Privatisation and Air Traffic Control
Labour Private/Public Partnership (say this is not privatisation), & support PPP for other projects
Conservative Moves towards full privatisation of the service, support privatisation ideas
Lib Dem Oppose most privatisation, favour public ownership
SNP Oppose all privatisation, favour public ownership
Green Oppose privatisation
SSP Oppose privatisation, favour public control, as well as public ownership of banks
Pro-Life Oppose in order to protect employment
Anti-C N/A
Radio Vet Oppose ATC privatisation, sees it as purely profit making
Constitution and Scotland
Labour Support devolution as the settled will of the Scottish People
Conservative Committed to make devolution work in Scotland
Lib Dem Support devolution and the devolved Scottish Parliament
SNP Support an Independent Scotland within Europe
Green Support greater decentralisation for the Parliament, giving it more powers. Support EU
SSP Fight for an Independent Socialist Scotland
Pro-Life N/A - but support devolution from evidence
UKIP Wish to abolish the Scottish Parliament, having one strong parliament in London.
Anti-C N/A - but general support
Radio Vet N/A - but general support
Tuition Fees
Labour Support the agreement reached by the Executive
Conservative Plan a 'saltire scheme' to give 'Free' education for all
Lib Dem Broadly support the agreement reached by the Executive
SNP Oppose tuition fees and wish return to a grant
Green Opposed tuition fees in the Parliament
SSP Object to tuition fees and want full grants restored
Pro-Life N/A
UKIP N/A - but would say the savings from leaving EU could pay for this
Anti-C Campaigns for cheaper studying
Radio Vet N/A
Roads, Traffic and the A77
Labour Plans to improve the A77, also take traffic off the road and put on rail
Conservative Imigiate upgrade of A77 to Motorway status. Support the use of cars
Lib Dem A77 upgrade to improve economy
SNP Imigate A77 upgrade
Green Support better use of cars, not anti-car but use car less and improve other transport
Pro-Life N/A
Anti-C N/A
Radio Vet Fights on 'Local issues', so presumably supports
Troon Harbour (NB since this first became an issue, Sea Cat also have announced all Belfast sailing will now leave from Troon.)
Labour Want progress on Troon, still to decide on Public Enquiry
Conservative N/A
Lib Dem Claim to be the first to ask for a Public Enquiry
SNP Support the project fully, but want developments to the road layout
Green Voice concerns over traffic increase and negative effect on local environment
Pro-Life N/A
Anti-C N/A
Radio Vet Supports a public enquiry on the issue
Local Council Services
Labour Deem cuts to be essential, but not on essential services, only the 'extra' services.
Conservative Say Labour have failed for pensioners, library users, tourism & music because of cuts
Lib Dem Oppose the cuts, say that with PR, the cuts would not have happened
SNP Criticise the council for the cuts, and the executive for the funding
Green Support the idea of voluntary groups, which the cuts effect
SSP Condemn the council for cuts, especially to the elderly
Pro-Life With to protect the elderly and children, so likely to voice concerns with this
Anti-C Supports better education, so interest on this, but N/A
Radio Vet N/A
On Jobs
Labour Ayr has seen an increase in jobs due to Labour, Shop Ctr expansion also gives jobs
Conservative Support more local jobs to prevent social exclusion
Lib Dem Delivering more money in the Scottish Parlaienmt for training
SNP ATC gives jobs and increase training and skills
Green Recycling project would give local jobs, organic farming would help farmers
SSP Give a minimum wage of £7 an hour and fight for workers rights
Pro-Life When we respect the right of life, employment will be successful resolved.
UKIP Membership of the EU causes job losses, we could do more outwith the EU
Anti-C N/A
Radio Vet Again, fight on local issues.
Labour have improved jobs by Min Wage, tax credit and the new deal
Conservative Protection of the Pound (Keep the Pound)
Lib Dem Support the introduction of PR for local councils
SNP Increase training and skills to provide more local jobs for local people
Green "Fresh Ayr" scheme to improve environment, beaches, etc and better animal welfare
SSP Raise the minimum wage to £7, campaign to abolish warrant sales (ponderings)
Pro-Life Stop the barbaric practice of abortion and euthanasia
UKIP improve education, health, etc by leaving the EU and spending the money elsewhere
Anti-C Campaign in the parliament to give consultation and to stop human cloning
Radio Vet A 'local candidate' who can 'represent local issues' with no party line to follow
There are of course, a raft of other national issues that they have a stance on, see the parties page for a link to their web-sites for details.
If you have any issue you want under the spotlight, let me know.