Biographical Information

    BASIC DATA: Born: March 4, 1944 in Dubrovnik, Croatia -  Residence: Belgrade, Bulevar 
    AVNOJ-a 151/III - Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (1967) - Master's 
    degree (MA) at  International Relations Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (1975), 
    Thesis: "Oil and Foreign Policy of the Arab States" - Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) at International Relations Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (1979), Doctoral Dissertation: "An Interpretation of Social Roots of the Creation of the State of Israel".

    WORK EXPERIENCE : 1967-1968: Journalist in Radio-Zagreb - 1968-1977: Research fellow 
    at the Institute for International Politics and Economics (IIPE), Belgrade - 1977-1980: Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Center for Regional Studies of the IIPE, Belgrade - 
    1980-1985: Deputy Director (Director of Research) of the IIPE, Belgrade - 1985 – Today: 
    Director of the Center for Strategic Studies (CSS), independent research center and think 
    tank in Belgrade

    PUBLICATONS AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Author of altogether about 100 research works (books (2), book chapters, studies, papers, analyses and articles in Yugoslav and  foreign periodical (40 in the foreign ones), about 30 presentations at conferences and seminars in Yugoslavia and abroad.  - Research fields: Global International Relations - Peace Research - Security Studies - European Studies - Mediterranean & Middle East Studies - Eastern 
    European Studies – Current research orientation: Intra-state conflicts and conflict resolution processes in the Balkans area, political behavior (especially in the former Yugoslavia countries). 

    MANAGING RESEARCH PROJECTS, EDITORIAL  AND LECTURING ACTIVITIES: Head of Yugoslav division of the UN (UNEP) project "BLUE PLAN", Belgrade- Zagreb-Cannes, 
    (1981-1982) - Head of Yugoslav division of UN (UNITAR) project "Prospects and Constraints 
    of the Mediterranean Co-operation in the Eighties", IAI-IPEI, Rome-Belgrade (1983) - Editor-
    in-Chief of the "Godisnjak IMPP" (IPEI Yearbook - 1978-1980) -)  - Lecturer on University of Bamako, Faculty of Law, (Mali) (1983) - Lecturer on Postgraduate Course, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Courses: "Regional Studies", "Mediterranean Studies" 
    (1982\83, 1983/84) - Lecturer for the course "Mediterranean Studies", Inter-University Center for Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik (1985, 1986) - Visiting Professor (Lecturer) on University of 
    Bari - Italy – 1997, 1998, 1999), University of  Sant.Angelo - Rome (1998, 1999) and University 
    of Florence (1998,1999) - Editor-in-Chief of the "CSS Survey", Monthly Review of the Center for Strategic Studies (1996 – 1998) - Editor-in-Chief of the "Medjunarodni odnosi” (International Relations), Independent Journal on International Affairs, Center for Strategic Studies 
    (1998 – 1999)

    MEMBERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS:  International Studies Association (ISA), USA (1986- )  Committee for Mediterranean Studies, Sassari, Italy (1983- ), Deputy Secretary General (1984-1987) - Contemplating Group for Scenarios of Development of the Mediterranean (UN-UNEP), Cannes, France (1983-1987) - Governing Board, AIRI, Rome (1989- ) - Editorial 
    Board of the Review NUOVA FASE, Edizioni Democrazia Domani, Rome (1994 - ) - Scientific Council of the Institute for the Study of the Greek Economy, Athens (1994 - ) - Program 
    Committee of the Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Rome (1997 -1999) – International 
    Law Association (ILA) (1993 -    ). 

    LANGUAGES: English, French, Italian, German, Serbian, Croatian (native)

    September, 1999


                                                               Last revised: November 1999