Nukes in the US?

Awhile back, I became concerned about some reports I had been hearing about suitcase nukes in the United States. They are supposedly along major fault lines, including the Shenendoah Valley in Virginia. They are reportedly in the midwest and in discreet locations in big cities, although the latter is based on logical speculation from knowledgable sources.

Just today (August 9, 1999), it hit the mainstream news that muslim terrorist Bin Laden has aquired 20 or more nuclear suitcase bombs from some former Russian states. Laden is backed by Iraq technologically and politically. He is marked by his contempt for the United States, and has been responsible for many acts of terrorism against the U.S. His sole purpose is the destruction of the United States. What do YOU think he's going to do with those nukes? He's not going to bury them for the betterment of humanity, that's for sure. I believe that it is quite possible that the nukes that have reportedly been in the U.S. all along are the property of Bin Laden. If they are already here, he IS going to use them; count on it.


Russian Troops:

Russia has a distinct pattern that marks their warfare. Whenever they plan to declare war, they always send a special group of commando-type soldiers into the country to gain access and information about major utilities, and to get into position to assassinate key local, state and federal leaders. They prepare biological and chemical attacks against major and sub-major cities, and wait on the signal. When the top brass in the Russian military give the green light they attack, assassinating leaders and poisoning water supplies, doing the damage that they have been assigned to do. While they are doing this, the target country goes into panic, and the diversion is sufficient for the Russian military to go on ahead with the main assault. Might I remind you, Russian troops have been here for the longest time.

If this doesn't shake your boat then consider the book called "Unrestricted War" that was penned by two Chinese military strategists a few weeks ago. It dealt entirely with war against the United States. More than a military strategy book, it was an expression of how weak the Chinese feel in comparison to the United States.

Russians are our sworn enemies, yet traitors like Hillbillary Clinton and klon-dyke Janet Reno continue to let them operate on our soil. It has been almost 200 years since American soil has seen war, and don't think that the Russians don't know that. They WILL attack the United States; maybe before the next millineum, maybe shortly after. But THEY WILL ATTACK sooner or later, and you can take that to the bank.

Major fault lines are not safe havens from nukes, and population centers are not safe from ANY form of NBC assault. Montana, by the way, has the twice the U.N. presence of any other state in the union. The U.N. is not stupid; they know to put their troops where the most resistance is. HAARP's main transmitter is located in the Yukon-right outside of Alaska, which is also the home of one of the largest unmanned "prisons" (or concentration camps) in America, with a capacity of about 2 million. When you add all of the figures together, including "concentration camps," guillotines and shackles found in special railroad cars, you come up with a capability to process about 15 million people, or 8% of the population. About the number of informed Americans who are not gutless enough to let tyranny get a stranglehold on the country.