H. Warren Kelly


_____________________Articles and Reviews - most are online, although some are PDF or text copy of the original.

___________________________________ Articles by Westword art writer and friend Michael Paglia

_____________________Museum and Gallery Affiliations - support this work and all those who work in the arts.

___________________________________Plus + Gallery, Denver, CO
___________________________________Pirate: A Contemporary Art Oasis, Denver
___________________________________Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design
___________________________________Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver
___________________________________Fine Arts Center of Colorado Springs
___________________________________Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins
___________________________________Western Colorado Center for the Arts

___________________________________Art Is OK, Albuquerque, NM
___________________________________The Albuquerque Museum
___________________________________Sage Fine Art, Taos, NM
___________________________________The Harwood Museum, Taos

___________________________________Chez Jumbo, New Orleans, LA
___________________________________ArtGaga Online Art Gallery