Updated: 26 July 1999
Amendment II: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
As we all know, the Littleton, Colorado shooting at Columbine High has poured gas on the gun control fire. More and more citizens who do not own firearms or don't shoot them for recreation are starting to favor stricter gun control laws. And I thought they were just starting to come around and waken to the fact that firearms DO protect freedom! This was definitely a BIG step backward for concerned Christians and Patriots who have known all along that guns protect liberty and safeguard freedom. A good example of this is Germany, who passed her gun control laws four years prior to the Holocaust.
In his article entitled An Appeal for Repeal of Second Amendment, William Safire (New York Times) states, "Here's how to fix a flawed amendment that is the source of so much confusion: Repeal its ambiguous preamble. Let some member of congress introduce an amendment to strike the words before the comma in the Second Amendment." They want it to read "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Yeah, right. They don't want us to have the right to form militias or other armed groups to combat government oppression, and they take away the most important part of the amendment: the philosophy behind it, and the very reason the amendment even exists!
If they can successfully undermine the reason for the amendment's existence, it won't be long before they can rationalize the removal of the entire amendment! Assembling together with weapons would not be considered "peaceful assembly" either, in this kind of mindset. Equally as bad would be to ignore and not enforce/uphold it, like we do the fourth amendment and laws against adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, etc. in this country.
Clinton's little Kosovo war became illegal on May 23, the 60-day mark at which he must withdrawl our weaponry until congress gives the green light and declares war. Well, did he? This is sick that the majority of Americans have turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to his blatant (not to mention illegal), unrepentant immorality. According to hearsay, our treasonous president is considering calling overseas troops home in a few months, just to "deal with Y2K." However, I won't do any speculating here; We should just prepare for the worst and let what happens happen. It's also appearant that Hillbillary doesn't want out of power, either. Let them run for office in Russia so that maybe they can ruin their military as well.
Since we are a government for the people, by the people and of the people, we are responsible for the actions of our country - no matter how corrupt and Godless it may be. I realize that there have been many bills in the past that would totally ban handguns, assault rifles and some even hunting rifles. Of course, none of them passed: but what if one did? Well, are they going to take our guns? Just how serious are they about oppressing We the People? The illuminati is only inches away from accomplishing their goal of one world, under sin, with justice for those with dollars. They have been trying to bring in the New World Order for literally hundreds of years! Do you think they are just going to give it up all of the sudden?
The thought of troops going around ransacking houses and stealing guns out of citizen's hands just makes my stomach turn; nevertheless we must meet them with the blood of The Lamb over the front door and keep the true American Spirit alive. Remember the Minute Men.
"The United States should get rid of its militias." - Joseph Stalin
"...the privilege of being used to save innocent children continues to change this unpleasantness into joy. What I did was extremely difficult, but the reward for having persevered is immeasurably great. Often the most unpleasant and difficult of tasks provide the greatest reward once the difficulties are overcome. ...The inner joy and peace that have flooded my soul since I have cast off the State's tyranny makes my little cell a triumphant and newly liberated kingdom. I shutter at the thought of ever returning to the oppressive bondage currently enforced by the State." - Paul J. Hill