What about our Australian-based Crown?

          Australia's form of government can be described as a Parliamentary democracy based on our Constitutional Monarchy.

          Such a Monarch who although our Sovereign, is accordingly bound by our Commonwealth Constitution just like all other Australian citizens.     Our Monarch is a separate and loyal Queen to each land wanting to share that Crown.

          The Queen thus cannot be called a foreigner!     Our Monarch, Elizabeth II, is Queen of Australia and is completely non-party political and naturally is an Australian citizen by constitutional adoption insofar as Australian affairs are concerned.

          To represent the Queen, we have our own Australian Governor-General -- our Administrative Head of State.     Our Constitution gives no recognition to the British Government or Parliament, nor in fact to our Prime Minister, Cabinet, or political parties, for the legislative power is given to all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives as equals serving their own respective electorates.

          Swearing allegiance to the Queen simply means she is the constitutional living instrument by which we are pledging loyalty to our own country.     All our Monarchs, like the Queen, must first, under God, publically take the Coronation Oath by which she directly pledges to us that she will uphold the Holy Bible (which still carries freedom of religion to us as individuals) and our free inheritance of individual rights and liberties under the common law charters.

          Let in a republic and all this goes -- especially the validity and security of your land title deeds because all that is only guaranteed by the presence here of our Monarchy ever since George III of England.

Authorized by Mr Ian McLeod, Sumark Lodge, Maryvale, Warwick
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