Arts and Entertainment News:

Clooney Talks ER Rumors

2nd Canceled Buffy Episode to Air

Mitchum-Monroe Affair Revealed

Spacey Sets the Record Straight

Chick Flicks: Bullock, Theron Eye Roles

Chris Noth Gets CBS Deal

Charts: Christina Aguilera, Puff Daddy

Britney Sets Teen Sales Record

Pitt Eyes The Mexican

Foo Fighters Find New Guitarist

Free Robert Downey Jr. Movement

Cher Proves Ratings Queen for HBO

Liz Goes Home; King's IQ 'Damaged'
Kubrick's Clockwork Death Threats
Outside Providence: Not a Mary Sequel
Wyclef, Bono Announce Benefit
WB 'Shines' When It Comes to Sex
Indiana Jones 4: Not Until 2005
Sporty Spice Plans World Tour
Lawrence Film Moving Ahead
All-Star Cast for Marley Tribute
Love on the Felicity Set; More
Chilis, Offspring Highlight Reading '99




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