Jerry and I went down to the Office Manager at Allied so I could sign the rental agreement, pay the rent and one third of the security deposit. After that was done we were given the keys. Jerry and I went up to the third floor (Yes there are elevators) and began taking measurements to see which pieces of our furniture would fit and where we would put them. The apartment was a two bedroom with a combined dining and living room, along with a kitchen and bathroom. Well as you could imagine if you ever had to move from one apartment complex to another it was quite an ordeal trying to figure out what would go where. My wife was not able to come with us at the present time, but she did give us a list of things she wanted to keep and where she would like them to be. After checking things out we found out we would have to sell some of our bigger pieces of bedroom furniture, as they would not fit in our new home. How I hated to tell my wife!!! In the meantime Jerry and I were busy packing up all of our worldly belongings (yes Mary Lou could and did help with that phase. We were also bringing a lot of small things to our new home by car.(clothes, pictures, lamps, dishes etc). This went on for nine days. Then finally moving day came on the morning of 31 March 89. We rented a UHAUL truck and with my brother Dave's help started moving to our new home. It took around 5 hours total just to move from Clarks Summitt to Scranton. Jerry rode with Dave in the UHAUL truck. Mary Lou went in the car with me. I had handed in the keys to our old home and did the checkout, so it was goodbye Clarks Summit and look out Scranton here we come. We arrived and I took Mary Lou up to our new home, and parked here in the living/dining room. Then Dave, Jerry, and I started to unload the truck and move things in. It took around two hours to get everything in the apartment. Dave couldn't stay so he went to return the truck. Jerry, Mary Lou, and I were now on our own with one big pile of boxes furniture and Mary Lou crying in the living/dining room, saying "it's not going to fit". Well it took the rest of the day just to get things arranged so we could at least move around and have someplace to sit down and rest.(Mary Lou was in her wheelchair) but that's not very comfortable. The head of the maintenance staff came up and did our check in list. There were a few things I noticed that he had to put down as being there before we moved in. (Make sure you look around your apartment and check everything so you will 1be able to say look at that it was here when I moved in) or else if you ever have to move up they will charge you to do any repairs or touch-up work before the next newbee moves in. He also told us a firedrill was schedueled for 2 pm, but since we just moved in we could disregard it. (Thank Heaven for little favors) About three days later we were finally all settled in and everything was in it's proper place. (Mary Lou had to admit it did fit). Everything looked really nice and we were finally home. Now Jerry had to get registered at a new school disrict in Scranton, as it turned out is was my old highschool, Scranton Tech. Next came changing our address and phone number, plus getting the cable hooked up and the phones turned on. (Phones I did ahead of time so we could talk to the outside world).we were given a copy of our lease and a tenant handbook to look at A nice lady by the name of Helen came to visit and give us our official welcome to our new home. She is a wonderful lady who was very helpful and gave us a lot of useful information on living at McDade. She still lives here today, and is still helping people both old and new in any way she can. |