Today, many Americans are used to relying on the government for doing everything from protecting them to putting food on their tables and a roof over their heads. The people have shifted from self-reliance and trusting in God to relying on the government. It has gotten so bad that many go as far as to expect the government to provide their most basic necessities. All paths lead to and from the government, and one must ask permission from a government center ("obtain a liscense") in order to perform the basic duties of living. While many have not become reliant on government handouts, most have come to accept the government handout of "protection," even though police rarely prevent crimes from happening. My heart goes out to those few honest cops that really are doing the best they can to protect and serve the innocent.
Protect Thyself!
They will tell you that police prevent crime, but people still get raped and murdered on a daily basis! Even the best of law enforcement cannot play bodyguard for every person alive! In actuality, the only defense against crime that you have is your ability to defend your family, self, and property that God has charged you to be a good steward of.
If you will not rise to the duty of protecting your family and self, then why would you ask another to do so for you? This is beside the fact that those who don't provide for their own are "worse than infidels." A man's responsibility to feed his family doesn't cease just because the government decides to give handouts to everyone who asks; therefore, the responsibility of protecting one's family does not end just because the government hires people to "do it for you." Is a cop's life (ie - someone involved in the community and providing for their family) only worth the $25,000-$30,000 per year that he gets? They don't want to die anymore than you do, so protect your own house without expecting anyone else to take a bullet for you! The world will tell you that a person's worth is how much money he has but God says that a soul is worth more than the whole world!
The ruling class believes that laws are for others to abide by. Since they make the laws, they figure that they aren't subject to them. They believe that the common man is too stupid, unlearned, and ignorant of right and wrong to carry out and enforce laws. My friends, THEY are the ones too stupid and ignorant of right and wrong to be making laws in the first place. Many laugh and mock the newly elected governor of Minnesota, pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura. I do not keep up with his politics (or wrestling) but I am amazed at the attitude of people toward this common man who knows nothing about politics. "Conservatives" (if that label is still valid!) have always been ranting and raving, saying they want someone that isn't a crook in office. Well who did you want? Someone that knows about political games and money under the table? Someone that cannot stand by his convictions for fear of damaging his political career? Our founding fathers had in mind a system whereby the people (ie - wrestlers, business owners, army veterans, car mechanics, doctors & lawyers, carpenters, school teachers etc.) were to rule the country. NOT a ruling class made up of career politicians who are loyal only to mammon and filthy lucre. NOT self-righteous hypocrites who believe that laws are for everyone else. NOT lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God!
We Must Be Held Accountable!
The problem is not with the police, but the populace. We have become soft over the years, especially here in the digital era. When I get hungry, I don't have to into the woods and hunt for food. I just go to the nearest McDonald's and tell the lady what I want and it's ready in 2 or 3 minutes! Starvation doesn't even cross my mind. Maybe it should, but it doesn't.
This is where the "judge thyself" charge of the apostle Paul comes into play. We are told in our society that "I'm OK, you're OK" no matter what we do! A man can come home from work and drink beer and watch football all day long, 7 days a week if he wants to! The only problems he stands to face in life are minor incidents at work or at home, but never any real moral achievement. It isn't very likely that the average American will be shot, martyred for their faith, eaten by wild animals, or otherwise live in constant fear, pain, and suffering, or experience starvation. If you are willing to submit to whoever's in charge so that you can continue to get drunk, chase women and watch skin flicks and basketball with your buddies, you probably won't encounter much opposition, at least until you stand before Great White Throne of God! It is good that I only have to give an account of my own life. We must first "judge ourselves" and realize that we are lacking in the ruggedness of the hard life. Sometimes it's just plain good to go out into the woods for awhile and "fend for yourself."
Communities Should Handle Criminals Themselves!
Many times in the past, the populace punished evil themselves, without the help of the ruling authority. In Bible days, a husband would decide whether or not to punish (by death) his adulterous wife. They would have a little court session and if he wanted her put to death, he would get his wish, although in many cases the husband would forgive his wife (or vice versa) and they would go about the daily tasks living.
The Sheriff should have the power to round up a posse of citizens (not career cops) to deal with civil strife. If someone commits murder, then that person should have their fate decided and carried out by the community (ie - responsible citizens, common men, "those least esteemed among you"), and not by the government (ie - ruling class, so-called "experts" and other pharisee types). This is called community involvement, and the fact that citizens were allowed to handle their own affairs kept a tight lid on things. If someone is trying to live right and judge righteous judgements, he is no less capable of carrying out a sentence than that alleged sodomite President Clinton! The Constitution only guarantees the right to a fair trial. People talk about how the innocent are put to death when the whole nation doesn't get involved, but ignore the fact that the innocent have been, are being, and shall be harmed by the federal government for acts they didn't commit. Political gain and the destruction of political opposition works on the national level as well as on the community level. It will always be that way because the ways of men lead to destruction and Hell, but the way of God leads to life eternal. Man's righteousness is as filthy rags but Bill Clinton's are no cleaner and a federal judge is no more worthy to judge than you or I.
Preaching is ordained by God, but not all preachers are. Government is ordained by God, but not all governments are. We must obey the one who can do something about our disobedience. Clinton doesn't have a Hell to put us in, but God does...