Mahathir's No-Contest Ruling A Hit

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Jan (Seachange Malaysia) - The UMNO Supreme Council's recent ruling that its two top posts of Party President and Deputy President will be uncontested at the party's next General Assembly has proved to be a hit among all component Barisan Nasional parties.

The ruling, brainchild of Mahathir, won the immediate support of UMNO Youth which declared that from henceforth, its leadership would also be uncontested. Said incumbent Youth leader Hishamuddin Hussein Onn: 'This brilliant idea will preserve unity among the grassroots in the face of the current serious threat of foreign re-colonisation. It is also possible that foreigners will sponsor their own marionettes in an open contest.' Hishamuddin also congratulate Mahathir for his political acumen and hoped that the latter would stay uncontested in his post long enough for science to find an elixir of life to combat his old age.

UMNO Wanita has also declared that its two top positions are "no-contest." Said the current head: 'It's no secret that women can become very bitchy, nasty and obnoxious while politicking. Hence, the "no-contest" ruling will help us to keep our sweet nature. She said that Mahathir would, from now on, be invited to appoint Wanita leaders in the same way that he had appointed Abdullah Badawi to the UMNO deputy presidency.

Her comments were echoed by MIC president, Samy Vellu who said that "no-contest" for top MIC posts will help counter the immaturity of the Indians who often behaved like spoilt kids out for a fight. He cited as example, accusations that he had cheated while contesting his parliamentary seat during the last general elections, adding that such accusations disgraced the entire Indian community whether or not they were true.

MCA President, Ling Liong Sik, also welcomed UMNO's move. Said Ling, 'The no-contest model has been practised by the Chinese Communist Party since they came into power. We have much to learn from them. After all, the Western type of democracy is not really suitable for Easterners because it leads to gross immorality, prostitution and drug addiction.' Ling also said that all MCA Central Committee positions would from now on, be appointed by the President while the latter would be "no-contest" until the President decided to step down.

Likewise, Gerakan President, Lim Keng Yaik also praised the "no-contest" idea as being an advancement on democracy. Said Lim: 'This is what we can expect from the Malaysia Boleh spirit of innovation. We are fortunate to have such a great and wise leader as our beloved Mahathir. Lim also stated that his party's recent squabble with the MCA could have been avoided if all important state government and exco positions in Penang had been decided by Mahathir himself. Lim further stated that he was willing to take down his pants to prove his loyalty to the PM.

Meanwhile, the government has been urged to pass a law making all parliamentary seats currently held by Barisan Nasional to be "no-contest" in the next general elections in 2004. However, seats currently under Opposition hands would still be contestable so as to allow BN an opportunity to wrest them to its side. Once won by BN, the seat would become "no-contest" in perpetuity.

Seachange Malaysia understands that Abdullah Badawi will be setting up a task force to explore the proposal more fully as one promoting greater national unity and inter-racial harmony.