Comprehensive commentary and analysis of contemporary issues in Tasmanian poltiics.

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Summer 1999


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Referendum'99: Why Tasmanians rejected the  republic.


Homepage of the Liberal Party of Australia (Tas)


The Bacon Government is more than one year old.  What has it achieved?  The Spectator looks at the  Bacon Governments
first term in office and assesses its performance.  What and who are its strengths, and  weaknesses?
Find out here.


Homepage of the National Party of Australia


The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has completed its redistribution of Tasmania. Click here to look at the report.

Victorian Liberal State Director Peter Poggoli's performance in the Victorian election disaster will be examined as part of an internal review.  Is this the same Peter Poggoli who  gave advice to Tasmanian Liberals recently?

Which former ALP MHA and MLC has ridden off into the sunset,  which Lib MHA's are benchwarmers - find out in



Whither Tasmanian First?  The Tasmanian First party burst onto the Tasmanian political scene in 1996 amid the furore created by the federal governments new gun laws.  It attracted a significant following in rural areas of Tasmania and polled well in the 1998 state elelection,  especially in the sprawling rural electorate of Lyons.  But its fortunes since that time have declined.  It failed to make a significant impression in the subsequent federal election and has since been embroiled in internal party wrangling.  This story looks at the history and  future of the Tasmanian First Party in Tasmanian politics. Full story.

The union movement in Tasmania has publically attacked the state government over its failure to consult on issues such as the contentious industrial relations legislation now before the parliament. Union anger is compounded by the fact that both the Premier and Deputy Premier are former prominent trade union officials.  How serious is the rift and what are the implications for the state governments two top executives? 
Full story.

The months following the staging of the Olympic games in Sydney next year may prove to be too irresistable an opportunity for the Prime Minister John Howard.  An expected swag of gold medals and a feel good atmosphere could  prompt him towards an early election. The decision will hinge on a number of key factors including public acceptance of the contoversial goods and services tax and the 2000 budget.  Our correspondent looks at the looming contests in Tasmania,  particualry in the five House of Representatives seats,  all currently held by the Labor Party.  Who are their likely opponents and when will they be announced?
Full story.

From politics, it was an easy step to silence. Jane Austen

Homepage of the Australian Democrats


Tasmanian First Party Homepage


Homepage of One Nation


Homepage of the ALP (Tas)


Your portal to the Tasmanian Parliament Hansard.

Homepage of the Tasmanian Greens

Check out the latest with up to date polling by Roy Morgan Research


1998 federal election Tasmanian results

Members    Senators

1998 state election results

House of Assembly

Legislative Council election results


Spectator Poll

You need Java to see this applet.

The mission of the Spectator is to facilitate informed debate on Tasmanian politics.  As such it welcomes contributions from individuals including politicians.  Articles,  letters and notices about forthcoming events can be e mailed to Please note that the editor of the Spectator retains the right to exercise editorial control and wll not publish material that is abusive or defamatory.

Who is your selec preferred Premier?


Jim Bacon

Which Tasmanian politicians are on the Web?  What are their sites like.  Check out our review section!  with cyberEYE.

Sue Napier

Peg Putt


The Spectator is copyright and unauthorised use of material contained therein is prohibited.  Inquiries can be directed to

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