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Please sign the new Guestbook if you have a minute!!
Hello and welcome to our  spot on the WWW!!!  Feel free to take a few minutes and browse around to learn a little about who we are, where we are and what we do!!
Where are we? We live in the town of Fairfield which is located in the State of MAINE!  If you click on the State of Maine flag you can go to the State website and learn more about this rural east coast state know as VACATIONLAND!  It's famous for lobster, potatoes, moose and as an escape from the hustle and bustle of busy lifestyles. 
What do we do?  Kelly and I are both Police Officers!  Actually I'm the Deputy Chief of Police and she is a Detective.  We both work for FAIRFIELD PD and have for quite some time.  Click on the Fairfield PD patch to learn more about the department!
Let's start with me!  I'm Darren Hooper.  This was the last "COP CARD" that I had done and it's about 1 to 1 1/2 years old.  I have since been promoted to D/C.  I'm currently in Virginia awaiting reassignment to U.N. CIVPOL in the Kosovo Mission.  Click on the card to go to my page for more info!!
For more info about the Kosovo Mission you can click above to go to my UNMIK Page!
Hi, I'm Kelly Hooper.  I am a  Detective for the Fairfield PD.  The "COP CARD" on the left shows me with our daughter AMANDA.  This was taken about a year or a year and a half ago.  Since then I have put away my uniform and moved into my new office.  Click on the card to go to my page!!
This Page is currently under construction and is in the process of being updated as are the others...Please bear with me while changes are made.
Thank you
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Please take a minute to sign the GUESTBOOK!
This site last updated on Jan 6th, 2002 at 09:35!  Thanks for stopping by!!