Shocking Election Dirty Trick

Wan Azizah, the leader of the National Justice Party contemplates a shocking election poster showing her face with the words "VOTE BARISAN NASIONAL" which shows how low the Barisan Nasional is prepared to stoop to win the Permatang Pauh seat. It is blatant, it is shameless and it lies openly without a shred of decency. You never thought they would go to this extent, but they did. When Mahathir said this will be the "dirtiest election ever" he already knew why.

From the advertising blitz of fear to fake issue of Harakah and fake posters of Wan Azizah endorsing BN, the recently completed elections has shown the ruling party descend into a cesspool of lies and deceit using whatever desperate measures they can cook up to win the people's vote. Isn't it chilling to know that the people behind the dirty tricks are holding the reins of power now?

This picture was published in a Chinses daily and Harakah. As for the mainstream newspapers they are certainly not interested in publishing the truth behind BN, only the lies propagated by BN. Small wonder that today's educated and well informed youth who have access to alternative sources of news are turning away from BN's moral bankruptcy. The amazing thing is that the party leaders are still totally clueless as to why.

Companion Article: Supremely Supine Press
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