THE NEW WORLD ORDER:What it means to you.

There will be many of you who don't like the content of this page for various reasons. I support your right to disagree--That is what made this country what it is today. Refrences are provided so you can verify the information for yourself. Please keep an open mind, and try to follow the relationships between the different material presented.

I love this country for what it originally was-- and what our Constitution and Bill of Rights stands for-- not for what a few elitists want it to become.

Pat Robertson in his book, "The New World Order" said: " is clear to me that anyone who takes an oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States and then deliberately attempts to subvert the sovereignty and strategic interests of this nation in favor of those of another government--world order or not--is guilty of, in a word, treason. Think again of the words of Richard Gardner, former deputy assistant secretary of state, that appeared in the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) journal: 'We are likely to do better by building our house of world order from the bottom up rather than from the top end run around national soverneignty, eroding it piece by piece, is likely to get us to world order faster than the old fashioned assault."

Clinton, following in the footsteps of Nixon, Bush, and others, declared a national emergency due to a threat from terrorism in 1994. It has never been revoked. Eight of the National Emergencies currently in effect are Clinton's. [A later page will look at his Executive Order end-runs around the Constitution, and what they really mean.] Again, references will be given to site that display the original government documents, and related material.

If the CFR and others pushing for the world government were really intent on a benevolent form of government respectful of human rights, I might not be so set against it. But it is not: These are the people that influenced Hitler, the people who tried to bring in Hillary's health care program where an individual could be imprisoned for seeing his choice of doctor, and where citizens would have to carry a card with an eighteen digit code devided into three equal sections; 6 digits, + 6 digits, + 6 digits. This is the same code used in biochips to track animals. A radio commrcial was aired receintly for these chips to be implanted by your vet into your pets, so if they are lost, they can be found and recovered.The idea has been breached that all infants should be implanted with a chip in the hospital for the "safety of the child". The excuse being that the child could be recovered faster if kidnapped or lost. If the health care program was really in our best intrests, then why all the secrecy? Simple to boil a frog to death, put him in a pan of hot water and keep turning up the heat until he boils to death. The elitist have us in hot water already and most people don't realize it: Get used to the code int the dealth care card. Get used to chips implanted in your pets. get used to chips implanted in infants, then get ready to have the chip implanted in you.

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