I believe that the BIBLE (KJV!) is the only valid and absolute source of moral instruction. Although churches, pastors, clergy and other instruments of God are meant for our growth, they are only human, as I am. They are subject to fail from time to time, as I am. In other words, Hell is too hot for me to trust what men say for my salvation!
I am a member of the "Church of God" denomination. But I realize that in today's world, wicked men have penetrated the church and some members place politics above Christ, while many lost and dying souls are on their way to Hell as you read this. Many mainline churches (and some that we never thought would, too) have abandoned the get-up-and-work-for-God attitude that was characteristic of the early followers of the Christian faith. Instead, they settle down on their pews to listen to a feel-good sermon that slaps them on the wrist at best. You know what kind I'm talking about-the kind that makes you feel good about doing nothing. Many claim to want revival, but we really don't want revival. We should want to see people get saved, and not just fill our church pews so we can get more money in the offering plate! If we wanted to see people get saved, we would be doing something about it.
I have heard the Gospel all of my life. I was raised in the Church of God. If there is anything redeemable about my childhood, it would have to be the fact that I was raised in church, and that is of everlasting importance. But I never saw any strength in Christianity. Most people I knew were concerned with things like profit, pleasing others, and looking good. These things are worthless ventures, if I do say so myself. Looking at the current condition of this country, I don't believe that any of us have an excuse to sit idly watching ESPN.
It is obvious that our American freedoms are being eroded away, slowly but surely. We are being lulled into a state of sleep and contentment. As long as our wallets are fat, our cars are nice and our houses big, we don't care about what is going on in the world around us, even if it threatens our very being! What fools we've become! We have had freedom so long that we take it for granted! We are so used to being in a "Christian" society, that we don't even react when we see the filth in today's world! "It's just the ways of the world," we say with apathy. As Christians, we are supposed to be the "salt of the Earth," and no one can accomplish that by sitting around and soaking up those things we take for granted! The first big leap is to move!
I have heard people say, time and time again, that the American People would never allow such a thing to happen. Be it gun confiscation, mandatory biochip implants, abolishment of free speech and religion, the American People would never have it. I'm sure people thought the same things about abortion and the removal of school prayer, too. It happened. And now they have taken the Pledge of Allegiance out of most schools. Heated debates are going on to determine whether to strip our nation's historic and precious motto, "In God We Trust," from our coins and currency. What a disgrace to our nation. The truest and purest form of freedom is American Made.
You must believe that you have the power to change things. We must all be responsible for our little corners of the world. If you win someone to Jesus Christ, you have won a prize indeed. And if you gain someone's support, then that is just one more person who can rally the support of others. Like it or not, we are all in this together. What happens to one will eventually happen to all. The government is just getting its foot in the door with events like the Waco Massacre and Ruby Ridge. One of these days it very well may boil down to war. And no, the militia won't fight it for you.
1 Jan 1999