Beware any attempted Republic!

Grave Dangers for Australia -- and You!

--- If YOU lose your own non-party political Australian Crown,
then you will :--

  1. permanently lose protection of your rightly inherited common law -- replaced by government civil law (centralised power without worthwhile checks and balances to protect YOU).
  2. permanently lose secure claim over your own land and property -- because , if the Queen goes, so goes the Crown's protective custody of the land and therefore of your own title deed,  The outcome is the Government takes over legal titles and deals with all land as it pleases.
  3. permanently lose true independence of the judiciary, of YOUR judges and YOUR courts -- because, if the Queen goes, the Crown is no longer there to maintain the separation of powers as between government and judiciary, Our Law Courts become subject to government decree.
  4. permanently lose power to stop political party control of YOUR armed forces -- as the usual centralist, socialist power structure of a republic is opposed automatically to any democratic input by the general public.
  5. permanently lose true Freedom of Religion, with guaranteed liberties under valuable Christian principles -- while you are safeguarded by our God-given common law charters, real Christianity is voluntary and missionary, so that as individuals we all nevertheless have the right of Freedom of Religion and Belief (but accountable, spiritually, for our own choice).
  6. permanently lose the genuine values of YOUR senate, YOUR state constitutions and of YOUR Commonwealth Constitution with its untouched preamble -- all being as originally approved by the Australian People, the only valid amendments to such Constitutions being solely those carried by electors at subsequent referendums, Federal and State.
  7. permanently lose preservation of National Sovereignty and YOUR  historic Australian National Flag, and YOUR legal right to call on Britain's aid -- Remember Britain's 1982 rescue of the Falkland Islands: also, a republic will abandon our flag as it symbolizes values and freedoms most republics reject (Anzac Day, without doubt, would be phased out).
  8. permanently lose right to question crippling taxation and other heavy economic burdens -- with GST Tax Package increasingly showing grave weaknesses, Australians must demand immediate open public study and debate of well-researched and far more beneficial tax reform alternatives such as the 2% Easytax and the 33 cents per $100.00 National Debit Tax Systems, and of other recommended economic improvements.

Authorized by Mr Ian McLeod, Sumark Lodge, Maryvale, Warwick
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