tying the Knot |
Umberto D. |
Uncovered: The War on Iraq |
Unfolding Universe |
Unforgiven |
Unknown White Male |
Uzak (Distant) |
Vanilla Sky |
Vertigo |
Voices of Iraq |
Wag the Dog |
Waiting for
Guffman |
Waking Life |
Walking with
Prehistoric Beasts |
Wanda Sykes: Sick & Tired |
Wanda Sykes: Tongue Untied |
Wedding Wars |
Welcome to the
Dollhouse |
West Side Story |
What Dreams May
Come |
What Lies Beneath |
What's Eating
Gilbert Grape |
Who's Afraid of
Virginia Woolf? |
Wilde |
Wit |
Wizard of Oz, The |
Wonder Boys |
Work of Director
Christopher Cunningham, The |
Work of Director
Spike Jonez, The |
Work of Michel
Gondry, The |
Odysseys: South Africa |
Yellow Submarine |
Zus & Zo |