Part two of HTML Lesson

In this section we are going to discuss some of the various attribute tags that you can use to build your webpage.


There are different size headings for you to use size 1 through 6. They will be put in using these tags as follows:

<H1>Your text here</H1>

This is the largest

<H2>Your text here</H2>

This is the next size

<H3>Your text here</H3>

Look at it now

<H4>Your text here</H4>

See it getting smaller

<H5>Your text here</H5>

Getting the idea?

<H6>Your text here</H6>

This is the smallest

Now you will want to select a heading size that best fits your needs. You will put the <H1>before the part of the text you wish to make that particular size. Then put the </H1> at the end of the text. Try to keep your text size uniform throughout your website.

Making things bold and italic and underlined. You can do that by using these tags:

<b><i><u>close them the opposite way like</u></i></b>

This is how it would look

If you just want bold text just use the <b> tag.

If you just want italic text just use the <i> tag.

If you just want to underline something just use the <u> tag.

Don't forget the close tag when you are finished with what you want bold, italic, or underlined.


Now let's discuss some other things you may wish to use on your webpage. One thing is background music. While the music may sound great to you it can be annoying. So you may want to put it in using a speaker for people to click on to hear the music play. Note as with images it is now necessary to transload the music to your own website.

Here are the tags you would use to put music on your site and they will be put after the <BODY>tag.

<bgsound src="URL of song"> This one will put the song on your webpage and it will begin playing when a visitor goes to your page.

<embed src="name of song"> This one will put a speaker on your page for visitors to click on to here the song play. It is a good idea to put the name of the song under the speaker so visitors will know what they are listening to.

Now let's discuss fonts. They are used to make text size larger or smaller and also to color certain sections of text.

The font tag looks like this <font>

The close font tag looks like this </font>

You can use the font tags to control the size of your text instead of the <H1> tags. However most people prefer to use heading tags.

Here is an example of what a font size and color would look like:

Have a good day

That is using the biggest font number 7 and the color red.

You would put it in like this:

<font size="7" color="red">Have a good day.>

The lower the number the smaller the text. You can use any color you would like. Make sure at the end of the text you put </font>

That ends the block of text you want in that size and color.

Next you might want to use some List. There are different types of Lists for you to use. One is an ordered list.

This is how it looks.

  1. Bread
  2. Milk
  3. Butter

Here are the tags to put in an ordered list:






You can also use an unordered list that would look like this.

The tags for this are:






That puts a dot in place of the numbers 1 2 3

There are other lists for definitions etc, but I am not going to list them all here.

This will give you a good start on your homepage using HTML.

I am going to take you to a page now that will give you some places to go to look at different backgrounds, images, colors, etc.

Now go to Look for the next part of the lessons.

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