IMMIGRATION (this page is not complete)

1)  Anytime you artificially regulate one segment of society, you cause problems
     in another area.  Often you hurt the very group you intend to help.
2)  The Law of Black Markets tells us that forbidden activities will continue but
      under more horrendous conditions than before.
      A)  Honest immigrants will obey the restrictions and less desirable immigrants
           will ignore them entering the country en masse.
      B)  Smuggling exists because the price offsets the risks.
      C) Victims cannot report abuses due to the repercussions of illegal entry.
3)   JOBS!!!
     A)  Every immigrant is a new consumer for whatever you produce.
     B)  As Henry Ford knew, it would not be in the best interest of anyone
          for immigrants to replace US  workers with low-wage jobs because
          there would be no one to consume products being made.
     C)  Immigrants lower prices!!  "History has shown that cheap labor, like
           cheap goods is an economic boon to the people of a society." FFF

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