Thanks for viewing Region V's Guestbook!

Elliot Jordan - 09/28/00 17:16:31
State Association: Iowa
Favorite Conferences Attended: NASC 2000, ILC 1999
Title or Position: Parliamentarian

Great site! Very useful for stu co people! Keep up the good work.

Ben Bobier - 08/09/00 00:12:31
State Association: Iowa
Favorite Conferences Attended: Area and State
Favorite Quote: Leadership as one word discribing it and that is influence
Title or Position: Web organizer

Great web site.I am glad the local news is updated.Thanks.

Beth Schwab - 07/07/00 02:51:13
State Association: Illinois
Favorite Conferences Attended: Nationals!!
Favorite Quote: "Smile and Say Hello Everywhere You


Melissa Rocco - 06/29/00 06:06:34
State Association: Ohio
Favorite Conferences Attended: OASC states 2000, NASC nationals 2000 in sunny California :)
Favorite Quote: ~* There are billions and billions of stars in the night sky. Reach for one. You'd be suprised at how far you can get.*~
Title or Position: OASC exec. board rep., OASC "state president" <--- :)

All I have to say is "WOW!" Region 5, you amaze me. Nationals in California this past week was incredible. There's no doubt in my mind that we definitely have the strongest, most wonderful leaders out of all 8 NASC regions :)It was a pleasure getting to k ow all of you and getting to play Ohio's state president. To the other Reg. 5 presidents: you all are such sweethearts and I'm so glad I got the chance to get to know you all. I love you guys. I know I'll be talking to you. And to Josh: Babe, you are so a azing. I appreciate absolutely everything, hun. Thanks so much. Reg. 5: You rock my world <--- :) Have an awesome rest of the summer everyone!

natalie garcia - 05/19/00 00:10:48
State Association: IASC
Favorite Conferences Attended: Nationals '99
Favorite Quote: "Effort fullly releases it reward, after a person refuses to quit."
Title or Position: State President

Greetings Region V! This is Natalie Garcia-- The 2000-2001 IL State President. Well, I am looking forward to working with you all. To the REG V State Presidents: I shall see you all in the very near future at Nationals in CA. It is going to be an AMAZING time. JOSH: You are doing a wonderful job with the site, and it's a great resource. I'll talk to you soon and thank you for coming to the IL Convention! Take care everyone love ya! natalie garcia

Ben Bobier - 05/02/00 01:24:47
State Association: Iowa
Favorite Conferences Attended: Area
Favorite Quote: We all have the power to cange the world we just have to stand up
Title or Position: Member

Cool!!!Very organized.Keep it up.

Clint Thomas - 04/13/00 21:50:08
State Association: Iowa
Favorite Conferences Attended: Nationals--June of 1999
Favorite Quote: Leadership is creating a world to which people want to belong.
Title or Position: Representative

Love the site. Hope to see more projects, community service ideas, and fundraisers. Keep up the good work.

Joe Reid - 03/18/00 01:14:21
State Association: Nothing
Favorite Conferences Attended: 1998 State Convention @ Penn
Title or Position: Rep. for school

Hey how are you Josh, great site. I like to think that with a lot of effort things get done, and one goal of mine is to setup leadership challenge days. Well check out the web site for that info. At the top later.

Courtney Warren - 03/12/00 05:43:42
State Association: IASC
Favorite Conferences Attended: NASC National Convention 1999
Favorite Quote: "Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dreen precedes the goal."
Title or Position: IASC District One Rep.

Hi Josh! I love your sight! I just want you to know that you are a wonderful person and no matter where you will go in this world you will always be my friend and your amazing charactor will leave footprints in the hearts of many. Love Ya! Court

Caitlin Hannon - 02/21/00 22:29:41
State Association: Brownsburg High School
Favorite Conferences Attended: I haven't attended any yet!!
Favorite Quote: "Life is no brief candle for me it is a sort of splendid torch which I got hold of for a moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before turning it over to future generations" George Bernard Shaw (thanks WCHS office s!!)
Title or Position: Currently just a member of student council but hoping to become more!!

I love student council and all the people in it!! I am making the decision to be a leader in my school and live by the quote I gave!! I also enjoy theater, choir, sports, academics, etc. E-mail me!!

Brian Meyer - 02/06/00 04:48:24
State Association: Indiana

It's me again (actually before, if you're reading this in order). Concerning the message just beneath this, the Area Conference in St. Louis is APRIL 7-9,not in March. Sorry for the confusion, just wanted to clear things up...

Brian Meyer - 02/06/00 04:17:15
State Association: Indiana
Favorite Conferences Attended: If I pick, I lose...all of them are unique!
Favorite Quote: People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Title or Position: IASC President

Great site, Josh! I hope everything is going well for everyone around the Region. If I can be of any help to anyone (whether you are from Indiana or not), just let me know. I'll see everyone at Rep. Assembly in March and at the Area Conference in St. L uis in March!

Joe Reid - 01/26/00 19:09:03
State Association: Indiana
Favorite Conferences Attended: State convention
Favorite Quote: "Responsibility is the price of greatness"
Title or Position: Candidate For district rep

Hey Nice site, District 1 has one two. Keep up the good work! JOE

Josh Wilson - 01/14/00 19:19:19
State Association: 6 of them...
Favorite Conferences Attended: Too many to name..
Favorite Quote: Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars.
Title or Position: NASC Region V Student Representative

Hello all! I hope that you are having a great time, and I hope that this works! Crosses Fingers...

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