Mission Statement
The mission of the United Flagstaff Fire Fighters is to ensure safety, welfare, and quality service to our membership and to the citizens of our community.

We will provide leadership, representation, and protection to our members through solidarity, support, and education.

Furthermore, we promote camaraderie amongst our members, family, fire department and community.
Values Statement
We, the United Flagstaff Fire Fighters, hold as our values to our membership, community, fire department, and ourselves;

Dedication to being unified, trustworthy, ethical, professional, impartial, honorable, and visionary.

With a commitment to being honest, respectful, loyal, and supportive, with open communications at every level.
Local Officers

Dave Manning, President

Dave Dobbs, Executive Vice President
Chris Thomas, Secretary Treasurer

Chapter Vice Presidents
Dave Dobbs (Flagstaff)

Preston Slayton (Summit)               Link to Summit FD Webpage

Kevin Dobbe (Highlands)

Josh Tope (Pinewood)

Political Action Committee
Jared Saylor, PAC Chairman/ Charities Manager
Robert Oberly, PAC Assistant

Executive Board Trustees
Eric Brown - Flagstaff
Bill Morse - Flagstaff
Todd George - Flagstaff - Member Support
Todd Dobbs - Flagstaff - EAC
Scott Strohmeyer - Flagstaff - EAC
Brett Mierendorf - Flagstaff
Chris Fennel - Summit
Mike Gillespie - Summit
Grant Bradley - Highlands
Todd Miller - Highlands
Rich Barrone - Pinewood

Photo pages

Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona

Muscular Dystrophy "Fill the Boot"

2006 MDA Total = $21,000

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