<BGSOUND SRC="/adawitch/overtherainbow.mid">

Just the FACTS !

Deborah Ensing Millhuff served Ada Township as a responsible and
responsive representative for 15 years.

Clerk Millhuff is a professional Certified Municipal Clerk with  experience and education!

Clerk Millhuff establish an ETHIC's COMMITTEE rejected by everyone
but Trustee Rhoades and Treasurer Pratt. 

After the 2004 Election  in partnership with Treasurer Pratt, Clerk Millhuff established the 
By-Laws for the committee. Winning the support of 
John Westra and
the reluctant vote of
Township Supervisor the Ethic's Committee was formed.
Passing only by 1 Vote !
4 Yes ... 3 No
Two Trustee's who Voted NO are  now re-elected and
have the  ENDORSEMENT and Financial support
of  the "new" Clerk in November
The Susan Burton the new Township Clerk violated election laws  and  spent 10 X the amount of money 
to purchase a position she is not qualified for.

Why  would Burton be an active advocate of  board members
who opposed an ethic's review board  and not support those who did?
Why would Burton
oppose accountability in government?

Don't be fooled by the smile and a friendly face you put in office
Get the FACTS
Her "People" were warned not to do it!
Watch out Burton  the same people helping you now could be putting the knife in your back by this time next year
  was the Election Manager, Human Resource Manager, Information Specialist,
Accounts Payable Director, Passport Acceptance Center Director,
2010 Census Coordinator, Cemetery Manager  and Payroll Director.

Millhuff Chaired the Park Committee since 1992, she also Chairs the 4th of July Committee, Election Commission, Cemetery Committee and Administrative Committee.
She Chaired the Steering Committee for Roselle Park and organized the 1st Annual
Roselle Park Fall Festival in October 2007.
Millhuff a knowledgable representative of the people, for the people and not for only those with power and money.
Millhuff was involved in our community
on a daily basis.
Her voting record is fact based,
researched and represents the
  Not a circle of elite friends and big business. 
Clerk Millhuff did  not seek endorsements or  
donations from  groups or individuals!
She was not obligated to anyone!
NOT TRUE with Burton
no experience, no education in local government
Beholding only to special interest and on lies and false implications!
Written from the heart of the friends,family and supporters of  Deb E Millhuff

Michigan Township Association
Ada Township
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Deb Ensing Millhuff
Experience and Education