
Confuse-Us is simillar to Confucius, but where Confucius came up with rules to guide you through life, Confuse-Us is all about the rules of life (somewhat changed since the time of Confushus) guiding us.

Rule #1 It is better to be OFF THE WALL, then climbing it! It's obviously a better state of mind to have fun then be stressed out.

Rule #2 He that maketh to the Land of Milk and Honey... Steps in Cow Pies and gets Stung, a lot! No matter what your expectations, expect disapointment.

Rule #3 You need a cup of Coffee, to make a cup of Coffee Society accepts this drug additction. However the process of making that first cup of coffee in the morning is very difficult, hence why automatic coffe makers with timers are so popular!

Rule #4 You need your glasses to find your glasses Similar to the "Coffee" rule, but if you wear glasses, you'll know what he's talking about!

Rule #5 It's always in the last place you looked for it, because you wouldn't keep on looking once you've found it. There are some who try to make exceptions ot this rule, like the happily married man that has an affair.

If you've come up with more "Rules" Email me with them and I'll add them!

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