Welcome to Brad and
Alex's anti-racism site!

This picture is by the ARA and we thank them for this picture called "no fear". That is what is needed if racism is to be abolished..

Racism is defined as the belief in the superiority of ones own race.

A brief history of racism

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Racism has been around for a long time. They were sold as slaves since before the dark ages. On Christopher Columbus's voyages he had black slaves. Because of the way that they looked they were not respected. They did not fight back and the white men over whelmed them. The main reason that people did not like them is because, simply they were not like themselves. They were not thought of as people but as things that could be bought and sold at any time. During the middle ages Christianity spread and this subsided some of the slavery but did not abolish it. The worst time was the 15th century. This is when the modern slave trade began. The Europeans started to explore and build colonies. As they did this they toke many blacks as slaves. They were a form of cheap labour. The European powers toke control over this and started using it. In the 16th century the Spanish used the natives of South America and many died under the harsh conditions. The first Country to abolish slavery was Denmark. Next was the United States and soon after was Britain.

Why we did this.

Our Anti-Racist Action Page.


More on Nazi's


More on KKK

The Nazi theory was the idea that they were not only a more superior race but also in morality and in culture. The Nazi theory started in Germany and was most popular in the World Wars. The one man that represents Nazism the most is Adolf Hitler, he is the man that led Germany in the second world war. He was the leader of the Nazi party in the election. He brought the people hope after their downfall after the first world war. What he did not tell them was that they would go to war and kill many innocent people as they did this. Hitler was a racist man. He did not like the Communists or people of the Jewish faith. He disliked them because he could not believe that the German army had lost the war so he used the easiest scapegoat, the Jewish, he also used the communists. During the second world war he mass murdered millions of people because of their religion or the politics. He had gas chambers and penitration camp. These people faced the chance of death everyday for no good reason. Most of the Nazi power was lost after the second world war but it still lives on. It is present all over, the southern USA is known for it along with the KKK.

Catroons &




Ku Klux Klan

This is another racist organization that targeted black people. It started off as a prank of some sort but became much more. It started after the civil war in 1865 to 66. Black people had just been givin the same rights white's did and the KKK did not like this. They forcefully made sure that the black people could not do things such as voting. This is when it became an illeagal accociation. In 1869 the clan was officially disbanded. Unfortuantly this did not stop poeple. They kept going.

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