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Site Updated Monday, August 30, 2004
The Five Towns Israel
Activism Network
Israel Activist Web Site
Mission Statement
To get Action Email Alerts, Click Here:
or email FTISN-owner@yahoogroups.com

The Body Shop Boycott 1: 
From "Join the Boycott"
Take action at:

As per JTB, the Body Shop "is supporting a group that does advocate the "right to return" of all "Palestinian refugees" pursuant to UN Resolution 194 as the quoted text beneath it shows, that includes "Palestinian refugees" outside of Israel. Here's the link to the Arab group's website if you want to check for yourself (very bottom of page 5 and top of page 6)" 

The Spy Allegations - Damage Done
'Franklingate' appears more media hype than a substantive case of espionage.

Explaining the Arab-Israeli conflict through numbers

The Five Town Israel Activism Network's  Mission:

Get active! There are some great organizations and individuals in our community that have and are doing great things for Israel. We hope to serve as a catalyst and a nerve center, to get the word out about a variety of crucial activism projects. We will function as a conduit to leverage the great efforts of existing Pro-Israel organizations and get out community involved in them We will get the word out about Pro-Israel rallies, letter writing and email campaigns, media fairness projects, fund raising events, etc. Some of the organizations that we have worked with in the past include Americans for a Safe Israel, the ZOA, the Hebron Fund, Honestreporting.com, and VIPAC (Virtual Israel Political Committee). FTIAN is also affiliated with ShevetVoice.

ShevetVoice's  Mission
Home Page

ShevetVoice.com is a nonprofit tax exempt organization dedicated to educate and promote all pro-Israel activities starting with the NY area and enable direct communication between Israel supporters and Israelis by such ways as lectures, letters, pictures, videos clips and documentary films. 

We seek to be a conduit for voices, ideas, information, resources and action calls for the pro-Israel community.

We seek to be a one stop site for Israel-Overseas online connection for, support, education, events.

Call the U.S. White House now and thank Bush for standing by and supporting Israel at the UN! Urge him not to water down the promises he made to Sharon. 

PRES. GEORGE W. BUSH: Ph: (202) 456-1111
FAX: 202-456-2461

State Department Bureau of Public Affairs Comment Line can take your message right now: (202) 647-6575.

Home Page

If you want to fight bias in the media please visit HonestReporting,com
is looking to create an email database of at least 10,000 names worldwide. It will scrutinize the media for examples of blatant bias and will immediately inform its database of any offending articles, asking for them to complain directly to the news organization concerned

Also, read Media Frenzy - Biased Reporting

Join VIPACS mailing list! Make a commitment to send weekly letters via email to congress on behalf of Israel. Register right here with VIPAC, and you will receive weekly email reminders and sample letters to adapt and lobby your congressmen.
TheVirtual Israel Political Action Committee

Before You Do ANYTHING, click and see these two presentations.
Israel History In a Nut Shell
    Israel History In a Nut Shell Part 2

GREAT new information on Israel's security barrier
including new powerpoint. Need information on the fence? 
This is a great booklet, located on our home page.  http://standwithus.com/flyers/IsraelFence02.pdf
ISRAEL 101: Survival Kit for Dummies: http://masada2000.org

Discover Your Jewish Roots in the Golan! If Israel Keeps the Golan, The Golan Will Keep Israel!

The Golan Fund, Inc.

The Golan Fund is a non Profit organization in the U.S. Its objective is to support developing Jewish life in the Golan by strengthening the 32 communities and the city of Qatzrin.

To get involved, call 212-289-0650, or email at golanfund@golan.org.il
Join the Golan Information Server Mailing List .

Why Must Israel Keep the Golan? 

The Danger of Syria  
Responses to FAQS

The Generals' Letter to Capitol Hill is based on the assumption that while Israel has the prerogative to make critical errors, it is incumbent upon US constituents and legislators to focus AMERICAN INTERESTS. Important Golan facts by Yoram Ettinger
Submitted Ads and Letters New!

18,000 Golan Residents Challenge 5 Million Americans
To Find 18,000 Friends To Pledge $18 each
To PREVENT the UPROOTING Of Our Jewish Roots from the GOLAN.

Want to join a grass roots movement and work on specific, concrete projects to solidify Israel's connection to the Golan?
  • Passover Golan Wine Promotion

  • Golan Family Connection

  • Adopt a Golan School

  • Golan Town Twinning

Contact Moshe Barnea
(212) 397-1466 (212) 397-1467 Fax

Get Involved! Don't have history dictated to you. Don't have to ask yourselves,
"Where was I?"

TheVirtual Israel Political Action Committee

Join VIPACS mailing list! Make a commitment to send weekly letters via email to congress on behalf of Israel. Register right here with VIPAC, and you will receive weekly email reminders and sample letters to adapt and lobby your congressmen.

Your Donations are Urgently Needed!
We are working on behalf of the Golan Residents Committee to raise money for their Educational campaign. The money we raise will go to educate the Israeli public about the Golan's unique importance to the whole country, in terms of water, security and Jewish settlement.
Now you have two ways to make your pledge!
Make you Donation Online to Israel Via Credit Card

Click Here for Details

Make your tax deductible donations out to:
"Friends of the Golan Settlements Committee."
c/o Shapiro Law Offices ,

New York Golan Web Campaign,
788 East 18th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11230