This page is dedicated to all my friends who's help
made it possible to design this website. I hope you will
visit each and everyone of them. You will find their sites
and generosity to be overwhelming.
Draac's site was one of the first places I went to and I
could not have asked for a better friend. His site contains
so much information it would be impossible for me to list
it all here. So thanks draac. Visit his site you won't
regret it.
Next is a special friend Patrick. His work and efforts
to provide us with "FREE" images and backgrounds goes
beyond the call of duty.
Below you will find a banner that will take you to
Patricks Site where I have used many of his graphics
to make awards and other things. They are free to use
so visit him today.
Speaking of a very special lady. Rexy is one of the best. Just ask her and she will even make a design for you. Visit her site today.
Next is a good friend indeed. His name is Jim. He has put together a terrific site for webtv users and computer users as well. I learned alot there. You can to.