Bibliography (1981 - 1999)
Critical Assessment
of the Achievements of FR Yugoslavia’s Foreign Policy And Diplomacy,
International Studies Association 40th Annual Convention, 16-20 February
Washington DC (Conference paper) – Published
on Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO), May, 1999
Guide For Internet Use in Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations'
In Yugoslavia, Center
for Strategic Studies – Open Society Fund – Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 1999
– CD-ROM and website
Sull'abuso dei miti nazionali in processo
di disintegrazione dell'ex-Jugoslavia,
(About the Mistreatment of National
Myths in the Process of Disintegration of Yugoslavia),
Relazione all'Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, 1998 (Lecture
- mimeo);
Balcani oggi: un'interpretazione
della crisi jugoslava, (Balkans Today: An Interpretation
of the Yugoslav
Crisis) Relazione all'Universita
di Castel Sant'Angelo, Roma, 1998 (Lecture - mimeo)
Internet i nevladine organizacije, (Internet
and Non-Governmental Organizations),
Medjunarodni odnosi, No.45/Vol.1, CSS, Belgrade, October 1998 (Article)
Internet i resavanje konflikata (Internet and
Conflict Resolution), Medjunarodni
odnosi, No.4/Vol.1, CSS, Belgrade, September 1998 (Article)
Balcani e processo di Barcelona (Balkans and
Barcelona Process), Convegno "Maastricht,
Amsterdam ...e poi". Ragusa, Giuglio 1998 (Conference paper)
Global and Regional Preconditions for a Renewal
of Adriatic Cooperation, Adriatico,
Autumn 1997/Spring 1998, Podgorica (Montenegro),
1997 (Article)
for a Constructive Approach of the International Community to the Kosovo
Problem ,
Vienna - Belgrade, 1997 (Conference Paper);
Odnos prema svetu kao element gradjanske svesti
(Public Perception of the World
as an Element of Civil Consciousness)
,CSS - Argument, Belgrade, 1997 (Study)
The Public Opinion and the Attitude of Principal
International Organizations Towards
FR Yugoslavia,
CSS Survey, No.21, Belgrade, November, 1997 (Article)
Yugoslav Public Opinion’s
Perception of the World: Captives of Major Illusion,
Survey, No.19, Belgrade, August-September, 1997
della trasformazione democratica nei paesi dell’ex Jugoslavia con riferimento
particolare alla situazione nella Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia,
(Prospects of Democratic Transformation in Newly Formed States of the Former
Yugoslavia with
Special Reference to the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia), University of Bari,
Bari, February 1997; (Study)
Comparative Analysis of the Process of Democratization
and Ethnic Relations in FR Yugoslavia and the Russian Federation
(editor, with V.Gorshkov and D.Janjic ): Center for Strategic Studies,
Belgrade – Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade - Russian Independent
Institute for Social and Nationality Problems, Moscow, May 1997 (Study)
Democracy,, CSS Survey,
Belgrade, 1997, No.13/97 (Article);
Pogled na stanje ljudskih prava u Jugoslaviji
(Review of the State of Human Rights in Yugoslavia),
In: Comparative Analysis of the Process of Democratization and Ethnic
Relations in FR Yugoslavia and the Russian Federation,
Editor (with V. Gorskhov and D.
Janjic), Center for Strategic Studies, Belgrade
– Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade -
Russian Independent Institute for Social and
Nationality Problems, Moscow, May 1997 (Study)
and the Yugoslav Crisis,CSS Survey,
No.16/97 Belgrade, 1997 (Conference Paper);
Europe and Balkans,
Conference of the Center for Mediterranean Studies (CMS), Podgorica - Montenegro,
October 1997 (Conference Paper);
Internet in the International Studies,
Review of International Affairs, No.1046/97, Belgrade, 1997 (Article);
Management of Ethnic Conflicts in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia,
1997, CSS Survey, No.17/97 (Conference Paper);
Odnos prema
svetu kao element gradjanske svesti (Public Perception of the World
as an Element of Civil Consciousness - Part I),
Nasa Borba, Belgrade, 22 August, 1997
Odnos prema
svetu kao element gradjanske svesti (Public Perception of the World as
an Element of Civil Consciousness - Part II),
Nasa Borba, Belgrade, 25 August, 1997
The New Mediterranean Strategy of the European
Union and the Balkans, Belgrade, 1996,
CSS Survey, No.10/96 (Article);
Protests in Serbia: Causes and Prospects,
Belgrade, 1996, CSS Survey, No.12/96 (Article);
KEBS i nova
Evropa (CSCE and the New Europe),
Review of International Affairs, No.1030/95, Belgrade, 1995 (Article);
Common European
and Defense Policy, Review of International
Affairs, No.1033/95, Belgrade, 1995 (Article);
i savremeni svet (Terrorism and the Contemporary World),
(Radio Free Europe)
14 May, 1995
Les resultats
de la conference de Barcelone et la position des pays Balkaniques,
Cagliari, 1995 (Conference Paper);
and Security Dimensions of Mediterranean Co-operation on the Eve of the
XX Century, International Conference of the Center for Mediterranean Studies,
CMS, Kotor,
1995 (Conference
The New
European Balance, Review of International
Affairs, No.1029/94, Belgrade, 1994 (Article);
La ex Jugoslavia: prospettive di stabilita,
(Former Yugoslavia: Prospects for Stability),
Nuova Fase - Quaderni di Cultura e Politica Sociale,
No.2/94, Rome, 1994 (Article);
Bivsa Jugoslavija: Izmedju evropske i bliskoistocne
opcije (Former Yugoslavia: Between
an European and a Middle Eastern
Option), CSS, Belgrade, 1992 (Study);
Putevi normalizacije etnickih odnosa na jugoslovenskom
prostoru (The Ways of Normalisation of Ethnic Relations in the Yugoslav
Area), Collection of works "For a
New Community", Peace and Crisis Management Foundation - Zug (Switzerland)
& IPEI, Belgrade, 1992 (Article);
in the Eastern Europe and the International Terrorism,
International Conference of Indian Institute for Non-Alignment, New Delhi,
1992 (Conference paper);
New International
Order - Prospectives and Dilemmas,
International Conference of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,
1991 (Conference Paper);
integration ou eclatement - les relations Est-Ouest et les perspectives
mediterraneennes, (with the group
of authors), Publisud, Paris, 1990 (Book chapter);
Les obstacles
a la stabilisation de l`Europe, Revue
de politique internationale, No.973/90, Belgrade, 1990 (Article);
Defense (Ed.- with Jasjit Singh),
Lancer International, New Delhi, 1989 (Book);
Les autonomies
en tant que sujets de la cooperation mediterraneenne,
Quaderni mediterranei, Atti del VII Seminario per la cooperazione mediterranea,
Sassari, December 1985, (Conference paper);
Jedna interpretacija
drustvenih korena palestinskog pitanja" (An Interpretation of Social Roots
of the Palestinian Question), IPEI,
Belgrade, 1984 (Book);
in the Year 2000, UNEP, Belgrade-Cannes,
1983 (Study);
Le role
de la Yougoslavie dans les relations intramediterraneennes avec un apercu
particulier sur ses rapports avec la CEE,
UNEP, Paris, 1982 (Conference Paper);
No Allineados
- Veinte Anos Despues, Analisis, Septiembre
1982, Ano V, San Jose - (Costa Rica), 1982 (Article);
La situation
des etudes mediterraneennes en Yougoslavie,
ISPROM, Cagliari, 1982, (Conference Paper);
Nafta i
spoljna politika arapskih drzava (Oil and Foreign Policy of the Arab States),
IPEI, Belgrade, 1982, (Book);
La Jugoslavia
e la CEE, Dialogo Nord-Sud, No.27/X/81,Rome,
1981, (Article);
Last revised: August 1997