Nigerian Democratic Movement in the Netherlands

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The Nigerian Democratic Movement in the Netherlands (NDMN) is the nationwide platform of organisations of refugees coming from Nigeria. The NDMN looks after the interests and promotes the full participation of Nigerian refugees in all aspects of the Dutch society on a nationwide level.
The NDMN analyses the problems and needs of the Nigerian community that are pointed out by the community itself, Nigerian organisations, Nigerian authorities and Dutch institutions.
The NDMN bases on democratic starting-points and compliance of human rights.

The NDMN has the following strategic goals to accomplish her mission:

  • Policy influence
    • This means participating in the political debate in the Netherlands about the refugee policy and the integration policy of refugees.
  • Support
    • Under this concept fall all activities that have to do with organizing and supporting of the backing and their local organisations.
  • Representation
    • By performing activities aimed towards the development of a right and positive image about her own backing, their organisations and the Nigerians themselves.

The NDMN looks for active co-operation with organisations like VON, Prime, Amnesty International, Legal Aid and Terre des Hommes, which can contribute to reinforce the position and integration of the Nigerians in the Dutch society.
Within the framework of the stimulation of the integration and participation process, the NDMN realizes and stimulates nationwide projects and activities in the area of pointing out problems, information, dispersion of knowledge and executive formation. The NDMN also fulfils a negotiation and platform position within the Nigerian community. The policy of the NDMN is created and carried out by different organs. The final decision authority is in the hands of the congress, made up of representatives of all connected organisations.

The target group of the NDMN is the Nigerian refugees community in the Netherlands.

Nigerian Democratic Movement in the Netherlands
(Nigeriaanse Vereniging)
Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat 56
1054 SP  Amsterdam
Tel: 020-6892735
Fax: 020-6184469

Opening Hours:
Tuesdays to fridays from 10 AM - 3 PM

Email: NDMN