Y2K Problem?

Is Y2K going to be a disaster? We as God-fearing, America-loving Christians had better hope so.

The majority of the masses aren't afraid. They say with pride, "they're only saying that the end is coming because it's the end of the century/millenium." These scoffers are walking about mocking the very thing that threatens to wipe out the world system! I say that if Y2K ends up being a dud, America is going to be in serious moral trouble. After all, many of the people who are wisely preparing for Y2K are Fundamentalist Christians. I pity the world if these "kooks" are proven wrong once and for all!


"See, your prophesied end of the world didn't come!"

I can imagine that the Dow Jones Industrial stock market is going to fall just before Y2K hits. After all, what fool would leave their hard-won fortune in a market or bank that everyone says is going to crash on a specific date?! Not me! American intervention in Kosovo is a problem that could get several countries (superpowers) into a head-on conflict with the United States.

If Y2K crashes society, then the mark of the beast would surely be delayed, as people would no longer trust technology. We hope that America will repent and turn from her sins. But, in the twentieth century, devious governments have found that as long as people are satisfied with wealth, material possessions and illusions of security, they are more than willing to hand over their freedom to a satan-ordained government who promises to safeguard their liberties and make their lives easier. Just keep in mind that you are giving the government free labor for one third of the time you work. That's 2 hours and 45 minutes for every 8 hours of time that we could be spending with our friends or families.

What happens if people build even more trust in banks and technology? Will they move on to more advanced, cashless methods of financial transaction? Will the world repent before Jesus comes? Many people can see the signs of trouble coming, as people slip into spiritual darkness across the land. Revival is happening in many Christian circles, and the darkness which is overtaking the secular world is growing darker and darker. Many see tribulation on the horizon.

Before the Holocaust, there were many Jews which were not distracted by the everyday hussle of life. They saw that something just wasn't right. It didn't just come in with a bang wearing neon lettering, but it creeped up on a population considered to be just "good ol' folks." It came as a subtle attitude. Many Jews fled Germany when they saw the first sign of persecution coming, and they and their families were spared. Many, not wanting to look reality square in the eye, turned a deaf ear and simply would not heed the warnings. After all, how could a Catholic Chancellor, which was elected by democratic process in a free country, kill anyone? They had their ears plugged with willfull ignorance until the crematorium door slammed shut behind them.