It's become rather popular, particularly in Europe, to champion the 'Palestinian Cause' and Criticize Israel.  As this revisionist history is being created, the reporting has become so absurd and unbalance that I need to point out a few items that speak volumes as to the truth of the situation.  I started to contemplate this line of thought upon hearing the following:


    "On the day the Arabs lay down their weapons, a Mid-East peace would break out immediately."

    "On the day the Israelis lay down their weapons, there would be an immediate slaughter."


Throw all the spin you want against the Israelis - the fact is that they immediately accepted peace with their neighbors, first Egypt, and later, Jordan, when it was offered.



The old saw about making the desert bloom?  How do you deny the physical realities that show it to be so?  Not only in the literal sense, converting arid land into fertile fields, but figuratively, in cities and universities, and ethically, with scientific breakthroughs that improve the life of all mankind.  They've made so much of that tiny speck they call their own.

Compare this to their neighbors - oil wealth beyond avarice - yet what do they do?  The Saudi idea of greening the desert is limited to lavish golf courses.  Their educational systems seems to be centered on teaching Jihad - at least if you are a male - women need not apply (or even show their face in public).  Their massive wealth has done nothing to improve their lands.  Their unifying calls all center upon the need to take that speck of land from the Jews.


Is this vendetta against Israel spurred by a desire to restore Palestinian rights?  Look back not too far in history and you'll find that their was no call for such rights - when under Arab rule, Palestinians had no rights.  No calls for a homeland - until the Egyptians made peace.  Now a need arose for some new cannon fodder, and that required a cause.  Consider how long Jordan ruled the West Bank.  Where was the call for independence during those decades?  Look at Hebron - a West Bank city harped upon because a small enclave of Jews live there amongst the Arabs' vast majority.  It wasn't always so.  Research the 1929 Hebron Massacre, the Arab community rose up and murdered Jews in Hebron, driving them out.  This had been their home.  Where's the (European) cry to restore the Jew's homes?  Bare in mind, as well, that there was no Israel at this time - it was just an exposure of the root of the Middle East problem:

Muslims do not tolerate others living in their midst.

They may let them live there for a while - for they need people willing to work and skilled in order for their society to function.  But just try being openly Christian in Saudi Arabia.  Or Iran.  Or,  . . . well you get the picture.  Teaching another religion can still incur a sentence of death.  Consider also, in the current climate of world-wide terrorism - the criteria they use when choosing their victims.  Do a little research.  You'll be absolutely astonished at how many countries that opened their doors to Muslims are now facing separatist movements by these ungrateful guests.  Compare that to nations where Jews are allowed to flourish.  The count of Noble prizes, alone, is an ideal summery of their behavior.

Muslims insist their laws apply to everyone, everywhere.  Just recall how they reacted when a Dane publishes a political cartoon they don't like.  They don't merely express their dislike - they threaten lives.  And they mean it, too.  Ask the Dutch how those who write a book they don't like may end up dead.  Ask Salman Rushdi:   who spent so much of his life in hiding because his murder was authorized and encouraged by the Islamic Hierarchy!  Riots in France.  Search your memory a bit.  Check through newspaper archives:  find out how many Islamic countries and organizations expressed their disapproval of the September 11th 2001 murder of 3000 innocent souls.

Incredibly, you find that the Europeans seem to bend over and take it up the . . .