Contest Score Rumors maintained by N2RMZ

How to get your score listed here

Mike Dinkelman, ( ) has graciously volunteered to collect scores for a couple of weeks after the contest. You can either e-mail your score to him, or you can submit your score and other comments about the contest via e-mail to, where your submission will be visible to everyone that checks KM9P's 3830 Web Page, plus Mike will grab your score from there and add it to his compilation of score rumors. Remember, don't send your logs to Mike or the 3830, only your total QSOs, multipliers, etc., and final bottom-line score.

Score Rumor Menu

1999 Contest Score Rumors

1998 Contest Score Rumors

1997 Contest Score Rumors

1996 Contest Score Rumors

1995 Contest Score Rumors

1994 Contest Score Rumors

1993 Contest Score Rumors


RUFZ Contest Simulator

Rodrigo Isola Tarikian