To Live, Forever!


SPECIAL REPORT, Seachange Malaysia

April 29 2001

A worldwide competition for the best solution to enable Mahathir to live forever has produced dozens of bizarre proposals from as far afield as Tibet and Russia.

The 75-year old Prime Minister has been in power for 20 years, but enjoys the job so much that he wants to remain Malaysia’s top dog for all time, although Mother Nature may have other ideas. The ubiquitous Mahathir, however, has scant regard for the laws of either man or nature.

Speaking from his lavish Palace home, Mahathir said that it was clear the country still needed him, especially with the Opposition getting more dangerous by the day. “The country will explode into the utmost violence, bloodshed and chaos should I die and that is not a situation we’ll like to see,” he added. “Hence, I owe it to all my countrymen to live forever.”

There is an RM10 billion reward for anyone who can reverse the PM’s biological clock. The money has been put up by a consortium of Mahathir’s cronies, who stand to reap far more in financial benefits from his everlasting protection.

One cryogenic solution is hardly new: that Mahathir allows himself to be frozen in liquid nitrogen until such time when science discovers the means to reverse aging. But the PM is understood to be scornful over the prospect of an indeterminate deep freeze, with the prospect of being annihilated should the Opposition come to power while he is in cold storage.

A number of contestants set out their formulas for an elixir of youth. These have strange ingredients such as specially baked bullshit, the forked tongue of a viper, the sting of a scorpion and the tears of a crocodile. While all promised to enable him to continue exercising his faculties in the style to which has been accustomed to over the last twenty years, none, however, could provide anything like an ironclad guarantee.

A joint entry from a group of Tibetan monks proffered reincarnation in the style of their Dalai Lama as the royal road to eternal power. They accordingly offered their supernatural skills to help locate a re-born Mahathir. But the all-powerful PM does not relish the prospect of being once more reduced to a helpless infant, with the very real risk of being done away with before he is old enough to re-enter UMNO.

A more likeable proposal perhaps is progressive organ transplant, whereby Mahathir’s worn-out heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and all major organs will be replaced one at a time by newer substitutes. While the authoritarian leader will have no problem putting himself at the head of any organ recipient list, it is not known how the more difficult organs such as skin, bones and nervous system can be replaced. And the PM is never someone to go by half-measures.

A Russian scientist, however, has submitted a far more elegant solution: that Mahathir’s entire brain be transplanted into a younger body. This presumes that some young man will be willing to donate his entire self minus the grey matter, but it is expected that there will be no lack of volunteers from among the UMNO faithful. The donor’s brain will obviously have to be trashed, since it would be a waste of time transferring it to Mahathir’s decrepit body. But the PM’s brain will continue to age even when transplanted, hence this does not appear to be a long-term solution.

There may, however, be a high-tech answer to this, using the new science of computer neural networks. A professor at MIT has proposed that Mahathir’s entire brain be rebuilt, neuron-by-neuron, using transistors and that all his inter-neural connections be replicated using electronic circuits. The artificial brain would then be able to control a robot. The PM is reportedly attracted by the possibility of a world technological first: Mahathir re-invented as robot can be expected to do wonders for the faltering Multimedia Super Corridor. Unfortunately there is much doubt as to whether this machine would then possess normal human feelings, in particular, greed, hypocrisy, cruelty, hatred, vindictiveness and ruthlessness of which Mahathir has in plenty.

Malaysian bomohs (witch-doctors) have not been slow with their home-grown solutions. One of them promised to draw Mahathir’s soul out through his nostrils and into the body of a healthy target. The strong-minded Mahathir will then be able to unceremoniously expel the other soul with a flying kick, thus fully possessing the body. There is obvious appeal in so simple a technique — no messy operations or painstaking electronic reconstruction  — except that Mahathir has never really believed in souls, despite being a nominal Muslim.

With the prize money still unclaimed, Malaysians are breathing a huge sigh of relief. Said one: “Let us hope that nature takes its course before anyone comes up with any more brilliant ideas. We have always known that only the Hand of God can remove him.” For Mahathir who has never before lost any of life’s battles, the Grim Reaper could well prove to be too much of a match.

Reported by Tsu Nam

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