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Rodrigo Isola Tarikian

CQ WW SSB 1999-Multi Multi
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  Links , Links ...                                                                

                                                                        Links 1 ( 1185 Sites )
  1. Web DX Call 1185

                                                                                   Links 2 ( 1463 Sites )
  1. WEB CALL LINKSOther 1463 Interesting Sites 
    Links 3 ( 1018 Sites )
  1. Packet Organizations
  2. Gateway
  3. Fast Speed Packet
  4. Mediun Speed Packet
  5. HF - VHF 1200 Baud Packet
  6. 9600 Baud Packet
  7. Pactor
  8. Clover
  10. GM SKModem
  11. GM SK Chip
  12. Spread Spectrum
  13. RTTY Sites
  14. Repeateres 
                                                                                          Links 4 ( 1005 Sites )
  1. Magazine Radio Amateur
  2. Amateur Radio Clubs - 714
  3. Shortwave Interesting
  4. Clubs Shortwave - SWL
  5. Personal Pages - SWL 

                                                                                                Links 5 ( 990 Sites )

  1.  6 Meteres DX
  2. 50 MHZ Modification
  3. 50 MHZ Repeaters
  4. 50 MHZ in The World
  5. 50 MHZ Beacon
  6. Grid Locator
  7. 50 MHZ Projects
  8. 50 MHZ Antenna
  9. Island , QSL VIA , Contest
  10. QRP DX in The World
  11. QRP Clubs
  12. QRP Project , Kits

                Links 6
  1. DX Cluster on the Net
  2. DX Bulletins and Info
  4. Progation and MUF
  5. QSL VIA DX Station
  6. E-MAIL in the World
  7. DX Callbooks Servers
  8. USA and DX Callbooks
  9. DX Clubs
  10. Contest , Calendar , Results 
                             Links 7 ( 1008 Sites )
  1. Satellite Pages
  2. Spoutnik Sites
  3. EME
  4. Solar and Terrestrial Pages
  5. Radar Sites
  6. Astronomy Pages
  7. Meteor Scater , Sporatic
  8. AMSAT Pages
  9. Time in the World
  10. NASA
  11. VHF-UHF
  13. SAREX
  14. Meteor
  15. Mars Page
  16. Weather Stations
  17. Fenomeno EL NINHO
  18. Emergency Sites
  19. Storn , Hurricane , Tornados
  20. Mir , Shutle , Mars Pathfinder
  21. HF - FAX Sites
  22. SSTV and ATV
  23. Science and Communicator 
                           Links 8
  1. Seach Engines
  2. Yahoo! in The World
  3. Buscadores em Espanhol
  4. CW Pages
  5. Antenna Projects
  6. Eletronic Aplications
  7. Radio and Other Hobbies
  8. Marine Radio
  9. Projects and Constrution
  10. Thecnology Pages
  11. HTML Pages
  12. Computer Sites 
                                                                                       Links 9
  1. Modification
  2. 144 , 222 , 432 , 903 , 1296 ,2304 , 3.4 , 5.7 MHZ Modification
  3. 10 GHZ
  4. Transverts Projects
  5. FAQ
  6. Amateur Radio Manual
  7. Kenwood and Yeasu Modification

    Links10 ( 1209 Sites )
  1.  USA Call Area  1,2,3 
                                                                                                       Links 11 ( 566 Sites )
  1. USA Call Area 4 and, 5 
                                                                                                       Links 12 ( 820 Sites )
  1. USA Call Area 6 and 7 
                                                                                                         Links 13 ( 174 Sites )
  1. USA Call Area 8 and 9 
                                                                                                         Links 14
  1. CHAT Amateur Radio
  2. CB
  4. Amateur Radio Society
  5. Khachina Radio
  6. Manufactures ( Yeasu , KLM , Comet )
  7. USENET 
    More Links.. Click Here!!!
    Quick callsign lookup: 

Rodrigo Isola Tarikian
py2kc@bol.com.br  or py2kc@hotmail.com

Update 15/12/99

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