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Surname Sites 
Sapp Family
Hancock Genealogy
Sheppard Pioneers
Census Related Sites 
Family Bibles 
LDS Family History Centers 
Family History Centers in the United States
New Hampshire,
New Jersey,
New Mexico,
New York,
North Carolina,
North Dakota,
Puerto Rico,
Rhode Island,
South Carolina,
South Dakota,
West Virginia,
Family History Centers not in the United States
Other Countries
Virginia Family History Center
Creek California Family History Center
Nova Scotia Family History Center
The Directors' Nest
Family History
Center, Washington DC Temple
Family History
History Centres in Canada
Family History
Centers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Family History
Centers in North Alabama
Family History Centers
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
History Centres in Ontario
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy
Geneva Heights Family History
GA Ward's Family History Center
The LDS Family
History Center in Huntsville, Alabama
LDS Family History Centers
United States of America
LDS Family
History Centres in the British Isles
Florida Family History Center
Madison Alabama
Family History Center
Pensacola, Florida
Family History Center
To The Family History Center
Is a Family History Center
Is the Nearest Family History Center
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service
THE genealogy web site of the LDS Church. Includes
the ability to search the IGI, the Ancestral File, the Family History
Library Catalog, and web site submissions. Also has user mailing lists,
online ordering of FHL research materials and allows you to preserve your
own research online.
Mormon Genealogy
A researchers guide to finding genealogical data using LDS
resources on the internet and in Family History Centers.
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service
THE genealogy web site of the LDS Church. Includes
the ability to search the IGI, the Ancestral File, the Family History
Library Catalog, and web site submissions. Also has user mailing lists,
online ordering of FHL research materials and allows you to preserve your
own research online.
Atlanta Area Family History Centers in Georgia
Canada Family History Centers
Chesapeake, Virginia Family History Center
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Official Site of the
Sacramento California Family History Center
Includes a brief description of the Center's holdings as
well as regulations, hours, upcoming seminar schedule and news and updates
of the center.
Concord/Walnut Creek California Family History Center
Dartmouth Nova Scotia Family History Centre
Daytona Beach Family History Center ~ Florida
Family History Center ~ Rockford, Illinois
The Family History Center
From the Mobile Genealogical Society, Mobile, Alabama.
Family History Center Providence, RI Stake
Family History Centers in Canada
Family History Centers in North Alabama
Family History Centres in Ontario
Films Received at the Wintersville, OH FHC
Hartford CT Family History Center ~ Connecticut
Included are hours, directions to the FHC, and research
Howell Family History Center ~ Michigan
LDS Family History Centres in the British Isles, including Ireland and
Leesburg Family History Center ~ Florida
Lethbridge Family History Center ~ Alberta, Canada
Los Angeles Regional Family History Center
Established in 1964 to service the needs of the 9.6
million citizens of Los Angeles County as well as the surrounding county
areas. The estimated monthly patronage is over 6,300 attendees. The LAFHC
is the largest family history center satellite of the Salt Lake Family
History Library.
Los Angeles Family History Center
From the British Isles Family History Society - U.S.A. web
Madison Alabama Family History Center
Mesa Arizona Regional Family History Center ~ Arizona
Orchard Park FHC, Erie County, New York
Parkersburg, WV Family History Center ~ West Virginia
Pensacola Family History Center - Pensacola, Florida Stake
FAQ's, how to get started, links, and a searchable
database for the collection of films, fiche and books.
Roseburg Oregon Stake Family History Center
San Diego Family History Centers
Williamsville Family History Center, Erie County, New York
Personal Home Pages 
Descendants of Ansegis
Descendants of
William Parrish from abt. 1670
Descendants of Adam the First
Descendants of Isabel
(Elizabeth) De Beaumont from abt.1075
Ancestors of John Taylor
Ancestors of Julie Lynn Sheppard
Ships & Passenger Lists Sites 
U.S. Civil War Sites 
Adopt-a-Confederate Program
Project of the Col. Harry W. Gilmor Camp, SCV. Site
contains the names and units of over 600 Confederate veterans buried on
Confederate Hill, Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.
Battle of Brown's Mill
Civil War battle fought July 30-31, 1864 at Newnan,
The Battle of Honey Hill
The November 30, 1864 battle of Honey Hill, S.C. is
virtually unnamed in most histories of the war.
Battle of Lone Jack, Missouri
A source for information on the Battle of Lone Jack,
August 16, 1862, Regiments who fought in the battle, first hand accounts,
and biographies of the men who fought here. Also, eastern Jackson County
residents who witnessed the battle and who were affected by Order #11 one
year later.
Battle of Olustee ~ Florida
The Battle of Perryville, Kentucky
This site chronicles the American Civil War Battle of
Perryville, Kentucky, fought October 8, 1862.
The Battle of Pickett's Mill, Georgia
This examines the role of the 89th Illinois Infantry
Regiment in the Battle of Pickett's Mill, Georgia (May 27th, 1864).
The Battle of Port Hudson
Historical account of the Battle of Port Hudson, LA,
during the Civil War, featuring the defense of "Fort Desperate".
Battle of Resaca, GA, May 14-15, 1864
Bentonville Battleground ~ North Carolina
Scene of the last major Confederate offensive of the Civil
Bits of Blue and Grey - Gettysburg National Military Park
Observations about the park and stories about the
monuments. However, it does not include information about the battle.
Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery and Museum
Cassie & Tom's Gettysburg Photos
Personal photo collection of the Gettysburg battlefield.
Also Soldiers National Cemetery, Fort Delaware and Finn's Point Cemetery.
Casualties in the Civil War
Chalmette National Cemetery ~ Louisiana
Charleston Race Course Prison Dead, SC
Union Civil War Prisoners of War originally buried at the
Charleston Race Course Cemetery and later reinterred at the Beaufort
National Cemetery.
Chronological List of Civil War Battles
Civil War Battle Summaries
From the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the
Nation’s Civil War Battlefields.
Civil War Battle Summaries by State
Civil War Burials in Montgomery County, PA
Civil War Cemeteries
Online searchable database of interments at the Poplar
Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia. From the Civil War
Soldiers & Sailors System.
Chancellorsville Memorial Garden. A Civil War cemetery
located on hallowed ground in the gently rolling Virginia countryside
honoring the living history of the Civil War.
Civil War Field Trips
Photos of Civil War sites in Virginia, MD, WV, and PA.
Describes a college course focusing on a chronological tour of
Civil War Traveler
Photos of American Civil War battlefields, monuments, and
Civil War Veterans Buried in Stephens Co., OK
Collecting, listing & researching the Civil War Veterans
(USA & CSA) buried in Stephens County, Oklahoma.
Confederate Burial Index Search
Confederate burials for the Confederate Cemetery, located
on the corner of Amelia Street and Washington Avenue in Fredericksburg,
The Confederate Cemetery
A photographic and written description of the Confederate
Cemetery in the old village of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. The BSA Eagle
Scout project of Barry Floore of BSA Troop 20.
The Confederate Cemetery List
Lists the final resting places of Confederate Soldiers.
Confederate Dead at Canton, Mississippi
History of Canton during the Civil War, and how hundreds
of soldiers came to buried in the Canton Cemetery. New efforts in finding
the identification of the 97 unknown soldiers buried there.
Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Buried in Louisiana and Some Louisiana
Confederates Buried in Other States
Over 13,000 burials of Louisiana Confederates buried
anywhere and any Confederates buried in Louisiana.
Confederate Soldiers Buried in Our Soldiers Cemetery
Mount Jackson, Shenandoah County, Virginia.
Confederate Soldiers Rest, Historical Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis,
Civil War Veterans Buried in Stephens County, Oklahoma
A new profile each week of a Civil War veteran buried in
Stephens Co., Oklahoma.
Fort Henry, Tennessee
Regarding C.S.A. Soldier's Graves marked near Fort Henry.
Fredericksburg Confederate Cemetery ~ Virginia
Fredericksburg National Cemetery ~ Virginia
Gettysburg National Military Park ~ Pennsylvania
General John Buford's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign
Jenkin's Ferry Casualties
List of Casualties in the 1st Brigade of Parson's
Division, Army of Arkansas in the Battle of Jenkin's Ferry, 30 April 1864.
Morrisville Civil War Battlefield Preservation ~ North Carolina
Pamplin Historical Park
Site of the April 2, 1865, breakthrough of Robert E. Lee's
defenses around Petersburg, VA.
Perryville Battlefield ~ Kentucky
Names of Men Buried In the Confederate Cemeteries of Fredericksburg and
Spotsylvania Courthouse
Listed in state ordered and also alphabetically by
NVRPA - Ball's Bluff Regional Park ~ Leesburg, Virginia
History, directions and tour schedule. This regional park
preserves the site of the Battle of Ball's Bluff, the largest Civil War
engagement to take place in Loudoun County, Virginia.
Petersburg National Battlefield - Poplar Grove National Cemetery ~
Recollections of Abraham LINCOLN at Gettysburg
Researching and Recording Civil War Veterans Burials in Michigan
Rose Hill Confederate Cemetery
Confederate cemetery located in Macon, Georgia. The site
has a roster for 600 Confederate soldiers.
Seattle G.A.R. Cemetery ~ Seattle, Washington
Sherman's March Through South Carolina
Detailed chronicle of Sherman's destructive march through
the Palmetto State in February 1865.
A Small Town's Civil War History and the Hillside Cemetery Civil War
Graves Project
Research done in Middletown New York's historic Hillside
Cemetery for the location of and survey of its Civil War Union Veterans.
Spring Grove Cemetery ~ Cincinnati, Ohio
Brief history of the cemetery including a map and
locations of gravesites of forty Union generals.
USCWC Cemetery Listings
From the U.S. Civil War Center.
Vicksburg National Military Park ~ Mississippi
Wasted Valor
The Confederate dead at Gettysburg.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Battle of Shiloh
1860's Foods: Union, Confederate & on the Frontier
Excerpted authentic cooking information and recipes from
the North Collins (NY) Historical Society book by the same name.
Access Genealogy - U.S. Military Resources for the Civil War
American Civil War
From the home page of Nikki Roth-Skiles, highlighting
several regiments in which her ancestors served.
The American Civil War
From Dakota State University - Madison, South Dakota
American Civil War Search Directory
The American Civil War - The Struggle to Preserve the Union
A look at the causes, characters, and history of the
American Civil War.
American Civil War Home Page
Categorized links to other Civil War resources on the web.
American Civil War Research and Genealogy Database
Pay for use database.
Bits of Blue and Gray: An American Civil War Notebook
Bits of Blue and Gray - Chronicles of the Great Rebellion From the
Beginning of the Same Until the Fall of Vicksburg
By Rev. Allen M. Scott, D.D., 1864.
Bits of Blue & Gray - Civil War Chronological History
Chronology of Major Events of the American Civil War,
prepared by James L. Walker.
Bits of Blue and Gray - December 2000 - Along the Rappahannock River
A delightful Christmas story from the American Civil
Bits of Blue and Gray - March 2001 - Humor in the Civil War
Bits of Blue and Gray - April 2003 - Conscription - Military Draft
Conscription during the Civil War with excerpts from the
letters of a soldier about the draft.
Bits of Blue and Gray - May 2001 - On the Home Front
This column is about the folks on the home front during
the Civil War, the hardships they had to endure and the struggles they
Bits of Blue and Gray - November 2001 - American Civil War Fashions
The column describes the clothing women wore during the
Civil War era, undergarments, dresses, jackets, coats, hats, as well as
accessories, shoes, belts, purses, etc.
Bits of Blue and Gray - February 2003 - Leafing Through Our Civil War
Go through the Bits of Blue and Gray - An American Civil
War Notebook, "chapter by chapter".
Bits of Blue and Gray - Weekly Fireside Newsletters
Weekly Fireside newsletters dating back to April 1997,
from the American Civil War History Chat Room on AOL.
A Brief Introduction to Genealogy and the American Civil War
Authentic Campaigner Forums, v.3.0
Information resource for Civil War reenactors, military
and civilian, striving for accuracy in their interpretation and focusing
on research-based, documented impressions.
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion
Transcription of a book 1864 in the style of the Bible.
The Civil War
This site has extensive, original illustrations from the
Civil War, as they appeared in the pages of Harper's Weekly. Slave
Heritage Resource Center, and more.
Examines the Civil War through the Smithsonian
Institution's extensive collections.
The Civil War Archive
The Civil War Lady
Historical, military, & genealogical research of the
American Civil War.
Civil War Mysteries - Home of the Unknowns
Dedicated to the identification of the forgotten images of
the American Civil War. The mission of this website is to provide an
avenue for descendants, collectors, historians, archivists and image
dealers, etc. to post their Civil War photographs for identification and
analysis by other site visitors.
Civil War Resources
The Civil War Project
Providing information on the Civil War at the state and
national level.
Civil War Resources
Civil War Resources on the Internet: Abolitionism to Reconstruction
(1830's - 1890's)
Civil War Search - A Search Directory for the American Civil War
Civil War Soldier Vocabulary
The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS)
Online searchable database of over 5 million soldiers from
30 states and territories.
Civil War Virtual Archive Web Ring
The Civil War Virtual Archive Web Ring links web sites
containing primary reference material for those engaged in researching the
American Civil War.
Confederate Links
Categorized index of over 1,500 Confederacy related sites.
The Confederate Network
Confederate States of America
This site presents original Harper's Weekly news accounts
of the formation of the Confederacy, including biographies and other data
on key Confederate Leaders.
CWOL Webring (Civil War On-line)
Electric Cemetery
Many Civil War links.
Finding a Civil War Ancestor
Genealogy and the American Civil War
Genealogy Research Links to Revolutionary, Civil, and other War Records
History of Mapping the Civil War
From the Library of Congress.
Income Tax Records of the Civil War Years
Article by Cynthia G. Fox.
Index of Civil War Information Available on the Internet
Lesser Known Historical Excerpts Relevant to The War for Southern
Contains annotated historical excerpts that address
neglected history of the nature of the War Between the States.
Military History: United States Civil War (1861-1865)
Monuments and Markers at Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg, Antietam (Sharpsburg) and
others. See the monuments and markers of the great civil war battlefields,
from the comfort of your chair. The home of Civil War stories, books,
software and other reference materials for historians, teachers and Civil
War buffs.
Nicknames list for Civil War Regiments and Brigades - All
States. Additional nicknames requested.
Poetry and Music of the War Between the States
Includes poetry written by Civil War soldiers, both Union
and Confederate. Also includes music of the era.
Researching Civil War Soldiers
From Gaston-Lincoln Regional Library System.
Researching Your Civil War Veteran
September 2002 Music in the Civil War
Photos of musicians at Bensalem and Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania and several URLs for websites with words and/or midi files.
Tenny's Civil War Page
Touch the Elbow - Blogging the Civil War
From the authors of 'The Civil War Research Guide' -
Stackpole Books, comes a blog dedicated to researching the Civil War,
along with news and events and our thoughts on each.
U.S. Civil War Center
Links and resources for Civil War information.
U.S. Civil War Center -- Civil War Links Index
US Civil War Factbook
Chronology, info on casualties, the Confederacy and a
discussion forum.
War for Southern Independence Links
The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the
Union and Confederate Armies
Online searchable scanned images of the OR.
Which Henry Cook? A Methodology For Searching Confederate Ancestors
Article by Desmond Walls Allen.
WorldVitalRecords.com - Military
An inexpensive, growing set of pay-for-use databases.
Including vital records, court records, military records, and an extensive
collection of newspapers.
General Civil War site with many links to Civil War sites
including a genealogy page of links.
1893 Nebraska Census of Civil War Veterans
Alabama Civil War Roots Homepage
Alabama Civil War Regiments
Alton in the Civil War ~ Illinois
ALHN/AHGP New Hampshire Civil War History and Genealogy Project
Arkansas Civil War Information
The Blue and Gray Trail - The Civil War in North Georgia and Chattanooga
Bull Run Civil War Round Table
California in the Civil War
Canadians in the American Civil War
The Civil War in Alabama
The Civil War in Arkansas
Civil War Indiana
The Civil War in Florida
Includes Wakulla, Franklin, Jefferson, and Leon counties.
Includes muster rolls for units from the state.
The Civil War in Georgia
Civil War in Indian Territory/Oklahoma
The Civil War in Louisiana
The Civil War in Montana
Civil War in New Mexico
Civil War - Norwich, Connecticut
Civil War in West Virginia
Civil War: West Virginia
The Civil War websites and research of Linda Cunningham
Civil War Pennsylvania Volunteers - Medal of Honor
Pennsylvania men awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor
for their actions during the Civil War. Organized by county with full text
citations and additional commentary.
Civil War Pennsylvania Volunteers - Rosters, Genealogy ~ Pennsylvania
Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania regimental rosters,
histories, draft, casualities, pension roll, diary, letters, Medal of
Honor winners, and photos.
Civil War Records of Bucks and Northampton Counties
Civil War Richmond
Primary sources, photographs, and maps relating to the
life and history of the Confederate Capital.
Civil War Solders Who Resided in Hartland Twp., Livingston Co., Michigan
~ Livingston County, Michigan
The Colorado Volunteers During the Civil War (1861-1865)
Confederate Campaigns of the Southwest
Provisioning the Confederate Southwest Campaigns; Baylor's
Campaign; The Federal Response to the Invasion; Hunter's Arizona Campaign;
Sibley's Campaign; The Federal Retaking of the Confederate Arizona
Confederate Soldiers of Northeast Texas
Corinth Mississippi in Civil War
Dakota Territory During the Civil War
Includes a roster of all known 1st Dakota Cavalry
Edward G. Gerdes Civil War Home Page ~ Arkansas
Finding Your Civil War Ancestor in Wisconsin
Florida Civil War Genealogy
Links of interest for Florida Civil War researchers and
the email address for a look-up volunteer, David Hartman, who is a
co-compiler of Biographical Roster of Florida's Confederate and Union
Soldiers 1861-1865.
Florida in the Civil War
Gates Guards Home Page, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp # 2003
Company C, 52nd Regiment North Carolina Troops.
Information, genealogies and photographs of soldiers and units from Gates,
Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck Counties, North
Carolina. Photographs of Civil War veterans, both Confederate and Union,
from northeastern North Carolina.
Georgia Units in the Civil War
Guide to Genealogical Research on Kentucky Ancestors in the Civil War
Listing of books and articles containing names of men who
served in Civil War units (both Union and Confederate) from Kentucky.
Hardin County Civil War Veterans
Information, including burials, of Civil War veterans nad
families from Hardin County, Ohio.
Illinois and the American Civil War
Illinois in the Civil War
Illinois Trails Military
Military records for the state of Illinois. Includes
Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWII and misc.
Index of the Civil War in Missouri Links and Resources Available on the
Iowa During the Civil War
Over 1,000 pages and still growing.
Iowa in the Civil War
Kansas in the Civil War
Kentucky in the Civil War
Keokuk County Civil War Soldiers
Includes lists of Keokuk County, Iowa Civil War Soldiers.
Lancaster County Pennsylvania in the Civil War
Every name index from the book of the same name. Hundreds
of Lancaster County name references.
Lawrence County, Ohio Civil War Stories
From The Lawrence Register web site.
Maine in the Civil War
Maine State Archives Civil War Page
Maryland in the Civil War
Massachusetts Civil War Research Center
McHenry County Civil War Roundtable ~ Illinois
Men of the Civil War - Rochester Soldiers and Sailors ~ New Hampshire
Michigan in the Civil War 1861-1866
Michigan in the Civil War - A Guide to the Resources in the Bentley
Historical Library
The Bentley Library has more than four hundred collections
pertaining to the participation of Michigan men and military units in the
Civil War. Online indexes to names, regiments, battles, portraits and
"Brown's card index headings.".
Milam County, Texas Civil War Page
A reference to Milam County, Texas units and company
commanders during the Civil War.
Mississippi Civil War Information
Mississippi in the War Between the States
Missouri in the Civil War
Missouri Volunteer Forces in the Civil War with Federal Service (UNION)
Regiments for Missouri in the Civil War listed with links
to detail of battles.
Mount Sterling and the Civil War ~ Mount Sterling, Ohio
Names of Richland County Soldiers who fought at the Siege of Vicksburg
~ Richland, Illinois
Nevada Civil War Volunteers
New Hampshire Heritage, 1861-1865
New Hampshire involvement in the Civil War. Includes
genealogy, Units, stories, links, and more.
New Jersey in the Civil War
New York State and the Civil War
New York State Civil War Soldier Database
Information includes more than 360,000 men who served in
New York State Volunteer and the United States Sharpshooter units and the
state's three regiments of United States Colored Troops during the Civil
North Carolina Civil War Home Page
Collection of biographical and historical information
pertaining to North Carolina and North Carolinians in the American Civil
Northeast Georgia Civil War Round Table
Ohio in the Civil War
Ohio Civil War Infantry
Old Times, Not Forgotten
Featuring links for Arkansas resources.
Paul's Civil War Page
History of Maine soldiers and sailors during the American
Civil War period.
Pennsylvania's Civil War Conscientious Objectors
Database of names of Pennsylvania men who refused military
service during the American Civil War for reasons of conscience. Arranged
by surname and by county.
Pennsylvania in the Civil War
Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War Regimental Rosters
Hundreds of PA Civil War rosters and histories listed by
regiment. Each regiment includes field and staff officers, enlisted men,
regimental history, and PA county of recruitment.
Russell County, Virginia Civil War Website
Snohomish County, WA - Civil War ~ Washington
South Carolina in the Civil War
South Carolina in the War Between the States
The Southern Home Front 1861-1865
From Documenting the American South.
St. Croix Valley Civil War Round Table
The SCVCWRT in western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota.
Tennessee and the Civil War
Tennessee Confederate Soldiers' Home Applications
Texas Adjutant General Service Records 1836-1935
Texas Confederate War Journals
Texas in the Civil War
Trumbull County Ohio Civil War Veterans
TNGenWeb Civil War Resource Page
USGenWeb Civil War Veterans - Missouri Veterans
Vermont in the Civil War
Vermont Civil War rosters, history, casualty listings, and
cemetery listings.
Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War
Living the Civil War in Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Virginia Civil War Home Page
War Between the States in South Carolina
Designed to help the genealogist learn more about the
history of the Civil War & their ancestors who served in the War Between
the States.
Washington County, OH, in the Civil War
West Virginia Civil War Medals
A list of current owners of West Virginia Civil War
medals, as well information about the soldiers for whom they were made. A
complete history of the medals is provided.
West Virginia in the Civil War
Wisconsin Goes to War: Digital Civil War Collections
From the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh.
Wisconsin Veterans Museum
WV American Civil War Research Site
Civil War site related to Confederate West Virginia
York County, South Carolina in the Civil War
Rosters & regimental histories of units from York County.
Wills, Probate & Court Records 
Abstracts of
Ellis County Texas Wills
& Anne Arundel County Last Will and Testaments
Wills, England
VA General Index A-Z Inclusive Grantor to Grantee, Deeds, Trusts, Releases,
Wills, Etc., to Jan. 2, 1920
- Wills and Probate Records
of Unusual Words Found in Wills, Etc.
Genealogy - Wills and Probate in Kentuckiana
Co., Virginia Documents
Notices from the Houston Morning Star Newspaper 1839-1844, Texas
-Giles County, Tennessee
Wills of Mayflower
Wills on the Web
USGenWeb & Projects 
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oklahoma/Indian Territory
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Southeren US Sites 
Georgia Sites
Alabama Sites
Arkansas Sites
Florida Sites
Kentucky Sites
Louisiana Sites
Mississippi Sites
Missouri Sites
North Carolina Sites
South Carolina Sites
Tennessee Sites
Texas Sites
Virginia Sites
Georgia Sites
Berrien County, Georgia
Brooks County, Georgia
Genealogy Page
Colquitt County, Georgia
Cook County, Georgia
Effingham County, Georgia
Hancock County,
Laurens County GA Site
Lowndes County,
Georgia Genealogy Page
Marion County, Georgia
Milton County, Georgia
County GenWeb site
County, Georgia
County, Georgia
Tift County, Georgia
County, Georgia
County, Georgia
Computer Society Of Georgia
Georgia Genealogical
Georgia GenWeb
Georgia Historic
Preservation Online Project
Alabama Sites
Civil War Regimental Histories
Alabama GenWeb
Blount County,
Alabama Genealogy
Tennesee Valley
Genealogical Society (Huntsville, AL)
Arkansas Sites
Arkansas Genealogy
Florida Sites
Florida GenWeb
Kentucky Sites
Kentucky Genealogy
Kentucky Genealogical
Kentucky GenWeb
Kentucky Historical
index of Kentucky death records from 1911-1991
Louisiana Sites
Cajun Clickers Genealogy
Colonial Louisiana
History and Genealogy
Louisiana GenWeb
Mississippi Sites
Mississippi GenWeb
Missouri Sites
Boone County, Missouri
Callaway County,
Missouri (USGenWeb)
Society of Central Missouri Publications
County Genealogical Society
North Carolina Sites
County, NC GenWeb Site
Genealogical Society
County Genealogical Society
Genealogical Society
of Rowan County
Guilford County Genealogical
Moore County, NC GenWeb
North Carolina GenWeb
Pitt County,
NC GenWeb Site
South Carolina Sites
of the French Huguenots of South Carolina
South Carolina Genealogical
Research Books
Tennessee Sites
Genealogy &
Tennessee from Nancy P. Goodman
Hawkins County Genealogical
& Historical Society
Tennessee GenWeb
Tennessee Genealogical Society
Texas Sites
Lonestar Genealogy
North Texas Genealogical Association
Texas GenWeb
Virginia Sites
Early Virginia / WVA Genealogy
the 1860 Augusta County Census
Virginia GenWeb