Gassebon's Desk --- War against war

Back with slavery?

Only Joking !

Criminal slavery is truly evil and should stay forbidden

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But 'corrective slavery' of aberrant citizens is perhaps is perhaps not such a bad idea.  

For practical purposes the object with penitentiary services is twofold: To remove damaging aberrants from society and to serve as a remedial agent by punitive means for the sake of integrating previously 'bad' citizens afterwards as 'good'  citizens into society.  

Gassebon pleads innoscent of knowing all possibilities in correctional avenues pursued. Among those that do come to mind over and above the purely punitary effects of being jailed, are rewards for good behaviour, inhouse labour & training, punishment to perform civil duties and work on parole. They may even be laying in the scalpel here and there, even down to the genes, but lets stick to the defendable, for the time being. There are developing countries where the tendency is directly the opposite to correction, where jails literally overflow with accellerated criminals : an over populated concentration of bad influences result in penitentiaries being factories of worse criminals and broken people instead of positively adapted citizens.  

In his ignorance Gassebon feels that as an extension to civil duties and parole work, a more 'fashionable', more humorous and more accommodating approach to employment of aberrant citizens in remedial exercises may be productive. -- There are of course cases where rehabilitation appears to be impossible. But are there workable evaluation systems that compare the 'rehab values' of types of social duties performed by prisoners in a normal social environment with what is attained with straight 'jail time'? --- the kind of duties that will fill any citizen with a sense of achievement and that may have a kind of accellerating value i.t.o rehabilitation?  

It may well be that psychometric evaluation has been refined sufficiently somewhere in the world to make possible the classification of aberrant people into categories according to their succeptibility to various kinds of rehabilitation. Free society may well score in terms of lower crime rates and 'free' capital growth by accepting an active remedial role in the rehabilitation of aberrant 'brethren', rather than being kept at a distance from well intended penitentiary facilities that have unfortunately become festering breeding holes for more instead of less unwanted qualities.   -- Might be a boon four ways: saving penitentiary costs, more space for the dangerous ones inside, cheap labour for you and perhaps most important : opportunity for a number of lost souls to knit with society in a meaningful way.

The knitting process may start with casual engagements and, should you get along with your proteges, could end with full voluntary  employment. It will be interesting to compare notes from places that do and places that do not employ such methods.    

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Every perspective may reveal a different aspect of the problems we face from day to day.

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