We also offer the Byzantine Liturgy.
July 24, 2008 was the 42nd Anniversary of the repose of Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh of Blessed Memory.
Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh
Martyr and Confessor of America
We seek members and clergy from all walks of life. If you have no Church home please consider us.
As a canonically established Orthodox Church who is recognized by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Episcopal Church USA we are the closest Church to the old world ethnic Churches available today. We are not a uniate Church and are not under the Pope of Rome. We are under Patriarch Nikon of the American Orthodox Patriarchate. Most non-scoba orthodox today in this country make various claims about their status and recognition but appear to be part of the independent movement. Those who seek to be part of a sacramental Church outside the old world Churches need to look no further. America is our canonical jurisdiction! As the American Church we offer all in doubt, lost or those who have fallen away from their former Church a new home if they willingly submit to the Patriarch & Synod.
We also use "Catholic" as "Universal" since we are Orthodox from the old world Russian Church, Moscow Patriarchate.
We oppose war as an instrument of oppression and enslavement. We support our troops and we remember those who have given their lives in the Armed Forces.
The majority of the clergy and directors oppose
Metropolitan Leland Metropolitan of North and South America, | |
Address: 722 Cedar Point Blvd., #1, Cedar Point, NC 28584 USA 1-252-557-1104 | The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and
Apostolic Church in North America |
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