Key elements of our Basic Common Law
- Right
of Trial by a jury of our peers.
- Innocent
unless, or until, actually proven guilty.
- Freedom
of Speech, therefore right of free access to a free press.
- Freedom
of peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Movement and of choice.
- Right
to sound rules of evidence, and to cross-examination of witnesses.
- Right
to publicly confront one's accusers, and to choose one's own legal defence.
- Freedom
from arrest except by authorized lawful warrant.
- Right
of immediate contact with one's family of legal counsel on being taken into custody.
- Right
of immediate release from custody if nothing incriminating is found within the time allowed.
- Right
to acquire, to hold and to retain private property.
- Right
to remain in possession of one's particular tools of trade, regardless of other debts.
- Freedom
of religion and belief, especially such education of one's children.
- Right
to privacy or to remain silent, if there is no defiance of just laws or true evidence.
- Right
to defend one's self, or one's family, property or friends.
- Right
to make a citizen's arrest, if the aim is to hand over into lawful custody and trial.
- Right
to bear arms in defence of self, family, propery and one's country if of good character, shown to be stable and possessing no criminal record of substance.
- Right
of choice of one's employment, if lawful.
- Freedom
of education, implying right to choose the schools and universities, etc., the teachers and textbooks or curriculum individuals so desired for themselves or their children.
- Right
to life and the elementary needs of food, clothing and shelter, hence the right to choose one's own food, health chare, doctors, hospitals and treatments.
- The responsibility
not to deny to any others any of these self-same rights and freedoms.
"To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, either right or justice."
(Magna Carta)
Post: PO Box 5078 West End Qld 4101 - Tel: (07) 3844-9798.