Relativism: The belief that ultimate truth is relative to the beliefs of each individual.
The Underlying Principle
At the roots of relativism, we no doubt find the root of man's fall into sin - selfishness. It was present when Adam and Eve bit the apple in the Garden of Eden and it is present now, in the age of the atom bomb. Man hungers after more for self, and the quest of self-fulfillment never ends. This is what a relationship with Jesus Christ aims to establish - self-denial. When we deny self, we deny and put behind us the sin committed in the Garden of Eden.
The Results Prove What Is Right!
"Relative Truth" people are weak mentally and spiritually because they have no absolutes to stand on! Ever wonder why it's so hard to witness to some people? You can reason God to them and tell them the truth until you're blue in the face, but they just don't get it! Their response is a typical one: "That may be the truth for you, but it isn't for me." Until we start redefining ourselves in Biblical terms, we can count on the status quo never changing.
God has set certain standards that are absolute, regardless of our changing beliefs. The Truth will never change (Gal. 2:5,14).
A Riddle to Confound Fools
It was a lie from the start! Absolute truth does exist - in the form of God's Holy Word! The very people who follow the philosophy of relative truth claim it to be absolute!
Blurring the Line Between Men and Women
Liberals (relativists!) would also seek to distort the line between men and women, so that a woman might have power over a man. Is it any wonder that half of all marraiges end in divorce?! Your spouse does not want a weakling! Some men spend their time whining and crying, instead of`taking the authority that God gave them (Ps. 8:4-8)! A woman, also, should not be weak, but should spend her time in ventures that will prove profitable for her and her family (Prov. 31:10-31).
Liberalism destroys balance in a marraige, so that one party abuses and the other acts in a manner that would make it seem that he/she wants to be abused. Just as racism divides the races, the feminist theology that has leaked into the American mainstream drives a wedge between the sexes that God meant to be unified.
Last Updated: 2 Jan 1999