HEALTH CARE: Libertarians are nearly always for local and/or private control of an issue. Private industries have done a much better job of providing all kinds of care for those who are truly needy. Everytime you mandate services to a certain group, you hurt another. Guaranteed services steal from one citizen to provide for another and increase the number of those who wish to be on the receiving end.
1) The high cost of medical care is due to government intervention. More intervention would worsen, not improve the situation.
2) Prescriptions cost more in this nation because we have many more restrictions than other nations. Think we need these restrictions to keep the citizenry "safe"? People aren't falling over dead from prescriptions in other nations, so why are we so obsessed with over regulating everything? Afraid of untried medicine? Don't try it, then, but why prohibit everyone else from trying it? After reading about the "placebo effect" one has to question whether the results of most studies are even reliable. Patients have even shown improvement for false heart surgery as opposed to actual surgery.
3) Where do we get the idea that everyone is entitled to all things? This is Socialism and has failed every where it's been tried. Shall we provide dental care for everyone? Dental health is important. Do we provide $25 toe nail clippings for everyone who can't reach their toes due to pregnancy or obesity? Perhaps we should provide pets for everyone. Pets have been proven to improve health, shouldn't everyone be entitled to one (or more)? Animals have the right to good health. Perhaps we should provide health care for animals so their masters do well. Certainly we should provide automobiles for everyone since you can't get quality health care without transportation.
4) There are other things necessary for a decent life that we haven't provided all our citizens. A good lawyer is necessary when one is accused of something. It is so necessary that we do provide one for any citizen who cannot provide their own. However, are these free lawyers "good"? A citizen's liberty or freedom is definitely at stake when they don't have a "good" lawyer. It may explain why there is such an imbalance in the number of blacks in prison. If you can't afford a "good" lawyer, you're more liable to end up incarcerated. So, "quality" lawyers for everyone will be in our future if we keep thinking this way.
5) People often think we wouldn't provide help to the needy if government didn't force us. "Americans permit government to take 25% of their incomes to fund the massive welfare state and regulated society. Why wouldn't they be willing to voluntarily contribute 1 or 2 percent of their income to fund only the essential activities of government?" Jacob G. Hornberger, Freedom Daily, 8/98.
6) The private sector that conducts charitable services is much more efficient than government. Christians are told to "give freely", they are never told to take money from their neighbors to help "widows and fatherless boys."