Selected Bibliography (1981 - 1999)

  • Internet i resavanje konflikata (Internet and Conflict Resolution), Medjunarodni odnosi, No.4/Vol.1, CSS, Belgrade, September 1998 (Article)
  • Balcani e processo di Barcelona (Balkans and Barcelona Process), Convegno "Maastricht, Amsterdam ...e poi". Ragusa, Giuglio 1998 (Conference paper) 
  • Comparative Analysis of the Process of Democratization and Ethnic Relations in FR Yugoslavia and the Russian Federation (editor, with V.Gorshkov and D.Janjic ): Center for Strategic Studies, Belgrade –  Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade - Russian Independent Institute for Social and Nationality Problems, Moscow, May 1997 (Study)

  • Measuring Democracy,, CSS Survey, Belgrade, 1997, No.13/97 (Article); 
  • Pogled na stanje ljudskih prava u Jugoslaviji (Review of the State of Human Rights in Yugoslavia), In: Comparative Analysis of the Process of Democratization and Ethnic 

  • Relations in FR Yugoslavia and the Russian Federation, Editor (with  V. Gorskhov and D.
    Janjic), Center for Strategic Studies, Belgrade –  Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade - 
    Russian Independent Institute for Social and Nationality Problems, Moscow, May 1997 (Study)
  • Italy and the Yugoslav Crisis,CSS Survey, No.16/97 Belgrade, 1997 (Conference Paper); 
  • Europe and Balkans, Conference of the Center for Mediterranean Studies (CMS), Podgorica - Montenegro, October 1997 (Conference Paper); 
  • Applying Internet in the International Studies, Review of International Affairs, No.1046/97, Belgrade, 1997 (Article);
  • Democratic Management of Ethnic Conflicts in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia

  • Belgrade, 1997, CSS Survey, No.17/97 (Conference Paper);
  • Odnos prema svetu kao element gradjanske svesti  (Public Perception of the World as an Element of Civil Consciousness - Part I), Nasa Borba, Belgrade,   22 August, 1997

  • Odnos prema svetu kao element gradjanske svesti (Public Perception of the World as an Element of Civil Consciousness - Part II), Nasa Borba, Belgrade, 25 August, 1997 
  • The New Mediterranean Strategy of the European Union and the Balkans, Belgrade, 1996, CSS Survey, No.10/96 (Article);

  • Protests in Serbia: Causes and Prospects, Belgrade, 1996, CSS Survey, No.12/96 (Article); 
  • KEBS i nova Evropa (CSCE and the New Europe), Review of International Affairs, No.1030/95, Belgrade, 1995 (Article); 
  • Common European and Defense Policy, Review of International Affairs, No.1033/95, Belgrade, 1995 (Article); 
  • Terorizam i savremeni svet (Terrorism and the Contemporary World), (Radio Free Europe) 

  • 14 May, 1995
  • Les resultats de la conference de Barcelone et la position des pays Balkaniques, Cagliari, 1995 (Conference Paper); 
  • Political and Security Dimensions of Mediterranean Co-operation on the Eve of the XX Century, International Conference of the Center for Mediterranean Studies, CMS, Kotor, 

  • 1995 (Conference paper); 
  • The New European Balance, Review of International Affairs, No.1029/94, Belgrade, 1994 (Article); 
  • La ex Jugoslavia: prospettive di stabilita, (Former Yugoslavia: Prospects for Stability)

  • Nuova Fase - Quaderni di Cultura e Politica Sociale, No.2/94, Rome, 1994 (Article);
  • Bivsa Jugoslavija: Izmedju evropske i bliskoistocne opcije (Former Yugoslavia: Between 

  • an European and a  Middle Eastern Option), CSS, Belgrade, 1992 (Study); 
  • Putevi normalizacije etnickih odnosa na jugoslovenskom prostoru (The Ways of Normalisation of Ethnic Relations in the Yugoslav Area), Collection of works "For a New Community", Peace and Crisis Management Foundation - Zug (Switzerland) & IPEI, Belgrade, 1992 (Article); 

  • Changes in the Eastern Europe and the International Terrorism, International Conference of Indian Institute for Non-Alignment, New Delhi, 1992 (Conference paper); 
  • New International Order - Prospectives and Dilemmas, International Conference of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 1991 (Conference Paper); 
  • Mediterranee: integration ou eclatement - les relations Est-Ouest et les perspectives mediterraneennes, (with the group of authors), Publisud, Paris, 1990 (Book chapter);
  • Les obstacles a la stabilisation de l`Europe, Revue de politique internationale, No.973/90, Belgrade, 1990 (Article); 
  • Non-Provocative Defense (Ed.- with Jasjit Singh), Lancer International, New Delhi, 1989 (Book); 
  • Les autonomies en tant que sujets de la cooperation mediterraneenne, Quaderni mediterranei, Atti del VII Seminario per la cooperazione mediterranea, Sassari, December 1985, (Conference paper); 

  • Jedna interpretacija drustvenih korena palestinskog pitanja" (An Interpretation of Social Roots of the Palestinian Question), IPEI, Belgrade, 1984 (Book); 
  • Yugoslavia in the Year 2000, UNEP, Belgrade-Cannes, 1983 (Study); 
  • Le role de la Yougoslavie dans les relations intramediterraneennes avec un apercu particulier sur ses rapports avec la CEE, UNEP, Paris, 1982 (Conference Paper); 
  • No Allineados - Veinte Anos Despues, Analisis, Septiembre 1982, Ano V, San Jose - (Costa Rica), 1982 (Article); 
  • La situation des etudes mediterraneennes en Yougoslavie, ISPROM, Cagliari, 1982, (Conference Paper); 
  • Nafta i spoljna politika arapskih drzava (Oil and Foreign Policy of the Arab States), IPEI, Belgrade, 1982, (Book); 
  • La Jugoslavia e la CEE, Dialogo Nord-Sud, No.27/X/81,Rome, 1981, (Article);


Last revised: August 1997