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Miserable End to Anwar's Trial

While not entirely unexpected, the judgement of the Federal Court in upholding the conviction and sentencing of Anwar Ibrahim for corruption still pains all fair-minded Malaysians.

Those of us who may have had a glimmering hope that Chief Justice Dzaiddin will stand up to Mahathir and correct what was so clearly a travesty of justice should now abandon all hope. When God was giving out moral courage, He apparently gave it to only a few good humans. The three Federal court judges hearing Anwar's appeal are not among those chosen.

With this miserable end to Anwar Ibrahim's appeal, the work of the Mahathir Jaggernaut in steam-rolling all opposition and all accompanying notions of truth and justice has reached a point of utter completeness.

The muted reaction of the Malaysian public and the degrading support of the Bar Council chief are also part and parcel of Mahathir's dizzy success. The Opposition is in disarray and the most glorious days of Reformasi have receded away.

The sad truth is that there are ultimately no miracles -- in the end, the mighty and the evil win.

Can a nation really be so impoverished of leaders that it has to resort to begging a 76-year old prime minister to continue another 15 months in office despite his 20 years in power? Isn't it Mahathir himself who has brought us to this sorry state? After all, giants make sure that only grass grows at their feet. And the one man who might have been worthy of the challenge is languishing behind bars, a victim of executive fiat and judicial cowardice.

All Mahathir's minions may kowtow before him and sing his praises. But those of us who know the meaning oftruth and justice will not be dissuaded from the view that this is the man who has done the most damage to Malaysian democracy. For our country's sake, let us hope that giants like Mahathir are as rare as courageous judges.

Tsu Nam

New Waves

• Spitting on Justice An analysis of how the Federal judges hearing Anwar's appeal spat all over justice.

 • Monstrous Electoral Fraud Even Mugabi has things to learn from Mahathir.

• KLIA Madness Come take a flight into the land of white elephants.

Perwaja Scandal All evidence points to a gigantic coverup in the style of Mahathir and his cronies.

Legalising Phantom Voters Malaysia's bogus democracy becomes even more bogus.

• AG Returns Favour to Judge Two blackguards help each other out in evil deeds.

• Anwar Denied Justice Now see the judiciary kow-towing before Mahathir while Anwar's life hangs on a thread.

• Appoinment of Puppet AG Here comes an Attorney General bent double before Mahathir.

• Johor's Bridge of Folly Here comes a senseless megaproject benefitting only Mahathir's cronies.

• Urgent Message for Likas Voters.
Constitutional amendment to legalise phantom voters
A morally bankrupt government propose constitutional admendments to cling on to power in Sabah.

• Mahathir Feeds Fallacies to Students Mahathir exhorts students to remain blind and mute to the government corruption and abuses.

• Justice for Anwar Lawyer In allowing Zainur's appeal, the Federal Court flays Monster Judge Augustine Paul.

• Mahathir Attacks Judiciary But this proves that the judges must be doing something rigtht!

• The Good Ship Nanyang Sinks All the rules were broken to drive two semi-independent papers to the rocks.

• Playing With Numbers University quotas are the latest racial card played by UMNO.

• Mahathir Defends ISA The PM gives "morons" a lesson about the ISA.

• Monster Judge Decorated Shit-stained awards rain down upon his head as he kow-tows to Mahathir.

• Mahathir to Cheat Death A worldwide competition for solutions to the PM's aging problem has produce bizzare results.

• Mahathir the Corrupt But is he trying to clean some of the filth off or just adding gloss?

• Can the ISA Save Mahathir?Or is it the last desperate act of this aging, decrepit leader?

• Bomb Terror! Panic grips the nation as Opposition leaders are arrested for plotting a Malaysian Holocaust.

• Dream or Fantasy? Mahathir's OPP3 is a cloud-cuckoo document.

• Deserving What We Get Malaysians who voted BN must now do some soul-searching.

Updated News You Cannot Miss

The Age: Malaysia, the new Police State of Asia
FEER: Justice in Malaysia
AsiaTimes: Rights commission throws down the gauntlet
STS: Hollow victory for MCA chief
NST: No clear winner in Nanyang battle
The Guardian: Torture in the ISA gulag
STS: MCA chief's fate at stake
FEER: Malaysian judges show renewed independence
AWSJ: Judge claims of interference by corrupt Eusoff Chin

News Archive 2000 News Archive 2001

Last Updated 28 April 2001
Mahathir's Long Nose

Commentaries In

The Towering Waves of Change

Articles: Driftwood on Reformasea

• Time dotCom Bailout The Malaysian public has been robbed in broad daylight but what can they do?

• Kg Medan Riots: The PM's Arrogance Statements made by Mahathir are callous, insulting and moronic.

• Ezam's Illegal Arrest A hopelessly corrupt and morally bankrupt government further suppresses democracy in the country.

• Racial Unity before National Unity? A desperate Mahathir plays the race card, fanning the flames of racism to save himself and his moribund party.

• Malay Rights: Where to? To save his sinking ship, Mahathir exploits relentlessly the issue of Malay rights and Malay unity at the expense of the non-Malays.

• Mahathir Smears Malaysia's Savior Lying, louse-ridden dictator should have his tongue ripped out.

• Danaharta's Lame Explanation Truth gets mangled as Danaharta defends its RM$3 Billion bailout of Mahathir's top crony.

• Dramatic Crony Rescue It has emerged that Dahaharta bailed out one of Mahathir's cronies to the tune of RM$3 Billion.

• Black Shame Over Malaysia A selection of the international condemnation over the Anwar sodomy verdict.

• The Long And Bitter Road What are Anwar's chances of an early release from undeserved imprisonment?

• Mahathir the Xenophobe A paranoid and senile leader tries desperately to confuse.

• Justice On a Dunghill - The Finale The twisted logic of judge Arifin Jaka caps a sickening show trial

• Arifin's Sick Judgement This is how the puppet judge perverted justice to satisfy his slave master.

• Malaysia's Prime Shame The Father of Corruption also brings the country international disgrace.

When he has passed into the garbage bins of history a public toilet should be built over his grave so that Malaysians can pee on his memory. It will be a fitting tribute to the man who perverted Malaysian society by his pervasive evil.

• Anwar's Mitigation Plea Anwar's statement before his sentencing in the kangaroo court of Ariffin Jaka.

• Lies of Petronas Only simpletons can be taken in as the oil company tries to explain its low net worth.

• Mahathir vs Anwar Kim Quek analyses the truth of the matter as the sodomy trial ends.

In fact, reviewing the entire trial, the balance of evidence is so overwhelmingly tilted in favour of the Defence that it looks more like the Defence has succeeded in proving the ruling power guilty of political and criminal conspiracy to persecute Anwar, rather than Anwar is proven guilty of sexual offence.

• Milking the Cash Cow Malaysia's national oil company also supplies milk to Mahathir and cronies.

• Malaysia's Dirty Dozen These eleven men and one woman will forever hang in the nation's Gallery of Shame.

• Justice in Shambles The Malaysian judiciary is as corrupt as it is shameless.

• Two Corrupt Judges But one pot is definitey blacker than the other.

• Return of the Monster Judge Evil enough to make your flesh crawl, this is one judge from hell.

• Taiwan Titanic Sinks Kim Quek on the repercussions of this historic event on the UMNO Juggernaut.

• Father of Dogs Gets Two Months A depraved and perverted justice system lets down Malaysians again

• Badawi Whips Harakah Kim Quek on how the Home Ministry's action against Harakah raises serious questions.

• CLOB: Lessons in Immorality Kim Quek on the Malaysian authorities' display of naked greed at the conclusion of this long-running saga.

• Mahathir's Malaysia Where feudalism and the MSC co-exist uneasily.

• Can UMNO Change To Survive? Or will the Old and Untrustworthy Mariner steer it to the rocks?

• Fall of a Malaysian Hero: Chilling account of the Anwar Ibrahim saga. With pictures.

• Mother of all Liars: This is one Mother not lacking infants.

• Supremely Supine Press:
Repulsive local media and dirty election tricks.

• In Power Forever: Grubby electoral practices keep BN in driver's seat.

• Mockery of Democracy: Foreigners are not impressed with Mahathir's sham elections.

• A Fence With Two Sides: Malaysia desperately needs a two-party system for good governance.

• The Chinese Day of Shame: A post-election analysis.

• Don't Be Afraid Highly illuminating analysis of Mahathir's Malaysia.

• Kim Quek On Votes of Fear: Why Chinese voting in fear could bring on their own worst nightmare.

• Kim Quek on Hypocrisy of the ACA: A tainted organisation acts swiftly on Murad's affidavit.

• The MCA: An Analysis
Prime Lap Dogs: The MCA has neither bark nor bite.
Chinese As Swing Voters: How effective?
MCA Q and A: Don't expect to hear these at MCA rallies.

• The Price of Silence: Malaysians can no longer be silent over the shocking abuses.

• Mahathir's “My Way”: The terrifying ways by which Mahathir ensures loyalty among his minions

• Licensed for Licentiousness: In exchange for absolute loyalty, Mahathir's minions can do as they please.

• Revolting Sidekick: Mohtar Abdullah is arguably the most repulsive Attorney General in Malaysian history.

• Monster of a Judge: Malaysian justice defiled by this disgusting judge from Hell.

• In Contempt of a Contemptible Court: A court deserving no respect jailed Canadian journalist.

• Archive Material

Light Reading on the Shores of the Cybersea

• 1999 - The Year in Pictures: A photo essay of reformasi's finest moments and democracy's darkest hours.

• Mahathir's Palace of Versailles: Built for himself but blamed on Anwar's extravagance.

• ISA Not Enough Strange new Acts are being pushed through Parliament to complement the ISA.

• The Thoughts of Mahathir It's exam day for students enrolled in this unique course and one student is none too pleased.

• A Prison Poem for Anwar

• Acclaim for New Chief Justice Key givernment figures applaud Bobo the orang-utan in his new role.

• Shocking New Chief Justice Malaysia unveils a CJ said to restore judicial independence but it sounds like monkey business.

• How I Became A Hungry Ghost Ummi Hafilda Ali's astonishing story after her suicide! Why has she become Earthbound?

• The Hell of Augustine Paul The Monster Judge will not find the afterlife to his liking.

• Pictures From An Album: Happy holiday snaps show up a grossly tainted judiciary.

• See video of Pahang Mentri Besar's obscene gesture (500 kB)against Opposition supporters.

• The Picture of Disgrace The Malaysian team that made an imaginary jump over the South Pole.

• Ain't Like a Judge Whores are up in arms over frequent comparisons with judges.

• The Augustine Paul School of Puppet Judges The school receives an important visitor and the principal is anxious to please.

• The Rafidah Aziz School of Ball-Carrying The School presents its Annual Concert to admiring VIPs and parents.

• The Mahathir School of Lies and Hypocrisy The graduating class receives a visit from the school's founder who dispenses valuable tips.

• Advice From Mahathir Dropping pearls of "wisdom" the aged PM offers his worldly advice to an aspiring dictator.

• Back to the Future Augustine Paul, Ummi Hafilda Ali and Azizan Abu Bakar writes from the future.

• The Diary of Ariffin Jaka Part 2 A not too pleasant meeting between two judges involved in Anwar's trial.

• Mahathir's No-Contest Ruling A Hit: A new style of democracy is born in the spirit of "Malaysia Boleh" innovation.

• Mahathir's UnMalay Hari Raya: Photo of a section of well-wishers show few Malay faces. See also enlarged picture.

• The Making of a Malaysian Marionette: Abdullah Badawi's wife explains how her husband became Malaysia's top marionette.

• Brilliant Invention: A unique Malaysian invention will be a boon to dictators all over the world.

• A Picture Tells A Thousand Lies-- in the manipulative hands of deceitful editors. Click here for larger version or here for even larger. Or read the opinion of experts

• The New Force Behind UMNO UMNO now dances to a different tune.

• Beneath the Rain Tree: Highly disturbing Chinese pre-election short story.

• BN's Strategy of Fear Working Too Well: The strangest effects have been reported all over the country.

• Beyond the Junction of History: A chilling short story of Orwellian Malaysia in the year 2020.

• Local Media Chiefs Explain: Why local papers are free and responsible but a huge pinch of salt is needed.

• Ministers Explain Why Their Corruption Benefits You: Four corrupt Ministers exoll the virtues of corruption.

• Two Visions of Malaysia: A dream of two possible futures. Which do you want?

• The Diary of Ariffin Jaka: A highly personal page from the diary of the judge trying Anwar for sodomy.

• Mahathir Explains Anwar's Illness: PM warns that the true nature of Anwar's illness will shock a good many people.

• MCA Offers Free Psychiatric Treatment: The 1% of Chinese not backing BN just needs psychiatric treatment.

• The Election Commission Explains:Why 650,000 mostly young, anti-government voters are disenfranchised.

• The ACA Changes Its Name: So as to clear up public misconceptions about its role.

• MCA Changes Its Logo: Why the MCA decided to change its logo to that of a sheep's head.

• Archive Material

The Pearls of Reformasea

A selection of luminous articles, from the most heady days of Reformasi

• Never Ending Folly of Bakun A megalomania's dream but a nation's nightmare.
• Have We Been Colonised? Foreign colonists could not have ravaged the country more than Mahathir's cronies.
• The Will of Man: Anwar Ibrahim writes from prison after the verdict of his corruption trial.
• Malaysia's Contemptible Judiciary A judiciary rotten to the core is used as a tool of oppression.
• Mahathir's Ugly Agenda Verdict on Anwar's corruption trial follows script of Mahathir's agenda.
• Rain Of Terror: Sabri Zain's account of the demonstration on October 24 1998.
• A Many-Faceted Dictatorship: Has Mahathir succeeded where both Marcos and Suharto have failed?
• Voice of Silence: Rehman Rashid's beautiful piece The Voice of Silence will forever be treasured.
• Judiciary Enslaved: Mahathir destroyed the judiciary by removing Tun Salleh Abas and Tunku's warning.

Other Ports of Call

AFP News Malaysia
Laman Reformasi
Lim Kit Siang Homepage
Parti Keadilan Nasional
Sabri Zain's Reformasi Diary
Harakah Daily
Aliran Highly Recommended
Group of Concerned Citizens

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
Unless otherwise stated, all material on Seachange Malaysia can be freely copied and distributed