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General Activist Oriented Links And Resources | |||||||
Activism - Conservation - Environment - Social Movements - Freedom Of Information | |||||||
Access Reports -News source for professionals concerned with access to government information. ACLU Freedom of Information Act -A step by step guide to using the FOIA. Activism Training Materials & Resources -Organizing, outreach, protest, working the media, resources/research. Activist, The -Sections on politics, humanitarian issues, environmental concerns, photos, and much more. Alaska Department Of Fish And Game -The mission of the Division of Wildlife Conservation is to conserve and enhance Alaska's wildlife and to provide for a wide range of uses for the greatest benefit of current and future generations of the people. Amendments to The Constitution Of The United States -Complete from Amendment I to XXVI. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -ACLU homepage. American Social Movement Cultures -Study of the cultural forms and forms of culture active within American social movements. Amnesty International -Official website of Amnesty International. Anarchist Librarians Web -A movement of radical and anarchist librarians who are working towards a better world and socially responsible libraries. Animal Rights Resource Site -Community for people concerned about the welfare and rights of animals. Anti-Klan Home Page -A directory of resources provided by the North Manchester, Indiana, News-Journal, to help fight peddlers of hate. Aryan Problem, The -Discourse on Aryans and Naziism. Call To Action -"Our goal is to provide regional and national outreach for environmental, social justice and human rights issues and training for grass roots activists in their communities." Cause Communications -Cause Communications helps activists and nonprofits publicize important issues. CDC Freedom of Information Act Office -FOIA Home Page! Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors -CCCO supports and promotes individual and collective resistance to war and preparations for war. Centre for the Study of Social and Political Movements at the University of Kent at Canterbury -The study in Britain of social and political movements. Citizen's Guide to Using the FOIA -U.S. government document detailing "how to use" the FOIA. Civil Disobedience -Overview and history of civil disobedience. Clarity Web -Identifies and expounds upon such threats as global warming and weapons of mass destruction. Conservation and Environment -Discussion of the issues concerning the environment and endangered species. CyberActivist -Allows CNN viewers to watch CNN and simultaneously provide local, state, national, and international governmental officials with immediate e-mail feedback. Digital Freedom Network -The Digital Freedom Network (DFN) promotes human rights around the world by providing an online voice to those attacked simply for expressing themselves. Direct Action Gets the Goods -Treastise on direct activism action. E The People -A nonpartisan site helping over 400 online newspapers, television stations and Internet portals bring government closer to the people. Electronic Activist -Database currently contains contact information for U.S. senators and representatives, governors, and some state legislatures. Electronic Privacy Information Center -Freedom of Information Act. Endangered Species [EE-Link] -A breakdown of endangered species by location, region, group, etc. Endangered Species -Endangered species in Alaska. FBI FOIPA -Electronic reading room concerning the FOIA. Federation of American Scientists: Project on Government Secrecy -Through research, advocacy, and public education, the FAS Project on Government Secrecy works to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote public oversight. Flag Burning Page, The -Examines the issue of flag burning. Freedom of Information (FOI) -Portal to site concerned with freedom of information. Global Observatory: Social Movements -Details such movements as environmental, social movements of indigenous peoples, feminist social movements, labour social movements, new religious movements, and terrorism, guerrilla movements and freedom fighters. Grassroots.com -Political action network. HateWatch -Resource combating online bigotry. Human Rights Watch -Dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. Injustice Line -A web site devoted to exposing and publicizing injustices. James and Grace Lee Boggs Center -Center to nurture community leadership. Justice, Environmental -To supply information to students and the general public about Environmental Justice and about some of the current topics. Justice For Sale -PBS report on corrupt judicial systems. Klanwatch and Milita Task Force -Monitors hate groups and extremist activity throughout the United States. Liberty Activists -About freedom, rallies, organization, etc. Media Activism Kit -"How-to" guides for identifying, documenting and challenging inaccurate or unfair news coverage, along with information about how to promote independent media. Mobilization -Journal of research and theory specializing in social movements, protests and collective behavior. National Conservation Training Center -U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service conservation program. National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO) -To defend and extend the rights of conscientious objectors to war and violence. Nazism Exposed -Created to spread information about the activity of Nazi, fascists and extreme nationalists in Europe and on the Internet. NetAction's Virtual Activist Training Course -Using the internet for activist purposes. NetWarriors -NetWarriors is dedicated to reporting from the frontline while indigenous peoples' most fundamental rights remain at risk under the world community of nations. Nonviolence: Internet-Resources Collection (IGC) -To actively promote change toward a healthy society, one which is founded on principals of social justice, broadly shared economic opportunity, a robust democratic process, and sustainable environmental practices. ProActivist.com -Resources and reports pertaining to politics and activism. Propaganda and Psychological Warfare -A portal to sites which detail the history and usage of propaganda and psy warfare. Protest.Net -Activist media; a calendar of protests, meetings, and conferences. Religious Cult Archive -Examines cult thought control and identification. Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 -The full text from Section 1 to 7. Right-to-Know Network -Provides free access to numerous databases, text files, and conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development. Sample FOI Letter -Guide to creating a FOI letter. SALSA -Social Action and Leadership School for Activists. Social Movements -Extensive catalogue of social movements worldwide. SocioSite -Activism, collective action, social movemements, utopianism, and more. SPJ's FOIA Web Site -Society of Professional Journalists extensive FOI website. Sustainable Conservation -Sustainable Conservation advances the stewardship of land and water resources using innovative strategies that actively engage businesses and private landowners in conservation. Take Action -Extensive activist site with information on numerous topics. American Civil Rights Movement -A timeline of the movement. US Army -Records Management and Declassification Agency U.S. Constitution and Amendments -Complete text of both. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Division of Endangered Species World Campaign -Population, hunger, human rights, activism, environment. World Conservation Monitoring Centre -Provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own. Propaganda Techniques -Word Games: Name Calling. Interesting page. Wyoming U.S. District Court Case on Wolves in Yellowstone -Full text of the U. S. District Court, District of Wyoming's Order on the lawsuit involving wolves in Yellowstone National Park. |
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