Campaign Finance Reform

1)  CFR will give the "little guy" less input into the political process. .
     A)  Wealthier persons have the knowledge, lawyers, support & money to
           comply with complicated campaign laws.
2)  CFR makes it harder for organizations like Planned Parenthood, Christian
           Coalition, etc. to make donations to candidates that back their positions.
3)  CFR actually helps maintain the status quo since it makes it harder for challengers
     to get in and shake things up. Anything we do to make it harder for a challenger
     to get his/her message out makes it easier for the incumbent to ignore his/her
     A)  Gives huge advantages to the encumbents since challengers are limited in
          the amount of advertising they can put out
     B)  CFR discourages common citizens & encourages wealthier persons to run
     C)  CFR increases the power & importance of parties
     D)  CFR makes it harder for third parties to enter since the existing two parties
           have the lawyers, accountants, and technical experts to comply with laws.
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